Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 311: The rich mistress disowned 6 relatives after opening the book

Jin Shu only found it funny.

This kid must not be able to eat. After all, the old lady secretly sent someone to prepare a table of delicious food for him last night. It was almost full of big fish and meat. How could it be possible to see this table of food again today? Have an appetite.

"Lu Gu, let's eat."

"I have no appetite, I'm going to study."

"You have to read books and eat food. If you don't eat today, don't eat tonight."

"If you don't want to eat, don't eat."

Anyway, he has grandma to protect him, and grandma will definitely not let him go hungry.

Jin Shu watched him get up and leave without stopping him. She looked back at Lu Huai beside her.

"Eat more, you're too thin."

If you cannot keep up with nutrition at this age, you will most likely not be able to make up for it in the future.

Lu Huai nodded and ate harder.

She always had a sense of desperation to complete Jin Shu's orders. Jin Shu asked him to endorse them, and he forced himself to memorize books he had never read before without eating or drinking.

The same goes for letting him eat this time.

The young child desperately needed a chance to prove himself. Jin Shu saw his cruelty towards her and raised the corners of her mouth slightly.

This kid is good and has a lot to do in the future.

After dinner, Lu Xu practiced boxing with Jin Shu, while Lu Huai and Lu Gu began to take classes with the master.

Before the class was over, Lu Gu's stomach started to growl.

He rubbed his stomach with a sullen face, comforting himself that he would be patient and patient, and that he would have food to eat when grandma came back.

He persisted like this until dinner time. Lu Huai and Lu Xu went to eat, but because he talked back to Jin Shu at noon, he couldn't even get to the table, so he could only stay aside and continue practicing calligraphy.

The aroma of the food wafts over, making your mouth water.

He gritted his teeth and persisted, waiting for the old lady to come back.

But after waiting until the back cramps started in the evening, the old lady still didn't come back.

The effect of memorizing on an empty stomach is definitely not good. The final result can be imagined. After Lu Huai finished memorizing the book smoothly, when it was his turn, Lu Gu was already nervous and had difficulty breathing and was sweating all over.

He was so scared that when he thought of Jin Shu's cold eyes, he couldn't help but tremble in his calves.

"I...I'm not, not ready."

"You can't memorize such a small amount of content in one day and one night?"

"I...I, I'm too hungry, I didn't mean to."

Jin Shu nodded with a calm expression.

"Well, of course you will be hungry if you don't eat. I thought you would have a long memory after just one meal, but now it seems that one meal is not enough.

Men can take the child test at the age of thirteen. You have more than two years left, but now you can't even memorize such a simple content. Lu Gu, I thought you were very smart, but you were just a little willful. Now it seems... …Why……

Go out and kneel, as usual, and then stand up after you have carried it. "

Lu Gu's eyes were full of tears at this time.

He had expected this for a long time. He thought he would be able to carry those things on his back after he was full, but he didn't expect that he had waited for a whole day and still didn't get the old lady back.

Kneeling outside, Lu Gu choked with sobs, regretting why he had to talk back to Jin Shu. Obviously as long as he was obedient, he would be praised like Lu Huai and not punished, but he insisted on asking for trouble.

Full of hunger and regret, Lu Gu cried while holding the book, his whole body shaking like a sieve from the cold.

Snowflakes started to fall in the sky again, and when they fell, they took away the last bit of warmth from the body.

At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared beside him.

He turned around to look, his eyes full of astonishment. Jin Shu actually stood beside him, holding an umbrella and looking at him silently without saying a word.

Lu Gu's eyes were red, his throat was a little clogged, and there were complex emotions intertwined in his heart, which made him want to shed tears for no reason.

In this way, he knelt for half the night, and Jin Shu stood beside him holding an umbrella for half the night.

The umbrella was heavy with snow. Jin Shu returned to the house and let Ayu rub her wrist.

"Miss, what are you trying to do? If that kid doesn't obey, then let him suffer a little. Isn't that how my brother beat the big boys? Now that he's so obedient, you actually stayed with him outside in the cold for so long!

Look at these hands, they may be sore from frostbite. "

Jin Shu looked at her hand. It was originally as slender as green onions, but now it was red from the cold, and the knuckles seemed to be a little swollen.

"Fortunately, it's not too cold."

Jin Shu is not afraid of the cold. One of the benefits of practicing boxing is to strengthen her body and resist the cold. This bit of snow is nothing to her.

"Why are you so interested in Lu Gu? I think that Lu Huai is better, better-looking and obedient. Wouldn't it be better to train him to be the future Duke Ding?"

"This has nothing to do with the future Duke Ding. Lu Gu is a top horse. He must find a way to train him well before he can be obedient."


"Well, the little pony is stubborn and willful, regardless of good or bad."

Jin Shu laughed as she spoke, which made Ayu's heart tremble.

Miss, what's wrong? It feels like I remembered something happy.

But nothing worth being happy has happened since entering the Duke's Mansion.

At this time, Jin Shu herself knew what she was laughing about.

I really missed the feeling of returning to the grassland to train horses. After she became the empress, it was no longer her turn to train horses. It was really interesting to experience it again after such a long time. .

At this time, Lu Gu, who was huddled under the quilt and crying with his pillow, had no idea that he was not treated as a human being at all.

He didn't know why he was crying.

I always feel that Jin Shu is not as bad as her parents and grandma say.

She punished herself by not eating because she was disobedient.

She punished herself by kneeling outside because she didn't live up to expectations.

When it snows, she will also hold an umbrella for herself.

When he couldn't stand after reciting the book, she would gently pick him up and take him back to the house.

Why do her parents say she is stubborn and weird?

She obviously looks stern and gentle, but the most important thing is that she seems to really feel sorry for him...

Early the next morning, Lu Gu saw the food on the table as soon as he got up.

The porridge and side dishes looked simple but made his mouth water.

Ayu, who had brought the porridge, helped him sit down.

"Madam said, you were hungry all day yesterday, so you can't eat too greasy food today, otherwise it will damage your spleen and stomach.

This porridge was cooked by Madam herself. You can eat it while it's hot. "

Lu Gu sat at the table and picked up the spoon. The emotions from last night came back to him.

Ayu was still saying next to him.

"Madam has no children in her life, so she treats you as her own son. All she does is to hope that you can gain a foothold in this capital in the future and that you can live a good life.

Sigh... You don't understand what I'm telling you, but don't let the madam down, drink slowly, don't choke, there's still some in the pot. "

Lu Gu ate the porridge with big mouthfuls. There were shrimps and scallops in it. Although there was no oil or salt, the taste was extremely delicious.

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