Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 304: The rich mistress disowned 6 relatives after opening the book


After watching all the plots, Jin Shu frowned with a headache. There was no place on her body that was comfortable. Even her bones were soft when she was lying on the soft couch. It was difficult to turn over.

After tossing myself into this state, all I could think about was the messy bad debts of the Duke's Mansion.

"Task content released: First, the Qingyang Jin family of the original owner has declined. You must help the original owner fulfill his wish and revive the Qingyang Jin family.

Secondly, the original owner has a lot of regrets in her life, and she can’t count them in detail. Just help her resolve all the regrets. You should be able to feel what they are specifically. "

Arnold's voice dispersed, Jin Shu slowly opened her eyes and exhaled slowly.

"Well, I see."

The original owner’s regret? That's a lot.

If you count them down in detail, each item can be listed in a booklet.

The most regrettable thing among them is probably that there is no way to kill Lu Mingqian, a family of beasts.

The old beast is currently retreating to the mountains with his beloved woman to play music, but the little beast is still by his side.

Thinking about it this way, Lu Zhao is now eight or nine years old, which means that he hooked up with another woman the year Lu Mingqian first went out to fight.

Why he was raised until he was eight or nine years old before being sent back? It is probably because the Hou Mansion has been supported by the original owner. Now sending a son to inherit the family business will save himself a lot of effort and ensure that the Hou Mansion family property will not be lost. In other people's hands.

Damn, what a bunch of beasts.

Thinking of this, Jin Shu felt a pain in her heart, feeling as if needles were pricking her. She struggled to sit up and asked the maid to pour him a cup of hot water. When the curtain was opened, a chill came from outside.

"Madam, it's snowing outside. Don't you love watching the snow the most? My servant will help you go out and take a look?"

Ayu was the original owner's maid, and she worked diligently beside the original owner to help manage the entire palace. Ten years later, when Lu Mingqian came back with the woman, the first thing he did was to drive Ayu out.

The euphemistic name is to eradicate all the remnants of feudalism in the Hou Mansion.

Thinking of this, Jin Shu could feel the overwhelming hatred surging in the body of the original owner. She had not felt such strong emotions for a long time. She was speechless for a while and could only comfort her silently for a while until her emotions calmed down. Then she looked at Ayu in front of her.

"It's been almost ten years since you followed me into my house. Why are you still wearing these clothes?"

Ayu was wearing a pale peach red flowered jacket, which was the only thing she wore every winter for the past five years.

"Madam, you are still talking about me. Look at yourself. This satin coat is still a dress made at your parents' home. It has never been changed in the past five years.

The old lady makes three new outfits a year, and the eldest, second and other girls, who don’t wear new outfits in any year? Even the young master cousin is still wearing a new mink coat.

You...take more care of your own body, so you don't have to worry about your slave. "

Although Ayu and the original owner were masters and servants, they had already become sisters and talked about everything.

Ayu knew that Jin Shu was in a difficult situation and felt sorry that she had to shoulder such a heavy burden at such a young age, so she never talked about it in front of her even if she was wronged.

Jin Shu took a sip of tea, then opened the drawer from under the small cabinet on the side, took two golden melon seeds and handed them to Ayu.

"Madam, what are you..."

Ayu looked confused, but still took the golden melon seeds respectfully.

Jin Shu coughed and said weakly.

"It's almost the Chinese New Year. Let's make myself some new clothes and buy some things for my parents to send back."

"Madam, I don't need it. My parents have enough land to farm and don't have to worry about food and drink."

Jin Shu frowned, but her voice was still gentle. "Take it and buy some cakes for your brothers and sisters with the rest. Don't come back until you finish spending it."


As soon as Ayu choked up, she couldn't help but call her "Miss." With red eyes, she clenched the golden melon seeds in her hand, knelt down and kowtowed to Jin Shu.

Jin Shu waved her hand and said in a weak voice.

"I will give you a prescription later. You can get the medicine for me according to the prescription, and then let Grandma Li cook it and give it to me to drink three meals a day."

Ayu nodded, her eyes still red, Jin Shu frowned helplessly.

"Go, you don't have to wait by my side tomorrow, bring me some dumplings made by your mother when you come back."

"Well, thank you, miss."

After Ayu withdrew, Jin Shu coughed for a while again. She lay down and wanted to take a rest, but her mind was really spinning and she couldn't sleep at all.

She had no choice but to sit up again and look at the wind and snow outside with a haggard expression.

When she was idle, Jin Shu called the manager and sent all the account books for the past ten years since she entered the house to her room.

The person in charge kept mumbling and complaining.

"It's been ten years, and I don't know how much these things have been damaged. You really know how to torment us. I have to dig out these things and hand them to you late at night."

Jin Shu changed into a light blue embroidered shawl, and looked at the accounting clerk with cold eyebrows, her expression calm and intimidating.

"Can't you stop your mouth with the rice and noodles from the Duke's house? Or have you eaten enough and want to change your master?"

When the manager heard this, he raised his head and saw Jin Shu's cold eyes. He couldn't help but tremble in his heart, and subconsciously stopped his arrogance.

"That's not what I meant. Madam, what's wrong with you today? Are you so angry? Who provoked you?"

"I'm a traitor, I'm a slave, I'm a traitor, do you think I should be angry?"

Now the person in charge didn't dare to say anything anymore.

In the past, because of her good relationship with the old lady, Jin Shu, as the matron of the house, would give him some face and would not argue with him even if he was lazy.

But Jin Shu didn't give him any face now. She said clearly that he was a traitorous slave and wanted to kick him out. Now he dared to say anything and walked out in despair with his head shrunken.

Ten years of account books were piled up in half a room.

This time, the forty-eight-hour system came into effect around seven o'clock in the evening. At that time, Ayu happened to come in with the cooked medicine. Time froze at this moment, and the sound of the wind suddenly stopped.

Jin Shu calmly withdrew her gaze, found the first account book, and started to read it one by one.

The candlelight flickered and the light was dim. Jin Shu read through the account books of the past ten years while coughing.

After reading it, time passed quickly. Ayu came in with a medicine bowl and saw Jin Shu who was overwhelmed by the ledger.

"Why are you starting to clear up these bad debts again? These accounts have been going on for many years. Even if you hire the best accountant in the world, you still can't sort out these bad debts. Please stop fussing with them.

Come on, I got the medicine as you said, drink it now. "

Jin Shu took the medicine bowl and drank it all in one gulp. In the end, she even ate the whole medicine residue.

The bitter taste spread in her mouth, and Jin Shu didn't even frown. She ate another piece of pastry to suppress the bitter taste. (End of chapter)

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