Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 301 After being exiled, he expanded his territory and killed the Emperor Zha

Seeing the devastated and scattered army in front of him, Huangfu Rong's eyes darkened and he almost fell to the ground.

Fortunately, the last bit of reason he had left allowed him to insist on sitting on the horse.

He took a deep breath, and his eyes turned scarlet.

"Don't worry, we still have 40,000 soldiers and horses outside the city. Quickly notify the soldiers and horses outside the city and drop gunpowder directly into the city!

Today, I will burn this city in the North! "

At first, he was afraid that the gunpowder might hurt Jin Shu's life. After all, Jin Shu was a goddess and her blood could transport her, so he could not hurt her at all.

But now Huangfu Rong is completely red-eyed.

The calmness at the beginning has completely dissipated, replaced by fierceness and madness.

He no longer cares about Jin Shu's life. He just wants to burn down the damn city behind him as soon as possible and let all the unruly people in the city be buried with Jin Shu!

The order to let the city burn was passed down, but there was no movement outside for a long time.

At this moment, a large group of soldiers not far away rushed over covered in blood. They fell in front of Huangfu Rong in horror and shouted in a hurry.

"Your Majesty, the 40,000 soldiers and horses guarding outside the city are surrounded by the cavalry of the Northern Kingdom!"

"Impossible! How many cavalry they have can surround 40,000 soldiers and horses!"

The soldier shouted with red eyes.

"Sixty thousand!! A total of 60,000 soldiers from the Northern Kingdom, divided into five groups, completely surrounded my 40,000 soldiers!

Now, the 40,000 soldiers have died and suffered countless casualties!

His Majesty! We have no retreat, the road ahead and back are blocked! "

Huangfu Rong didn't believe it and rushed out on horseback. As a result, he saw the surrounded Zhou soldiers from a distance.

Thousands of war horses galloped in a circle, accompanied by the smoke burning all around, creating a wave of chaos, completely disorienting the Zhou soldiers trapped in the middle, and losing their backbone.

"How come there are so many cavalry in the North!!"

Huangfu Rong's voice was hoarse, and his whole body collapsed in despair like a trapped animal.

The general on the side was no longer able to struggle and said weakly.

"Da Meng rebelled and joined the Northern Kingdom. Half of the cavalry at this time were Dameng soldiers!!"

"Mu Han, Mu Han!! How dare he!!"

At this moment, a high-pitched horse cry resounded in the melee. The white war horse crossed the smoke, and the woman in golden armor on the horse took over the situation like a god descending from heaven.

She raised the gun in her hand and shouted.

"Those who surrender will not be killed!! The monarch of the Northern Kingdom keeps his word, and those who surrender can also stay in the Northern Kingdom and enjoy a peaceful life!!"

The sassy and powerful female voice clearly reached the ears of every Da Zhou soldier.

This sound rang like a bell in the heart, and the frightened and desperate Zhou soldiers in the chaos saw hope at this moment.

Immediately afterwards, they put their weapons in their hands one by one. As the first soldier slowly knelt down, all the surrounding soldiers followed suit.

The dark army knelt silently in front of the empress of the Northern Kingdom who was riding a white horse.

Jin Shu stood condescendingly, with no saddle under her crotch and no reins in her hands, but she seemed to be integrated with the white horse. With the horse's hooves flying and the horse honking loudly, Jin Shu faced tens of thousands of Zhou soldiers and shouted loudly.

"From now on, the Northern Kingdom will unify the Central Plains, and you will be able to live and work in peace and contentment, and there will be no more wars and disputes in the world!"




All the soldiers put down their weapons and knelt down, surrounded their new king, and shouted loudly.

"I am willing to follow the empress to the death!!"

This shout of great vigor reached the ears of Huangfirong under the city gate. Hearing a "bang" sound, Huangfu Rong fell off his horse, but he seemed not to feel the pain. He just looked at the scene in front of him with dull eyes and said something in his mouth.

"It's over, it's over..."

His world, his empire, was completely over.

In this battle, Dazhou was defeated without a fight.

All tens of thousands of soldiers rebelled and surrendered, and the Emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty was captured. Liu Lingzun, who had already been guarding the main city of the Great Zhou Dynasty, immediately led all his troops to directly attack the city gate.

The emperor has been captured, all the soldiers have surrendered, and the people's will is what they want, everything is so logical.

The imperial city was captured, and the territory of the Northern Kingdom expanded domineeringly again, annexing the powerful Zhou Dynasty and becoming the largest country in the world in one fell swoop.

The great Zhou Dynasty was destroyed, not to mention the surrounding small countries. They didn't need to lead troops to fight one by one and surrendered to show weakness.

At this time, the whole military camp in the North was filled with joy. Liu Lingzun drank from the wine can and fell unconscious. All the soldiers ate and drank with open stomachs.

In the Northern Imperial Palace, Jin Shu received good news about territorial expansion one after another.

There is no labor for the people, no loss of wealth, and no cost of soldiers. The people will automatically submit, and the soldiers will surrender without fighting.

With Da Zhou at the front, who dares to resist stubbornly? If you take the initiative to surrender, you might be able to suffer less.

"The cold country has surrendered!"

"The king of Liang surrendered voluntarily!"

"The State of Qi has also surrendered!"

After hearing the news, the light in Huangfu Rong's eyes completely disappeared.

Jin Shu was afraid that they would blame her for not remembering their old relationship, so she locked Liang Qingqing and Huangfu Rong together. The two of them could keep each other warm and cheer each other up in the prison.

Compared with Huangfu Rong's numbness and despair, Liang Qingqing is much more optimistic.

Although the current development trend is very different from what she learned in her history books, since Jin Shu can change history, why can't she?

She encouraged Huangfu Rong to persevere. There must be many loyal people outside who would follow Da Zhou to the death waiting to save him.

So every time Huangfu Rong was about to sleep, Liang Qingqing would pull him up and force him to continue learning how to govern the country.

"With your appearance now, how can you convince the public even if you are rescued? How many subjugated kings in history have finally seized the opportunity to restore their country? I believe you can do it too!"

Huangfu Rong was the man who truly unified the world in later generations. How could he be huddled in a prison like a beggar now?

Huangfu Rong, who was already weak, out of breath and dying, fell down after she pushed him like this.

Huangfu Rong was completely disabled, his body and will were completely destroyed and could no longer be rebuilt.

Liang Qingqing didn't believe all this, and she even set her sights on the Marquis' family in Da Zhou.

After all, Mr. Hou is Jin Shu's biological parents. Tell her the truth. No matter what happens, Jin Shu will never ignore her biological parents.

Then, before she could formulate a strategy, it didn't take long for Da Zhou to be breached, and several members of the Marquis' family were also thrown into prison.

This time the family is completely reunited.

Liang Qingqing held the last straw and told the Houye family everything he and Huangfirong had planned.

When the Marquis heard that the empress of the Northern Kingdom was really his biological daughter, he was so heartbroken that he immediately became angry again. He hugged the iron railings all day long and shouted that he wanted to see his biological daughter.

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