Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 303: The rich mistress disowned 6 relatives after opening the book

The three children, all dressed similarly, were kneeling at his feet, each with their heads lowered and silent.

At this time, the old man sitting next to Jin Shu spoke up.

"Since you can't choose, I'll choose for you. I think this kid A-Zhao is quite good, and he looks like Ming Qian when he was young. This may be fate."

Jin Shu didn't understand the situation at this time, but she could roughly guess from the old lady's words that she wanted to choose a son to raise for herself.

She pursed her lips and said nothing, and glanced at the young boy closest to her. He had his head lowered from beginning to end, but his back was straight.

The child named Azhao who was just mentioned has already looked up.

Jin Shu glanced at him, then shook her head.

"I don't feel well tonight, and my eyes are very tired. Let's talk about it tomorrow."

After saying that, Jin Shu coughed twice more, her thin body crumbling as if she would fall down in the next second.

The old lady in brocade clothes seemed to be a little anxious when she saw her appearance.

"You're not in good health, so why not settle on it directly? It will save you worries every day."

"I still have to think about such a big thing. That's it for today. I want to rest."

Seeing that Jin Shu couldn't get enough of her, the old lady had no choice but to give up. She said, "Then you have a good rest." Then she got up and left.

The three children also left together.

Jin Shu noticed that the child who was closest to her had a slight limp in his right foot and was swaying slightly when he walked.

Even so, he still walked straight, obviously trying to correct his posture.

The child named Azhao kowtowed to Jin Shu respectfully, and was the last one to leave.

After everyone left, Jin Shu was the only one left in the room. She breathed a sigh of relief and lay down on the couch.

Arnold's voice sounded.

"The plot is being transmitted, please check it carefully."

Jin Shu closed her eyes and silently accepted a memory that did not belong to her.

The original owner, Jin Shu, was a noble daughter of a noble family in Beijing. When she was fifteen years old, she married into the Duke Dingguo's mansion, which was also from a wealthy family, and became the first wife of Lu Mingqian, the eldest son of Duke Dingguo.

The Jin and Lu families had a close friendship, and the original owner and Lu Mingqian were childhood sweethearts, so the two had been promised to be married since they were young.

However, in the first year after the original owner married, Lu Mingqian was ordered to go on an expedition. In the same year, Duke Ding passed away, and the huge Duke's mansion fell on the old lady's shoulders.

The old lady was in poor health and soaked in medicine jars every day. She could not manage the trivial affairs of the house flawlessly.

In desperation, the newlywed wife Jin Shu single-handedly took on all the internal affairs of the Duke's mansion.

With the death of Duke Dingguo, and the eldest son Lu Mingqian fighting abroad all year round, the status of Duke Guo's Mansion has been deteriorating. All the Lu family's private properties have also been affected, and most of them have closed down. In the end, the original owner used his dowry to support all the food and drink expenses in the huge palace, and worked hard to run a number of private shops, just to fulfill the promise he made to Lu Mingqian.

Five years later, the original owner was almost exhausted due to overwork. Just when she was still looking forward to the news that Lu Mingqian had returned from the war, the last thing she got was the news that he had died in the battlefield.

For a time, Duke Dingguo's mansion, which was already being bullied and exploited by foreigners, instantly became the target of public criticism. His direct line was cut off, and all the aristocratic families in the capital could step on him at any time.

The original owner was so sad that he wanted to commit suicide several times, but in the end he held on because he couldn't worry about the Duke's mansion.

At this time, the old lady actually offered to adopt a child from a collateral line of the Lu family and adopt him as a son to Jin Shu. In this way, Jin Shu would be able to continue the lineage of the Lu family and prevent the direct line of the Lu family from being completely cut off.

The original owner did not refuse, so the old lady selected three children from the sidelines who were of good age, character, and appearance for the original owner to choose from.

Thus, there was the scene when Jin Shu first arrived.

According to the original plot, the original owner adopted the child named Azhao on the advice of the old lady.

Because of having a child, the original owner once again found the meaning of living, so in the next ten years, he worked hard to raise Lu Zhao, and used everyone's connections in his family to give Lu Zhao the opportunity to talk to celebrities all over the world at a young age. landscape.

Ten years later, Lu Zhao inherited the Dingguo Palace and lived up to expectations and was appreciated by His Majesty. He became an official in the court and rose to prominence.

At this time, the original owner was already exhausted due to overwork for more than ten years.

She thought that with Lu Zhao's protection, she would be able to let go of all the good things and cultivate herself, but not long after Lu Zhao put on his official uniform and took up a high position, Lu Mingqian, who had died in the battle, came back.

Coming back with him was a girl who was as pretty as a flower and full of life.

Her name was Deng Qiao, she had a generous and hearty personality, unrestrained and bright, and her words and demeanor were full of words that the original owner could not understand. The two held hands and stood in front of the original owner with Lu Zhao.

Lu Mingqian: "I have worked hard for you these years, and you have been tired for more than ten years. You should have a good rest next time."

Lu Zhao: "You tortured me for ten years. In these ten years, I couldn't eat well or sleep well, and I was reviewing textbooks in my dreams. You vented all the pain and aggrievedness for so many years on me. Not only did you force me and my beloved They separated me and kept me at home to reflect, causing my beloved to marry someone else!

Jin Shu, now your retribution has come! "

Deng Qiao: "It was this evil feudal era that killed you. Now you have become a feudal patriarch. Poor people must be hateful, but you probably don't understand what I mean. Hey...you are like this A woman can only be trapped in this high-class compound for the rest of her life."

The words spoken by the three people were like sharp knives, piercing the heart of the original owner.

But the final fatal blow was when Lu Zhao turned around and knelt in front of Lu Mingqian and Deng Qiao.

"Father, mother, my child can finally be reunited with your family!"

Lu Mingqian: "Azhao is my and Qiao'er's child. We have already retired to the mountains and forests, but Duke Dingguo's palace cannot have an heir, so we can only reluctantly send him here."

Deng Qiao: "My child has been tortured by you for ten years. Fortunately, our family of three is finally reunited. Jin Shu, you have been driven crazy by this feudal era! Look at my child, who has been beaten by you What a beating!"

Lu Zhao: "The more than a hundred whips on my body were all caused by you, Jin Shu, you are the one I hate the most in my life."


A mouthful of blood vomited away all the hope of the original owner. In a blur of blood and tears, she cried desperately, with a fire burning in her heart, but in the end she didn't even have the strength to speak.

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