Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 317: The rich mistress disowned 6 relatives after opening the book

As soon as these words were said, the atmosphere in the whole room became much more relaxed and happy.

Except for the old lady, everyone present was smiling, wishing they could cheer on the spot.

Three thousand taels, no more, no less, it happened to be all the money that the old lady had withheld. Now Jin Shu took out all the money and got it in front of everyone.

A whole box of silver was moved out of the old lady's private warehouse.

Jin Shu glanced over and saw that the number was almost there, so she smiled and said to the people below.

"The old lady also worked very hard, and everyone knows it.

But now the Lu family's reputation is most important. If everyone wears old clothes to go out during the New Year, wouldn't it be a joke!

Today I hold the palm print to entrust your trust. In this case, I will make the decision. I will share all the three thousand taels of silver. You will have a good year with it! "

As soon as these words came out, the whole room burst into irrepressible cheers.

At this time, the old lady's originally pale face was now even more ashy. The happiness of the whole room had nothing to do with her. When everyone came forward to receive the money one by one to thank them, they heard a "dong" sound next to them. The maid who followed the old lady screamed loudly.

"The old lady fainted! The old lady fainted!"

The scene suddenly became chaotic. Jin Shu sent someone to ask for a doctor. After a careful inspection, the doctor turned around and reported.

"The old lady's health is not serious. She is just suffering from a sudden attack of anger. All she needs to do is drink some medicine to clear her heart and relieve the anger."

In short, I fainted from anger.

Jin Shu nodded and sent someone to send the doctor away. The old lady, who had been lying on the bed with her eyes closed and pretending to be dead, slowly opened her eyes.

"Mom, you're awake. The doctor said there's nothing serious about you. He wants you to be less angry and more virtuous in the future."

As soon as she heard this, the old lady's heart was filled with pain. Her face was white but green, her lips were trembling slightly, and she looked like she was about to be angry to death.

Jin Shu sighed.

"You are so old, why are you greedy for so much? If you still have children and grandchildren, you just want to save more capital for your children and grandchildren. Now you have no children and I am the only one left. Why are you still greedy for so much? What to do more? Keep it and take it into the coffin?"

Jin Shu said this deliberately, and indeed a flash of vigilance and keenness flashed in the eyes of the old lady opposite.

Seeing her like this, Jin Shu couldn't help but smile, and used all her remaining wisdom and wisdom to help her son keep secrets.

"Am I doing this for myself! I am doing this for the Duke's Mansion! If you are so extravagant every year, how much property does the Duke's Mansion still have to defeat you!

Did you give away all the three thousand taels today? "

"Well, it's all divided."

"Confused!! You are confused!! Three thousand taels! If you give it to those people, you might as well leave it as the future inheritance of the Duke's Mansion!"

Jin Shu curled her lips calmly.

"Children and grandchildren will have their own blessings, so why leave so many behind? Will they still have the fighting spirit if they have someone to rely on?"

Besides, everyone only has one life to live, so why should you leave all your money to your children? Can’t I spend it myself? "

The old lady's eyes widened with disbelief on her face.

She never expected that such words could come out of Jin Shu's mouth.

"You, you are possessed by a ghost! You actually said such treacherous words! Children and grandchildren are the lifeblood of the Duke's government! If the money is not reserved for them, how can it be reserved for someone with a foreign surname like you to squander it?!

Jin Shu, let me tell you, everything in the Duke's Palace will be left to my grandson. If you continue to be so squandering, I will kick you out even if I have to sacrifice my old bones! "

The old lady regretted it now.

The government should not have been handed over to Jin Shu to manage in the first place.

Well now, he actually raised a traitor in the house! Her face turned pale with anger, but Jin Shu still said calmly with a smile on her face.

"There is no one you can rely on in the Duke's Mansion anymore. Your son is gone, but I now have three sons. Those who know the current affairs are heroes. Old lady, please rest in peace and take care of yourself. Don't really piss me off. It will be difficult for you to move forward in this Duke's Mansion in the future. !”

"You, you, you finally showed your true colors, didn't you?! I knew you had bad intentions, I knew you were a wolf-hearted person!"

The old lady was so angry that she banged the bed, her face turning purple.

At this time, Jin Shu was no different from the vicious villain in literary works, with a smile that made him look arrogant.

"I have kept the Duke's mansion in perfect order these past years, but you and your family are just sitting around waiting to die. Who is this wolf-hearted person that you don't even know about?

It's good to be thick-skinned, and you can live longer than those who are kind. "

"you you you!"

The old lady pointed at Jin Shu and shook her fingers crazily. Jin Shu looked at the excitement and said it with a smile.

"Have a good rest. I know that the old lady is dedicated to accumulating wealth for her children and grandchildren, so from now on, your monthly fifteen taels of silver will be reduced to the same as everyone else's, five taels of silver a month, okay?"

"I, I, I..."

Jin Shu silently held down the old lady's trembling fingers and spoke earnestly.

"I understand your thoughts. After you leave, I will definitely ask Lu Gu, Lu Huai and Lu Xu to offer you more incense every year.

You have a good rest. I have a lot of things to deal with here. After all, being a mistress is very tiring. "

Jin Shu left, and as soon as the door closed, he heard the harsh sound of broken utensils coming from inside the house.

She calmly ordered without changing her expression.

"Go and see how much the old lady's smashed utensils are worth, and deduct it from her monthly payment next month."

On the third day of the Lunar New Year, the Queen held a banquet in Xianghu.

All the ladies of famous aristocratic families in the capital, as well as the royal family and men and women of suitable age in the capital were invited to attend.

Jin Shu is going to take her three sons to see the world. When they arrive at the Xiang Lake, the place is already heavily guarded. There are luxurious boats floating on the lake. The most spectacular thing in the middle is the Queen's Royal Boat, which was newly built this year. This banquet was put into use for the first time, and anyone who saw it couldn't help but admire it.

The three children were obviously a lot more reserved.

Lu Xu held onto Jin Shu's clothes and asked in a low voice.

"Mom, I heard that if you make the Queen unhappy, your head will be chopped off!"

Jin Shu lowered her eyes and looked at him.

"Don't worry, she won't chop your head off."


"Because you little fat guy has no neck."

"Mom...you bullied me again."

The little fat man tried his best to stretch his neck, but was finally patted back by Jin Shu's loving caresses.

"It's better to be fatter, but what's wrong with being fatter? Look at the generals on the grassland. Which one is not a strong man of more than 200 pounds? Which general have you seen who is skinny?

Mom believes that you can become a famous general in the future. "

Fatty Lu Xu was very easy to coax. Hearing this, he immediately smiled and narrowed his eyes. (End of chapter)

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