Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 312: The rich mistress disowned 6 relatives after opening the book

This was a taste he had never tasted before!

too delicious!

Seeing Lu Gu wolfing down the food, Ayu suddenly felt that he was quite pitiful. Such a young child didn't understand anything, so he was sent to be a son to others.

"Eat more, Madam has cooked a lot for you."

Lu Gu drank three whole bowls in one breath without raising his head. After eating, his stomach felt warm and swollen from suffering, and he felt extremely comfortable.

The whole person seemed to have come to life again, with strength all over his body.

"Is it delicious?"

"good to eat."

"As long as it's delicious, my wife is very good at craftsmanship. She said that when you marry into the Duke's palace, you have to take care of everyone around you.

Madam is really a good person, don't make her angry in the future, got it? "

Lu Gu lowered his head and nodded without saying a word.

It was obviously his grandma who promised to take good care of him at first, but until now, the one who has been taking care of him is Jin Shu, who was once the most annoying.

He really can't be as willful as before.

Even if Jin Shu is the culprit who broke up his parents, she is still a good person, and he will take good care of her when he inherits the Duke's palace in the future.

With this feeling, Lu Gu was rarely obedient today. He got up early in the morning and practiced boxing with Jin Shu and Lu Xu. When he got there, he realized that Lu Huai had been there all along.

"When did you start practicing boxing with them?"

Lu Huai glanced at him with his horse in his step.

"From day one."

"You...why didn't you tell me!"

He was practicing secretly alone, but he didn't notice at all!

Lu Huai's tone was calm, without any guilt at all, and he was extremely calm.

"What are you telling me for? How can you blame others for your own depravity?"

Lu Gu clenched his teeth in anger at the simple words, and he glared at Lu Huai fiercely.

"You will regret it later!"

Lu Huai disagreed, still looking indifferent.

"Well, then hurry up, I don't have much patience."

The two of them disliked each other, but Lu Huai could hold his temper better than Lu Gu. Every time he saw Lu Gu gnashing his teeth in anger, he would retreat calmly and not bother him at all. .

In this way, the three children practiced boxing with Jin Shu. Lu Xu's horse stance was already very good and he could hold on for an hour.

Lu Huai's physical talent is no match for Lu Xu, but he can still hold on for half an hour.

Lu Gu, who joined last, had just burned a stick of incense, and his legs were shaking like chaff. His forehead was covered with sweat. Finally, he sat on the ground, his head lowered and his face full of frustration and unwillingness.

Jin Shu stepped forward and looked down at him.

"The posture is wrong. Get up and I'll teach you."

Lu Gu's sullen expression was a little awkward, but he still got up silently.

Jin Shu taught him step by step how to stand still, then carefully pointed out small problems in his movements, and finally patted his head.

"No matter what you do, you have to find the right way and work hard. Trying to get the best of your abilities will only make you tired and stupid."

Lu Gu stared straight ahead, and a familiar feeling appeared in his eyes again.

It's sour and hot, and my throat is a little tight.

He didn't dare to look at Jin Shu, stubbornly clenching his jaw and gritting his teeth, silently persisting.

Jin Shu looked at him with an almost inaudible smile. The little thing was quite full of emotions, but Jin Shu wanted to see how long he could continue to be stubborn.


The old lady came back at noon the next day.

Jin Shu calculated the time and sat in the front hall early. She was wearing a rouge-red dotted red gold thread satin jacket, holding a Tang Pozi in her hand, leaning lazily on the Taishi chair, her face without makeup was highlighted by the bright red. Incomparably graceful and gorgeous.

When the old lady saw her, she was stunned for a moment, and the next second her eyes burst out with a trace of unbearable anger and hatred.

But after all, after living for so many years, she still had some abilities, so she calmed down all her emotions silently and walked to Jin Shu's side tiredly.

The maid poured her a cup of hot tea, and the old lady's hand was shaking slightly as she took the tea.

Jin Shu's eyes were smiling, but her face looked confused.

"Mom, where were you last night? You didn't come home all night. Do you know how worried I am?"

Although he said this, he still leaned firmly on the chair, with a lazy look on his face that showed no trace of worry.

The old lady's throat felt so sweet that she almost vomited blood.

"You...you went to see the shop yesterday?"

"Yes, something happened in the shop, but it has been solved. You don't need to worry about it."

The old lady's face, which was originally well-maintained, suddenly looked ten years older after last night, and even her temples had a lot of gray hair.

Seeing Jin Shu's appearance, the old lady trembled with hatred, wondering in her heart whether she really didn't know or was pretending not to know.

No matter what, when I think about how yesterday I borrowed money with such an old face, and all the wealth I had accumulated over the years was finally squeezed out, but in the end I still couldn’t completely fill the hole, all kinds of emotions came to my heart. If it weren’t for She was strong and strong, but she might faint to death right now.

Jin Shu looked confused.

"What's wrong with you? How much did you lose playing cards?"

"It's nothing... I went to Lin Guogong's mansion to stay for one night yesterday. I talked a lot with the Duke's wife, and I felt deeply about it."

After saying that, the old lady waited in silence for a while. Her sheer hesitation in speaking could easily arouse others' curiosity and desire to inquire.

But it is a pity that Jin Shu has neither of these two things.

She yawned and made a gesture to get up, but the old lady beside her couldn't sit still and started talking to herself.

"She told me that mothers like us should live to take care of the family.

She is now sixty-three years old, three years older than me, and she is still in charge of many things in the house.

But I made you work hard early, and now that I think about it, it really shouldn’t have been like this.

Now that you have three more sons, educating them will be your top priority in the future.

It's better than this. I'll handle the housekeeping for you. When you bring up your three children, I'll hand this over to you. "

After saying this, the old lady finally calmed down and spoke extremely smoothly.

"This way, you don't have to work so hard, and I won't have nothing to do all day long. I can stay at home every day to avoid being disliked by the younger generation."


This is to take back the rights.

Jin Shu couldn't help but laugh out loud.

When she had nothing to do before, she didn't think about helping the original owner share some housework.

Now that the oil and water can't be wiped out, and the private treasury has been emptied out again, I want to take back the stewardship again.

Why does this old lady have such a big face?

I want to keep all the good things for myself, and I don’t have any extra energy and don’t want to use it.

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