Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 318: The rich mistress disowned 6 relatives after opening the book

Compared with Lu Xu's cheerful and sunny attitude, Lu Huai seemed much more restrained and calm, but compared with the reserved Lu Gu, he and Jin Shu were still harmonious in their relationship.

Every time he saw Jin Shu talking and laughing with Lu Huai and Lu Xu, Lu Gu felt a little disappointed and sad in his heart.

He couldn't help but lean forward and rack his brains to join in their conversation.

For example, when Jin Shu asked a question, he would unconsciously answer it actively. When Jin Shu's hand fell on him gently, a strange feeling of satisfaction and secret joy arose in his heart.

The four people, mother and son, handed over the invitations. After the guards let them in, before they could find their seats, they heard a shout full of laughter from behind.

"Look, the mistress of Duke Dingguo's residence is here, Jin Shu, come, there's a place for you here."

The speaker was the matron of the Liang family, and there were many ladies from aristocratic families sitting beside her. All of them were dressed elegantly and elegantly, and gathered together in twos and threes, talking and laughing.

When Jin Shu walked over, everyone looked over, and the Liang family's mistress patted the seat next to her.

"Come on, come on, sit here, I've already reserved a seat for you."

Jin Shu and her three children had just sat down when the Liang family's matron asked with a smile.

"Why didn't I see you when I prayed at the temple last time? I asked your old lady and she said you were not feeling well.

How is your health now? How's your recovery going? I heard that the Queen has arranged many activities later. Do you still have the energy to participate? "

"Just do what you can. The wind and cold a while ago haven't gone away yet."

After finishing her modeling work, Jin Shu coughed twice and leaned weakly on the cushion. Lu Huai at the side saw this and directly handed her the tea at hand.

When the Liang family's mistress saw this, her voice was high-pitched and exaggerated.

"Look, what a considerate son he is. Although he is not his biological son, he is more considerate than his biological son. He is really enviable.

You have three such good sons. I think when we get old in the future, we will definitely not be as happy as Jin Shu!

When it comes to sons, which one of you has more money? "

As soon as he said this, several ladies nearby covered their mouths and smiled.

"Yes, we worked hard for a year to have a son. How could Jin Shu be so lucky to have three more sons at once!"

"Hehehehe... You people are so annoying. You only like to make fun of Jin Shu. You just rely on Jin Shu's temper to avoid arguing with you. If it were me, I would have fallen out with you a long time ago!"

These words came out of nowhere, and those who didn't know thought that this young lady wearing a pink tie-breasted coat was speaking for Jin Shu.

But if you listen carefully, you can tell that the irony in her words is stronger than others.

Doesn't this mean that Jin Shu is thick-skinned and can still stay here without any movement no matter how sarcastic or sarcastic others are.

The ladies smiled happily.

Jin Shu looked at the pink-clad lady in front of her, and her identity automatically came to mind.

Hu Jin, the concubine of Prince Liang in the Liang Palace, can be regarded as a real royal relative compared with other ladies from aristocratic families, so even though she is only a concubine, she can still sit firmly in the middle position among this group of genuine ladies from aristocratic families.

She and Jin Shu were about the same age and had similar life and status, but the teenage Hu Jin looked quite dim in front of Jin Shu. Jin Shusheng's beauty and talent make her the center of attention no matter what the occasion.

No matter how hard she tried, Hu Jin could only become Jin Shu's foil in the end. Even in her gorgeous clothes, she could be outdone by the plain and simple Jin Shu.

Although the two have always been close friends, judging from Hu Jin's current hatred and targeting of Jin Shu, she must have secretly hated him in her heart for many years.

Nowadays, Jin Shu is in a state of poverty and has been living a reserved and embarrassed life for the past ten years.

In order for the Duke of Guo to avoid being in a difficult situation in this aristocratic family in the future, even though he knew that he would be the target of ridicule and teasing every year, the original owner had been silently enduring it.

She is used to silence.

The ladies of these aristocratic families also used to tease and torture Jin Shu as a fun activity before the banquet, and everyone enjoyed it.

Among them, Hu Jin was the most enthusiastic about this matter. The others were not surprised by this, either smiling knowingly or looking indifferent.

In the past, when the original owner heard these sarcastic comments, the biggest reaction would be to leave her seat and walk away. Otherwise, she could only cry and laugh and remain silent, pretending that she didn't understand anything.

Jin Shu could feel the embarrassment and depression coming from deep inside her heart. This emotion would affect Jin Shu's mood. She frowned and let out a "tsk".

"Mrs. Liang, your son who is the top scorer in high school met a famous girl in Hualou not long ago. The two of them had a deep love for each other. Finally, the girl got pregnant and came to ask for marriage. I wonder if you can solve this matter. Yet?"

Jin Shu’s words perfectly explain this sentence.

If it doesn't make a sound, it's a blockbuster.

All the ladies from the aristocratic families who were waiting to see Jin Shu's joke just stared at Madam Liang with wide eyes. A strong atmosphere of gossip spread, and everyone silently pricked up their ears, waiting for Madam Liang's reaction.

Mrs. Liang was shocked. She was like a cat whose tail was suddenly stepped on. She almost jumped up on the spot. The originally high-pitched voice directly turned into a sharp whistle.

"What nonsense are you talking about?! There is no such ridiculous thing! Why do you want to frame my son like this! Do you know that my son is a court official and an important minister in front of Your Majesty? If Your Majesty finds out about your insult to him, will you know? What a crime!”

Jin Shu sat back calmly, looking calm in the face of Mrs. Liang's menacing threat.

"If it's true or not, you can just go to Tianxiang Tower and ask. Or is it that Mrs. Liang is so forgetful that she can't remember that her future daughter-in-law is hiding in your backyard without seeing the light, waiting to give birth."

"You...you're talking nonsense! If you talk nonsense again, I'll tear your mouth apart!"

Everyone present is a smart person. Judging from the attitudes of these two people, everyone knows whether this matter is true or false.

The young master of the Liang family is a promising young man, an important minister in the court, and has a bright future. Many noble ladies in the capital want to get married with him. I heard that the ninth princess of the court, His Majesty's favorite youngest daughter, is also quite satisfied with him.

The identity of Mr. Liang, the prince-consort, is now firmly established. If this scandal were to spread now, the young champion's reputation would be tarnished and his innocence would be damaged.

Everyone was very excited about this matter. Hu Jin could not hide his excitement with his eyes wide open. Suddenly, Jin Shu turned around, faced herself directly and spoke slowly.

"Princess Side, you are so thin-skinned, how can you do such outrageous things? What will happen to your reputation if others find out about it?"

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