Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 305: The rich mistress disowned 6 relatives after opening the book

"Madam, go to bed early. The Chinese New Year is coming soon, and there are still many things to be busy at the end of the year."

Ayu helped Jin Shu tidy up the bed, wrapped Tang Pozi up and put her into her bed. After helping her lie down, she was busy cleaning up for a while before exiting.

After drinking the medicine, Jin Shu had a good sleep.

Strictly speaking, this should be the first good sleep the original owner had in the past ten years.

The next day, the old lady urged Jin Shu to make a decision quickly.

This time Jin Shu was more forthcoming and asked the old lady for her opinion directly.

"A-Zhao is a good boy. He knows that you are not in good health. He spent the whole night praying for you in the Buddhist hall last night. Look at you, how good you look today."

Jin Shu listened to her lying with her eyes open, smiled and nodded.

"Well, it's really good."

When the old lady heard what she said, she looked happy and was about to make a decision immediately. Unexpectedly, Jin Shu said something slowly again.

"I have always loved liveliness, and my Qingyang Jin clan also believes that having more children means you will be blessed.

It's really pitiful for a child to be alone in the Hou Mansion. It's better to keep all three children. "

The old lady shouted subconsciously upon hearing this.

"How can this be done!"

"Why not? The three children still look after each other."

"How can they be compared with A-Zhao? A-Zhao is..."

The old lady's words stopped abruptly.

Jin Shu drank tea slowly and looked at the old lady with a half-smile.

"What is A-Zhao? Tell me what's so special about this child."

"A-Zhao...A-Zhao is not that different. I'm afraid you won't be able to take care of the three children. It's better to just pick a good one and raise him, and hand the Duke's palace directly to him in the future. This will save you more troubles in the future."

Jin Shu just yawned.

"It's okay. They are all other people's children. They are not my biological children anyway. It's better to raise the three of them together. Whoever has the ability will take over the Hou Mansion later. In this way, no one will dare to be lazy when comparing each other."

After all, no matter who among the three people takes over the Duke's family business, it is impossible to leave the other two as a thorn in his side.

Jin Shu likes this kind of education, which is suitable for a white-eyed wolf like Lu Zhao.

The old lady's face was visibly ugly.

After all, her grandson was standing right in front of her but she couldn't recognize him. Now she had to take advantage of the other two little ones from her sidelines. The thought of the possibility that the family property might fall into the hands of others made her even more anxious.

"Oh, look at what you said, you are forcing the children to get along with each other. You are young and certainly don't have as much experience as me. Just choose one of the three.

You see, one of them is lame, the other is dull and stupid, how can the middle one be clever? "

Indeed, in order to avoid any accidents and worry that Jin Shu would be suspicious, the old lady specially "carefully selected" two children of about the same age from the sidelines, one with a physical disability and the other with a naive and silly attitude, to set off Lu Zhao. Excellent and unique.

It's just that the old lady didn't expect that for such a simple multiple-choice question, Jin Shu could find another way to choose all.

Seeing that Jin Shu didn't say anything, the old lady wanted to help her make the decision directly. However, the head of the family was Jin Shu. When the Duke's Palace was defeated and suffered bullying from other aristocratic families in the capital, it was she who couldn't withstand the pressure and directly took over the head of the family. The power was handed over to Jin Shu.

Unexpectedly, the already dying Guogong Mansion came back to life in Jin Shu's hands. Although it is not as strong as it was at the beginning, with Jin Shu's management and the support of the Jin family, the Guogong Mansion will not be wiped out. What a bully.

Now Jin Shu is the real mistress of the Hou Mansion. If she doesn't speak, even the old lady can't make her own decisions.

"Just choose someone smarter. Trust me, you won't be wrong. I also raised Ming Qian. I have experience..."

“The child you raised is now alive and dead.

Mom, if you find things in the house annoying, just don't ask anything about it, and enjoy your old age with peace of mind. Having more grandchildren will also allow you to enjoy the happiness of being around your knees. You, your blessings are yet to come. "After speaking, Jin Shu looked at the three children in front of her.

"You three will be my sons from now on.

Now that you are my child, you have to put aside everything in the past and accept me as your mother, do you understand? "


The three children responded in unison.

Lu Zhao glanced at the old lady with an aggrieved and unwilling look, and the old lady shook her head at him to signal him to calm down.

Jin Shu saw the little moves of the two nanny and grandson in her eyes, chuckled and said.

"Since I am your mother, I will give you a new name, which means leaving the past behind and starting over.

You will be called Lu Huai from now on. "

The taciturn boy raised his head, with a trace of composure in his eyebrows that did not match his age. His thick eyebrows and big eyes looked both cute and old. Jin Shu couldn't help but reach out and pinch his face, which was still a little fat.

It was Lu Zhao's turn in the middle, and Jin Shu thought about it for a while.

"You will be called Lu Gu from now on. You have no father or mother and are alone. This name also reflects your life experience and will inspire you to work harder in the future."

Lu Gu?

Lu Zhao pursed his lips in dissatisfaction.

What a bad name!

The old lady couldn't bear it anymore.

"This name is too unlucky. After all, he will be your son from now on. Isn't picking this name a curse on yourself?"

"What do I have to be afraid of? Mom is still alive, and your dad is gone too, so don't worry!"

Old lady: "..."

In this way, Lu Zhao recognized the name Lu Gu with great frustration.

The last remaining child looked at people without focus and could only giggle when facing Jin Shu. However, he was very lucky to be fat and white.

"Your name will be Lu Xu from now on. You are kind and cheerful. It's not a bad idea to stay like this for the rest of your life."

In this way, Jin Shu had three more sons, and the Hou family had three more young masters.

Jin Shu arranged the three children next to her yard. During lunch, the old lady sat next to Lu Gu. Although she had suppressed her emotions, she still couldn't help but pick up food for her grandson.

Jin Shu sat aside and pretended not to notice, and gave orders to her three children after the meal.

"I have a rough idea of ​​how many books the three of you have read. Lu Huai and Lu Gu will memorize half of "The Great Learning" tonight and memorize it when you come to me tomorrow.

Lu Xu, just read "Li Weng Duiyun". Come to my yard in the afternoon and I will teach you some other things. "

Lu Xu asked blankly.

"Don't I need to read "University"?"

"No, you don't have to waste your time reading."

Reading it is a waste, as long as you can understand a few words and then go out without being deceived.

Lu Xu nodded. Although he didn't understand what his mother meant, he just needed to obey.

After making arrangements, the three children all went to the backyard in the afternoon. The teacher had made arrangements. Lu Huai and Lu Gu were studying in the room. Separated by a wall, Jin Shu had already changed into light clothes and took Lu Xu to start practicing boxing.

"Seven chapters of boxing, learning five chapters will be enough for you to become a martial arts champion in the future." (End of Chapter)

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