Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 302: After being exiled, he expanded his territory and killed the Scum Emperor

They didn't believe that Jin Shu would be so cruel to her biological parents.

Mrs. Hou scolded Liang Qingqing and Huangfu Rong for deceiving her and causing her to be separated from her biological daughter for so many years.

Liang Qingqing can't care about that much now. Her purpose is to let Jin Shu come to the dungeon. As long as she comes, she can seize the opportunity to let Jin Shu let her out.

After all, she was also from time travel, and no one knew history better than her. As long as she surrendered and begged for mercy, she would be able to let Jin Shu free her.

But the premise of everything is that Jin Shu will come.

But soon, Liang Qingqing's last hope was shattered.

Jin Shu didn't come, but her instructions came.

From now on, Mr. Hou and Mrs. Hou will have nothing to do with her. They can leave the prison after three years of imprisonment and are not allowed to enter the main city of the North Kingdom in this life.

On the day they were kicked out, Mr. Hou and his wife were still crying and clamoring to see Jin Shu.

It was obvious that they really regretted it, so much so that their intestines turned green.

For the rest of their lives, this greedy family will continue to live in endless regret, looking at their daughter who has become the king of a country but will never be able to touch her.

As for Huangfu Rong and Liang Qingqing, the former emperor and queen of the Zhou Dynasty, there is no hope of leaving prison in this life.

Jin Shu did not kill them because it would be too advantageous for them.

Leaving them alive and letting them live in pain and despair with the last glimmer of hope of returning to the country is more cruel than killing them.

After dealing with the remaining forces of the Great Zhou Dynasty, in just three years, all the countries in the world surrendered, and the territory of the Northern Kingdom covered all of the Central Plains and surrounding areas.

Unify the world in a true sense.

At this time, Jin Shu was only in her early twenties and was once again at the top.

In fact, her mission was completed on the day Dazhou surrendered.

What happened next was completely done by Jin Shu.

Anyway, idle time is idle. One day is so long, so why not set a small goal for yourself and unify the world.

Now that the small goal has been almost achieved, Jin Shu began to study people's livelihood again.

Jin Shu has no time to spare. Today she is working on a cross-river bridge, and tomorrow she will launch an asphalt road.

In short, she is willing to work hard to research as long as the current productivity can be achieved.

In just a few years, Northern China has experienced its second technological revolution, and the overall national living standards have improved by more than a dozen levels.

When the steam train came out, Jin Shu fell ill.

God probably couldn't stand such an outrageous revolutionary process of the times, so he directly punished Jin Shu with an incurable disease.

In fact, it is not impossible to treat.

But Jin Shu then thought about it, why waste all that energy? She has had enough life anyway.

Power, wealth, those things that everyone pursues throughout their lives, she had obtained them thousands of years ago.

When Jin Shu's forty-eight hours of superpowers became a little tired, she knew it was time to leave.

On the day Jin Shu fell, many people gathered around the hospital bed.

Zhou Yinghuai stood on her left and Mu Han stood on her right. Their thoughts were known to the entire Northern Kingdom. Mu Han, who had always been arrogant, even considered moving into the harem, but Jin Shu did not give him any chance.

Zhou Yinghuai was silent, but his actions also showed that he was willing to become one of Jin Shu's men. It didn't matter even if he shared it with others, as long as he could stay by her side.

Of course, neither of them got what they wanted in the end.

"The country is entrusted to you, work hard and don't let me down."

Not long after leaving these words, Jin Shu left in her sleep.

Before leaving, she left behind three books, which detailed the development direction of the Northland in the next hundred years.

In this way, the eternal emperor Jin Shu passed away.

Her legendary life was praised by later generations. Everyone in the world knew about this great king who expanded the territory and unified the world, and named her history the prosperous age of Anjiang.


"Congratulations, another mission is completed." Compared with the cold mechanical voice at the beginning, Arnold's voice now has obviously become more emotional.

Jin Shu could even hear some youthful cheerfulness in it.

"You completed this task very well. You made perfect use of the advantages brought to you by the 48-hour system and successfully completed the task with an efficiency of 300% exceeding expectations.

You are really great. In the next world, you can make a request and I will satisfy you as long as it is not too much. "

Jin Shu's voice was light and airy.

"Well, I'll see you later depending on the situation. The next mission can be started."

"You can take a break. Your performance now far exceeds my expectations."

Jin Shu yawned.

"Take a break? What are you doing? There's no one around me."

Jin Shu didn't know what to do when she took a break. Except for Arnold's voice, there was no movement in this chaotic space.

She didn't want to stay here alone, so every time she woke up, Jin Shu would take the initiative to ask to start the next task.

At least there's still some fun to be had in the mission world.

Arnold was silent for a while.

"Indeed, I will seriously consider what you just said. It's really too deserted for you to be here alone."

Jin Shu knew that Arnold always did what he said, so he nodded.

"Okay, thank you."

"Then close your eyes and get ready. The next world will begin soon."

Jin Shu closed her eyes again, surrendered her entire body, and let the familiar dizziness hit her.



"The mission is over.

Task evaluation result: Excellent+++.

Tasker: Jin Shu.

Whether to proceed to the next task: Yes.

Mission is starting...

1, 2, 3, the task was started successfully, and the tasker Jin Shu was loaded successfully.

Forty-eight hours the system loaded successfully.

Current time flow rate ratio: 1:1, the system is on for hours. "


"The sky is dry and everything is dry, be careful of fire and candles——!!"

With the crisp sound of a gong, Jin Shu opened her eyes suddenly. Before her consciousness fully returned, her body could not help but curl up, and she coughed heartbreakingly.

Jin Shu has never felt this kind of overworked feeling.

She slowly opened her eyes and realized that she was sitting on a soft couch, leaning on an old and yellowed pillow behind her. She looked down and saw that her hands were as thin as firewood, and she was still holding a handkerchief in her hand.

When she coughed, she couldn't help but pick up the handkerchief and cover her mouth, coughing suppressedly and carefully.

Suddenly Jin Shu felt a touch of warmth on the handkerchief, and when she looked down, she saw a pool of scarlet blood.

She frowned, clenched the handkerchief calmly, and looked at her surroundings without changing her expression.

The small, square room was decorated in an antique style, with carved beams and painted decorations, plain harp and ancient tea. At a glance, one could tell that this was the room of a young lady from an aristocratic family.

At this time, there were three children kneeling in front of her who seemed to be about the same age.

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