Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 265 After being exiled, he expanded his territory and killed the Emperor Zha

Chapter 265 After being exiled, he expanded his territory and killed the Emperor Zha (11)

After a while, the right minister and his wife walked out of the snow with support.

Mother Liang took Mrs. Youxiang to the back room. As soon as she entered the room, a moist and warm wave of heat hit her face. She was so surprised that a well-informed person like Mrs. Youxiang subconsciously exclaimed.

"It's so warm! It's even more comfortable than spring!"

The room was warm, and the charcoal fire in the stove was blazing. Two little children, Liang Zhaozhao and Liang Mumu, were lying on the kang playing with wooden horses in light jackets. Green Screen, also wearing light clothes, was sitting by the stove warming wine.

There was a jar full of wine, and now a pot was warmed up. The whole room was exuding a faint aroma of wine. The right minister behind him was attracted by the aroma of wine as soon as he entered the door.

Lu Ping saw Jin Shu's eyes and immediately handed over a glass of hot wine with understanding.

"Your Excellency, please have a glass of wine to warm yourself up. This is the wine that the lady bought from the wine country on the way here. I don't know if it will suit your taste."

The right minister took it, smelled it, and drank it in one gulp.

"Good wine!"

It's been too long since he's had such a good drink!

After one cup, my chaotic mind became clearer!

Jin Shu smiled and invited him to sit down.

A round table was placed in the room, and a plate of baked dumplings was already placed on the table. The green screen was pouring wine next to it. The two of them were drinking, and other people happened to be arriving one after another.

"Don't be polite, everyone, the wine is enough! Just drink!"

After drinking to the fullest, the former governor pinched the cup and cursed with red eyes.

"I went through life and death for the Huangfu family! In the end, I was exiled here by a young emperor! Ridiculous! Hateful!"

His words first opened the floodgates.

No one who came here planned to go back, and all the ministers cried and complained, prostrating themselves in front of the right minister and complaining about injustice as before.

Seeing that everyone was almost done drinking, Jin Shu raised her cup.

"I know the pain and grievances in everyone's hearts. It's just that the world is like this. Let's not talk about it in the past. The most important thing now is to take a longer view.

Northern Xinjiang is so big and has hundreds of small countries. Everyone can establish their own territory. Why can't we? "

As soon as this was said, everyone fell silent.

To establish an independent territory is a crime of rebellion, a grave crime that implicates the nine tribes!

Jin Shu looked at everyone and smiled.

"I would like to ask, will everyone encounter a worse situation than now? Just because the imperial court made a mistake in taking sides, a whole family, old and young, were left here to fend for themselves. Can everyone really swallow this?"

After speaking, she took a sip of wine.

"Today at the banquet, you and I don't have the taboos in the officialdom of the past. We are just friends who have fallen from the world, hugging each other for warmth.

Today, if everyone agrees with what I just said, then I will drop the cup in my hand.

If you don't agree, that's okay. When you wake up drunk, it's just a dream. The bitter cold days in northern Xinjiang are not over yet. Let's endure it slowly. "

Everyone, look at me and I look at you, no one dares to be the first.

Just then there was a sudden sound of a cup breaking!

Everyone looked around quickly and looked shocked when they saw the person who threw the cup.

At this time, the right prime minister supported the table and smashed the cup in his hand.

"If you don't dislike me, girl, I'm willing to fight to the death to accompany you!"

"The right minister has said so! We have nothing to hesitate about!" "Yes! Throw it down! The imperial family doesn't want us! We will make our own home and make our own decisions!"

The sound of cups breaking kept coming and going, and everyone was in such high spirits that they didn't even notice the figure passing by outside the door.

Jin Shu noticed it, she raised her lips and smiled, her expression as usual.

"The dumplings are ready! Let's eat dumplings!"

The dumplings are all thin-skinned and filled with juicy fillings. Everyone following Jin Shu has not suffered much since the exile.

The word "character" in a person's life must be ranked behind the whole grains and grains. If you can't have enough to eat, why should you talk about other things?

That night everyone came home drunk and had a good night's sleep.

As for Jin Shu, she went to the military camp after time stopped.

Arnold once told her that standing still should not hurt anyone.

He only said he couldn't hurt others, but he didn't say he couldn't do anything else.

Taking advantage of the night, Jin Shu arranged everything. There was still plenty of time left, so Jin Shu directly centered on the military camp and spread out to the surrounding areas to conduct an on-the-spot investigation of the tribes stationed nearby.

The northern border area is vast, almost the entire area of ​​XJ in modern terms. Jin Shu traveled to almost thirty or forty tribes in one night, with nearly a thousand people in the big one and only fifty or sixty in the small one.

The largest garrison with a radius of a hundred miles is a small neighboring country, with a city and an army of 50,000 people.

The inspection was almost over, and Jin Shu took advantage of the still space without wind or snow to carefully search for materials and study the geothermal system.

The most important thing to make water more convenient is to lay underground water pipes. Thanks to the combined research experience of the two worlds for nearly two hundred years, it is not difficult to make water pipes with existing materials. When it gets up the next morning, it is simple. The household water dispensing device is ready.

Jin Shu tried it. After being wrapped in a thick layer of thermal insulation cotton, the water pipe would not freeze easily. The other end of the water pipe was connected to the river water under the ice behind it. A simple check valve could control the flow of water.

Just as the whole family was sighing that there was such a magical water-fetching device in the world, a shout suddenly came from the door.

"Girl Jin! The commander asked you to come over!"

Jin Shu was prepared, washed her hands, took her equipment and came to the military camp. At this time, there was already a cry of mourning inside. There were many soldiers lying in the tent, all holding their stomachs and unable to move.

The commander looked sad.

"I don't know what kind of epidemic has happened again. It's been like this overnight. Let's see if there is any way to cure them."

Jin Shu took a quick look.

"There are ways, but there is no guarantee that everyone will survive."

"It's okay, no matter what method you use, just use it first and then talk about it."

"Okay, I'll make the medicine."

The commander arranged for a helper for her. After preparing the medicine, he took the helper to distribute medicine to all the soldiers one by one.

One day passed, and eight soldiers died in the military camp. Most of them returned to normal after taking the medicine, and there was no follow-up reaction at all.

The news about the epidemic in the military camp spread, and everyone was a little panicked. The bodies of the dead soldiers were dragged out and disposed of. After hearing the identities of those soldiers, many people secretly applauded.

"God is wise! We have finally solved these scourges! You may not know it because you are late, but those people are famous villains in the military camp! Most of the prisoners who were exiled in these years were tortured to death by them. !”

"The methods are so cruel. It's such a cold day to take off people's clothes and freeze them on the ice and then tear them off! It's not like what an individual can do! It doesn't matter if these people die, we will have peace here in the future. Clicked!"

"It's really miraculous. The people who died were all those who were violent and causing trouble. Could it be that God really opened his eyes?"

(End of this chapter)

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