Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 306: The rich mistress disowned 6 relatives after opening the book

Lu Xu nodded ignorantly, and followed Jin Shu's movements in a decent manner.

Jin Shu squeezed his bones, and she really responded, if God closes a door for you, he will definitely open a window for you.

Lu Xu, a child with an IQ of only five or six years old, is not really smart, but his body and bones are indeed good material for martial arts. As long as she gives more guidance and strengthens his bones and muscles while he is still young, he will be able to make a mark in this world in the future. Fanmingtang.

"The first lesson, Zamabu."

Jin Shu put on her culottes, tied up her hair, spread her neat and clean legs, lowered her body, put her hands into fists on her waist, and squatted down steadily.

Lu Xu did as he was told, and after Jin Shu helped him correct his posture, the mother and son began to walk in the cold outdoors.

Indoors, Lu Huai and Lu Gu looked at the two people outside the window.

Lu Gu pursed his lips disdainfully.

"waste time."

Lu Huai withdrew his gaze and looked at the textbook seriously, ignoring Lu Gu.

Lu Gu sneered.

There is no point in trying any harder. He is the real direct bloodline of the Lu family. When his parents come back, he and Lu Xu will have to get out.

So what if he doesn't work hard? It can't change his true life experience.

Just like that, at night, Jin Shu's back was whipped, and Lu Huai recited everything Jin Shu asked fluently, and he could even answer questions by drawing inferences.

It was Lu Gu's turn. He was stumbling over his back, and he didn't even know the content of Jin Shu's questions.

"In a whole afternoon, taught by the same master, this is all you learned?"

"Well, I tried my best."

"You tried your best... That's a pity. There is no such thing as trying your best here. If you fail to achieve your goal, you will be punished.

Don't eat dinner tonight. You will be forced to kneel outside for two hours. If you don't finish reciting tonight, you won't be allowed to sleep. "

Lu Gu had a sullen face and said nothing stubbornly. He turned around and walked out, then knelt firmly on the ground.

This incident quickly alarmed the old lady. It was already time to go to bed, but the old lady hurriedly came to Jin Shu's yard. At a glance, she saw her own grandson kneeling and shivering in the cold wind. Now But the old lady felt so distressed that she trotted over as soon as she got older.

"Hey, why are you arguing with such a young child! Get up, get up, it's so cold on the ground. If you freeze your body, it will be difficult to raise it back!"

When Lu Gu saw the old lady, his eyes turned red, and his aggrieved and pitiful look almost made the old lady's heart melt.

"What are you doing standing still? Why don't you get up quickly? Are you hungry? Let's go to grandma's place to keep warm!"

Just as Lu Gu was about to stand up, Jin Shu's voice came from behind him.

"Does this make you move? If you get up today, get out of the house tomorrow. Our government does not want lazy and useless children like you!"

Lu Gu paused, his whole body trembling slightly with anger.

The old lady wanted to say something else, but was stopped by Jin Shu.

"Mom, don't care as if he is your grandson. If you favor him so much, if he falls behind in the future, the position of Duke Ding will have nothing to do with him anymore!"

The old lady used to be a boss, but now that Jin Shu is the head of the family and the whole house is managed by her in an orderly manner, her position as an old lady has long been in name only.

She sighed and secretly wiped away her tears, fearing that Jin Shu would be suspicious and could only let go.

"The child is still young, so just take your time. Being so eager for quick success is not good for your mother-child relationship."

Jin Shu smiled.

"I have three sons, and there will always be one who can meet my wishes and be well-behaved and sensible. But my mother is doing this for your own good. Now that the aristocratic family has declined, the days when you could eat the royal food by doing nothing are gone forever.

If you don't work hard today, you will be like your father tomorrow, forced to fight on the battlefield, and end up with no bones left.

Mom, you don’t have to do anything when I discipline them from now on, remember? "

The old lady muttered with suppressed anger.

"It seems like there is no place for me to talk in this family! Well, you are the matron of the house, you can do whatever you want, you can just kick me out tomorrow!

Without Ming Qian, it seems that I have no say in this family! "

In the past, if the old lady made any unreasonable demands, and the original owner did not agree, she would move Lu Mingqian out and pretend to be pitiful.

The original owner, who was unwilling to accept anything outside, couldn't bear to see the mother of his beloved say such things, so he had no choice but to agree to her.

Now she is doing her old tricks again. In the past, it was to use the money from the Duke's government to support her parents' family, but now it is to protect her own grandson.

The old path taken by the original owner is generally not a good one, so Jin Shu will naturally not make the same mistake again.

Seeing the old lady wiping her tears, she looked cold.

“When the Duke’s Palace was jointly suppressed by other aristocratic families, as the mistress, you did not stand up and speak out. Instead, you kept saying that you wanted to become a nun.

I was forced to take over this mess, and I was forced to face those aristocratic families in Beijing who ate people without spitting out their bones. Why didn't you use the strength you want to speak now?

Mom, how can you be a human being and take advantage of all the good things? Wouldn't that be shameless? "

The slow words made the old lady speechless, and she couldn't say even half a sentence.

Seeing her blushing face, Jin Shu clapped her hands.

"Don't waste time. You have to kneel for two hours. Hurry up before it snows. Otherwise, it will be even more difficult to wait for it to snow."

The old lady left with great resentment.

Lu Gu had no supporter, and he couldn't help but feel scared when he saw Jin Shu's cold eyes. In the end, he could only kneel down obediently again, kneeling while carrying his back. After two hours of kneeling, Jin Shu sent someone to take care of him. He helped him into the house.

Lu Gu, who originally looked angry and dissatisfied, was now shivering from the cold. Jin Shu sat on top and looked at him with lowered eyes.

"Can you memorize it?"

"I've learned how to memorize..."

"Well, come back and listen."

"The way of a university lies in being virtuous, being close to the people, and striving for perfection..."

In the end, Lu Gu memorized it tremblingly.

Jin Shu didn't have a textbook, so she just listened quietly, and then pointed out a small problem that occurred during his recitation.

Lu Gu did not expect that Jin Shu, a woman from the inner courtyard, was so familiar with the contents of the Four Books and Five Classics.

Seeing that she didn't take the book, I thought that even if I memorized something wrong, I wouldn't be found out.

Unexpectedly, Jin Shu could even spot the mistake where he paused. When he finished reciting, he was shaking nervously and sweating on his back. Until he finished reciting, he didn't dare to look up and look at Jin Shu's expression.

There was an atmosphere of oppressive tension in the air.

Lu Gu waited in fear for a long time, and finally Jin Shu spoke slowly.

"Well, I've memorized it, but I'm not good at it. I'm not allowed to eat dinner. I'll continue to memorize it tonight." (End of Chapter)

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