Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 307: The rich mistress disowned 6 relatives after opening the book

Jin Shu ordered that no one should prepare food for Lu Gu.

This order is mainly directed at old ladies.

In this way, Lu Gu really stayed up all night without eating, drinking or closing his eyes. He was tired, sleepy and hungry and memorized all the content requested by Jin Shu skillfully.

When Lu Gu, who was kneeling in front of Jin Shu, finally recited the last sentence early the next morning, the maids beside him breathed a sigh of relief.

Lu Gu looked more like he had just been lifted out of the water. He was dripping with sweat, his face was pale, and his body was shaking slightly.

"Yeah, it's a good carry."

A simple sentence was like celestial music, and Lu Gu's tense nerves finally relaxed.

He raised his head and glanced at Jin Shu, only to see her slowly extending her hand towards him. Lu Gu subconsciously closed his eyes and shrank his head, but in the end what fell on his head was not a slap, but a gentle touch.

Jin Shu's voice was very low and soft. He had never noticed before that the voice of the woman in front of him was so beautiful.

"I don't expect you to understand why I did this, but you will understand one day. Now that the emperor wants to split the power of the great family, the Lu family is no longer the Lu family it used to be.

No problem can be solved by escaping at this time. My mother has been struggling for almost ten years and she won’t be able to hold on much longer. I don’t want anyone in this family to be able to support me after my mother falls, so I give up all hope. It's on you.

You are the future of the Lu family, and now the only way to continue the glory of the Lu family is to become an official in the court. Only if you become someone under His Majesty, His Majesty will not kill you. Lu Gu, do you understand? "

Lu Gu listened silently, feeling inexplicably touched in his heart.

Jin Shu gently stroked his head.

"Among the three children, I like you the most. Mom punished you to make you understand the current situation. The Lu family is already in danger.

I believe you won't let your mother down, right? "

Lu Gu frowned and didn't want to speak.

What this woman said was different from what his parents taught him.

His parents said that the Lu family was a wealthy and prosperous family. They left because they did not want to get involved in worldly disputes. They finally considered sending him back because they wanted him to inherit everything in the Duke's mansion.

Why did the Duke's Mansion become a declining aristocracy when it came to Jin Shu?

Who is lying to him?

Lu Gu shook his head. His parents loved him so much, so they would definitely not lie to him. Moreover, he had seen the luxury of the Duke's mansion since he entered the mansion. It was not as difficult as Jin Shu said.

Sure enough, this woman was full of lies. No wonder my father would rather leave the Duke's Mansion than spend the rest of his life with her!

Jin Shu could clearly see what the nine-year-old little carrot head in front of her was thinking with just one look.

This boy has a lot of things on his mind right now, but Jin Shu is not in a hurry, she has plenty of time to deal with this boy.

"Okay, let's go down. We'll have a day off today and memorize the second half tomorrow. Whatever you memorize will be easy to talk about. If you can't memorize it, you can figure it out yourself."

Jin Shu, who gave people a feeling of spring breeze just a second ago, now became extremely cruel and indifferent.

Lu Gu couldn't think of any idea of ​​resisting her at this time.

Although he was dissatisfied and resentful in his heart, he did not dare to neglect his actions. After all, if Jin Shu wants to punish him, even grandma can't protect him.

Seeing Lu Gu limping back obediently, Jin Shu smiled.

To deal with this kind of white-eyed wolf, you have to be bad enough to be so bad that he doesn't dare to have any disobedience.

As for why the original protagonist fell to such a miserable end in the original plot, it was because in the ten years when Lu Gu was growing up, the good guys were all done by the old lady, while Jin Shu, who played the role of a strict mother, was not bad enough.

In Lu Gu's view, Jin Shu was just a feudal patriarch who pushed him to death in order to satisfy his own selfish desires.

But in fact, every time the original owner punished him for being naughty and willful, the old lady would come forward to reconcile, relying on her status as an elder to suppress Jin Shu, allowing Lu Gu to escape punishment again and again, but she felt sorry for Jin Shu in her heart. The hatred is not less.

In his opinion, the only person in the family who treats him best is the old lady, and Jin Shu is a bad woman who is always ready to beat him with a whip.

Over time, although Lu Gu finally entered the court and became an official and became a popular person around the emperor, Jin Shu, who had paid the most, received no gratitude and understanding from Lu Gu.

Jin Shu summarized the failure experience of the original owner.

Lu Gu is a real white-eyed wolf, and there is only one way to cure him.

Cut off all his escape routes and make him realize the reality that the only person in charge of the government is Jin Shu. If he wants to live a good life, he must be honest and obedient, otherwise he will be beaten.

Today's punishment can teach him a lesson, but of course it's not enough. Lu Gu will receive many more beatings in the future.

That night Jin Shu went through the account book from beginning to end again.

From the beginning, she knew that the Duke's mansion was in ruins from the inside out, but after reading these accounts, Jin Shu found that she was still too conservative.

If the former Duke of Guo's Mansion was like a golden mountain, with very little left after being gnawed away by three generations of Duke Ding, the current Duke of Guo's Mansion is only a meal of rotten skin and rotten meat, which can only be maintained by the painstaking efforts of the original owner. Glossy appearance.

Just under this surface, there are countless borers still clinging to the bones and sucking the last bits of flesh and blood.

It’s hard for the original owner to survive for so many years.

Jin Shu spent twenty-four hours sorting out all the accounts, basically just a few categories.

One category is the income and expenditure account books of the thirteen shops under the Duke's government. This part is all the source of income in the government, and it is all managed by the original owner.

One category is the daily expenses of nearly a hundred people in the house. The accountant in the house is in charge of this part. Whether it is the old lady or the young master, there is a fixed amount of expenses every month, and every withdrawal must be recorded in detail in the account book. Record for the original owner to review at the end of the month.

There is also a category of money exchanges between the Duke and the Duke over the years. Most of this part was left over when the old Duke was still alive. At that time, there was still some money in the mansion, and the collateral relatives around the Lu family and the old lady’s side. Relatives all came to borrow money from Qiufeng.

Naturally, when you borrow money, you have to leave a note of IOU. The dozen or so thick books in Jin Shu's hand are all written notes of money borrowed in those years.

After so many years, these accounts have basically become bad debts. It is not that the original owner has not tried to ask for them, but she is a "widow", backed by the Duke's government with no real power, facing so many rogues and gangsters. How could it be possible to come back?

Jin Shu looked at the three types of ledgers divided in front of her, closed her eyes and let out a breath.

"Take your time and clear the accounts one by one." (End of Chapter)

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