Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 308: The rich mistress disowned 6 relatives after opening the book

First of all, the first category is the store expense account book.

These accounts are pretty good, the balance of expenses and profits are clear, and basically no problems can be seen.

The original owner was the eldest daughter of an aristocratic family and didn’t know much about purchasing, but Jin Shu was different. She had lived for so many years and had seen so many things. She had been an empress, a boss, a stall, a company, and When it comes to business management and accounting, she claims to be second and no one dares to claim to be first.

Looking at the account book with no problem, Jin Shu compared the monthly purchase list. It seemed as if countless densely packed termites crawled out of the account book in front of her, almost overflowing.

Jin Shu picked up the brush and wrote down the circles one by one. After completing the circles in one book, she changed to the next one. She read carefully and carefully. She had plenty of time anyway.

It was another full twenty-four hours. After the time was over, Ayu, who had been staying with her parents all day, also came back, holding a bowl of freshly cooked medicine in her hand.

"Madam, why are you looking at these things again?"

Jin Shu took the medicine and drank it in one gulp, followed by Ayu passing over a piece of white jade cake.

"This cake is good and delicious."

Jin Shu looked at the pastry box that Ayu handed over. There were some nice patterns on it.

"Miss, you forgot, this is your favorite white jade cake. I saw it on the way back, so I bought some for you with the remaining money."

This pastry is the favorite snack of the aristocratic ladies in the capital, and the original owner is no exception. In the past, there would be a plate on the table every day at her parents' house, but since the original owner took over, this pastry rarely appeared.

Jin Shu ate three pieces in a row. The soft, glutinous and sweet square cake melted in her mouth. There was no trace of modern industrial technology at all. It only had a very rich floral aroma. She didn't feel tired at all after eating it.

No wonder they can be sold for one tael of silver per box.

After eating the cake, Jin Shu took out two golden peanuts from the small vault.

"Take it, let's go shopping in the streets tomorrow and buy some new clothes for the New Year."


When had Jin Shu been so generous to herself? She usually deducted her own expenses to subsidize Lu Mingqian's brothers and sisters. Even if there was any excess, the old lady would spend it for various reasons.

Outside she is the head matron of a wealthy family, but inside her life is not as good as that of her cousins.

Jin Shu didn't say much to her.

"Take it, go exchange for some broken silver to carry with you. Arrange a carriage to go out with me tomorrow morning. It's the end of the year. Let's go check out the shop."

Ayu didn't say anything more, held the golden peanut in both hands and lowered her head before going out.

After drinking the medicine, Jin Shu quickly became sleepy. Because the original owner had difficulty falling asleep, Jin Shu deliberately added some sleeping ingredients to the medicine.

The effect is very good. As long as she drinks it and puts a heater in the outer room, Jin Shu can sleep peacefully and sweetly all night long.

The next day it was bright and bright, so Jin Shu lazily got up. Ayu helped her wash and dress. When she was about to go out, she saw the old lady at the door who was also preparing to get on her horse and go out.

The old lady was accompanied by two girls. These two were cousins ​​of her mother's family, Lu Mingqian. Because their family was in trouble, they came to seek refuge in the Duke's Mansion. They have been living here for these years, and the standard of food and accommodation is ten taels of silver per month. .

This amount of money is not too much in the huge aristocratic circle of the capital, but it is by no means small. However, the two of them still complain to the old lady about their financial difficulties from time to time, because the old lady has specifically talked to Jin Shu several times, just to make them happy. Jin Shu added more to their monthly payment.

Of course, the original owner would definitely not agree.

The family is already stretched thin. If more money is given to these two young ladies, so many people from all over the house will definitely come to cry for poverty. Once it starts, there will be no stopping it.

Because of this, the two girls have always been polite to Jin Shu, their mistress, but have a sinister attitude behind them.

Basically, he is similar to Lu Gu, a white-eyed wolf who eats and drinks from the original owner, but all his kindness is recorded on the head of the old lady of the Lu family.

Thinking of this, Jin Shu didn't even bother to give them a look. Seeing that she was about to go out, the old lady said directly.

"Where are you going in such a cold weather? Why don't you take a car? There's enough space anyway."

Jin Shu refused without thinking.

"It's too crowded, forget it."

"What are you squeezing for? Won't an extra carriage and horse also cost more? It's the end of the year and there are many places where money is needed. You are the mistress, so why should I tell you this?"

Jin Shu raised her eyebrows and looked at the two sisters sitting motionless in the carriage, and said calmly.

"That's not how you save money. Wouldn't it be possible to save money by taking less trips out on weekdays?"

Girl Qin, who was sitting on the left side of the old lady, couldn't help but speak.

"It's amazing to be a mistress. Even the old lady dares to scold her casually. We dare to use a carriage wherever we go out in the future. I'm afraid that if we use it today, we will be kicked out by you tomorrow."

This yin and yang remark made Ayu beside him so angry that he couldn't sit still.

Jin Shu held her down, her mood still stable.

"You also know that I am the mistress, so you should know from whom you receive your monthly money.

When I took the money, I acted as if I was taking it for granted. I don’t know, but I thought I was your mother. "

"You! Jin Shu, you are being treated too much! Don't you rely on the Lu family for your living? Without the Lu family, what are you? If the old lady hadn't cared about you, how could you have sat in the position of mistress!"

At this time, the old lady usually won't get involved.

Whenever there is a slight sign of getting angry, she will choose to remain silent.

Jin Shu knew her ability very well, so she didn't intend to let her stay out of it every time.

"Mom, it seems that everyone is not convinced that I will be the mistress. How about I return the power of running the house to you, so that I can take a breather and feel less tired."

As soon as she heard this, the old lady couldn't pretend anymore.

"Xiao Qin! Why are you talking to your sister-in-law! She is already the mistress, why don't you apologize to the mistress quickly!"

Miss Qin looked aggrieved and unwilling in her heart, but the old lady's harsh tone was obviously angry, so she could only endure her emotions and reluctantly apologized to Jin Shu.

Jin Shu raised her eyebrows.

"If you commit the following offense, I won't argue with you about this matter. Next month's monthly payment will be deducted."

"The Chinese New Year is coming soon! How can you deduct my monthly payment!"

"Because I am the mistress, because I am in charge of the house, because you are an outsider, and because you eat and drink for free. Am I clear? Do you want me to continue to say the next thing?"

This time the other side completely stopped.

Jin Shu lowered the curtain, and Ayu, feeling smooth and satisfied, ordered the groom to set off.

"Miss, things have become different these days."

"Really? What's the difference?"

"Everything is different. The young lady looks happier now than before, and the slave looks happy in her heart."

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