Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 316: The rich mistress disowned 6 relatives after opening the book

Ayu was used to being around.

During this period of time, her wife has undergone earth-shaking changes. At first, she was still worried that her brain was damaged by stimulation, but now she is relieved to see that everything is developing in a good direction.

Watching Jin Shu throw money everywhere, if nothing else, was inexplicably relieved.

"Ayu, this is yours."

Jin Shu threw the remaining gold ingot in the drawer to Ayu.

"Miss, isn't this too extravagant for us? No matter how much money we have, we can't spend it like this."

The handful of gold leaves just now was enough for an ordinary family to chew for a year. Jin Shu did not blink when she gave it to her, and her generosity and generosity were astonishing.

"Money is water. Only by letting it flow can the water flow slowly, you know? Stop talking nonsense and quickly ask the cook I just hired to make me a bowl of noodles."


Jin Shu has now completely let go, and she no longer needs to take care of the household affairs. The old lady has openly and openly withheld her share of the monthly money, saying that being a mistress requires dedication.

Jin Shu, who has three melons and two dates, doesn't like her. Anyway, she still has a shop, and most of these shops are filled with her dowry.

The original owner had saved money that she was reluctant to spend over the years, and Jin Shu was ready to help her spend it as much as she wanted.

The prayer team is back.

As soon as Lu Huai and Lu Xu arrived in Jin Shu's yard, they saw a table full of delicious food.

"Sit down and eat."

Lu Xu, who was greedy and restless, took one look and quickly sat down without hesitation.

During the meal, both children ate attentively, especially Lu Xu, whose cheeks were so bulging that he couldn't even speak clearly. In the end, Lu Huai described the situation of the past two days to Jin Shu.

"There are only bean sprouts and cabbage in the vegetarian meal, served with steamed buns, and no oil or salt at all."

Lu Xu muttered.

"It's nothing. The bean sprouts, cabbage, and steamed buns are not enough for me to eat. I only have a little bit for one meal, and it's gone after I finish it!"

Jin Shu nodded.

"Then eat more and make up for what you didn't eat in the past two days."

Lu Xu asked vaguely while biting the chicken leg.

"Where's Lu Gu? Why don't you ask him to come and have dinner with you?"

"No, he won't be able to eat it if I ask him to."

The old lady loves her son as much as her life, no matter how hard she tries, she is unwilling to let her grandson starve and suffer.

After dinner, Jin Shu arranged for a tailor to make tailor-made clothes for each of the three children. All the materials used were the best, and they were all affordable.

Jin Shu was living comfortably here, but the entire mansion was in chaos on the other side.

It's been a good year. Because of the old lady's deductions, everyone has not had a good life. They could bear it at the beginning, but when the ancestor worship was over, everyone saw that more than half of their monthly money had been withheld, and they were completely seated. Can't stand it anymore.

The old lady's two nieces and nephews were the first to be unable to sit still, and directly blocked the old lady in the room, saying nothing to each other.

"Auntie, we have been here for so many years, and our monthly salary has always been five taels of silver. We have to use this money carefully. I thought that after you took charge of the house, we juniors would be able to have a little more money. Unexpectedly, even if you do I don’t even have enough money for clothes.”

"Auntie, we are going to attend the Xianghu Banquet soon. We have no money and no clothes. Do you want to see us be old girls forever!" "Every celebrity in Beijing gathers in Jianghu teahouses every day. Now a pot of Biluochun is all it takes." It’s only three taels of silver. My nephew saved a month to buy a pot of tea. Now it’s better, he can’t buy a pot of tea even if he doesn’t eat or drink!”

"After all, we are not from the Duke's mansion. In this case, we might as well pack up and go home!"

The old lady's face turned white and black as she was read.

Not only the four of them, but now everyone in the mansion is complaining openly and secretly.

Only the four of them dared to rush directly to the old lady to complain because they were her natal family members.

At first, the old lady wanted to put the blame on Jin Shu, but Jin Shu opened the year-end internal affairs ledger directly in front of everyone.

"All the internal affairs books are here, and I have given all the money that should be paid, a total of 8,000 taels, which is 1,000 taels more than last year.

If you have any questions, just ask the old lady directly. Now that I am no longer in charge of internal affairs, I don’t know if you ask me. "

Now the old lady was completely speechless.

It was the beginning of the year, and everyone was waiting to get money to celebrate the New Year. However, the old lady’s act directly aroused public outrage.

After all, the matter of the Lu family's ancestor worship has spread throughout the city. Everyone is talking about whether the Lu family is really going to be doomed. Such a big thing as the ancestor worship only cost less than three thousand taels of silver.

The only remaining ancestor of the Lu family was alarmed. The ancestor who originally lived in seclusion rushed to the Lu Mansion overnight.

The old lady, who originally thought she could fool this matter, couldn't sit still in front of her ancestors.

Jin Shu and all the women and children in the house were waiting outside the door. The sound of breaking cups and the loud shouts of the ancestors were heard in the house.

Half an hour later, the door was opened.

The ancestor came to Jin Shu with a cane and said solemnly.

"From now on, you will still be in charge of the internal affairs! You are so old and confused! You dare to deduct any money! Do you think that since there is no one in the Lu family, she can make trouble here!"

Jin Shu lowered her head and said hello obediently.

Not bad, not bad, it would be the ancestor who had the best effect, and it was not in vain that she spent so much effort to spread this matter to his ears.

In this way, within half a month, the power of taking charge of the family returned to Jin Shu's hands.

The old lady, who had been drained of energy by this half-month battle, held on to her last bit of dignity, faced the entire room of younger generations, and returned the palm print to Jin Shu's hand.

Jin Shu flipped through the ledger and saw the problem inside at a glance.

"Mom, I also want to hand over the power of running the family to you, but I can't help it now.

Since the palm print is still under my control from now on, I have to act impartially.

Mom, there is almost a gap of three thousand taels in this account book. I won’t care about the other bits and pieces. These three thousand taels are not a small amount. In front of everyone in the Lu family, you have to give everyone an explanation.

Otherwise, I don’t know how to fill this gap for you next, which is a full three thousand taels. This is money that everyone keeps for a good year. "

When this was mentioned, the rest of the room couldn't sit still.

Three thousand taels, if divided, each person would be able to get at least a dozen more taels!

First, he was humiliated by the reprimand from his ancestors, and then he was poked in the back by the descendants of the entire room.

The old lady felt dizzy, her eyes were dark, and her whole body was limp. She managed to say a word.

"I originally kept that money just in case, but it remains sealed!

If you want it, then take it all! "(End of chapter)

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