Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 319: The rich mistress disowned 6 relatives after opening the book

Hu Jin's body trembled, and she subconsciously felt guilty, but she still reprimanded immediately.

"Jin Shu, you are very capable. How could you possibly know what is going on in our house? You must be talking nonsense and pretending to be crazy!

We don't welcome people like you here! "

"Why are you so anxious? Are you afraid that I will expose your story? Hey... what will you do if someone finds out about this? I feel worried for you just thinking about it."

"Shut up!! What are you crazy about! What did I do?! If you dare to talk nonsense, I will make you pay the price!"

Jin Shu sighed and shook her head. The hearts of the ladies from the aristocratic families nearby also shook. The urgency in their eyes was like that of jackals on the grassland who smelled the blood of their prey. They were quite excited.

The lady who was watching the excitement and not taking it too seriously started to make noises.

"Yes, don't talk nonsense. We, the concubine of Prince Liang, are not afraid of slanting shadows. If you say something is wrong, it will happen. If you have the ability, just say it! If you can't tell it, even if the concubine of Prince Liang doesn't care, we won't. I will let you go!"

Jin Shu looked at Hu Jin, then showed fear.

"Forget it, I'm talking nonsense, I'm talking nonsense, Princess Side, please don't argue with me."

"Hey, if you have anything to say, tell me. What kind of dirty secrets can our princess have?"

There are always powerful and powerful people who cheer and watch the excitement.

Jin Shu waved her hand and stood up slowly.

"Hey, just think I'm joking. Let's continue chatting. I'll sit somewhere else."

After saying that, Jin Shu turned around and left with her three sons, leaving several ladies from aristocratic families with different expressions and staring at Mrs. Liang and Hu Jin with strange eyes.

Mrs. Liang sneered repeatedly.

"Hahaha... You don't really believe her nonsense, do you? My son is clean and self-sufficient and has read books about saints and sages. How could he have a relationship with that kind of woman!"

Several other people laughed in agreement, and it was clear from their expressions that they did not believe Mrs. Liang's sophistry at all.

No matter what, Mr. Liang’s reputation can’t be saved at all. Just as panicked as Mrs. Liang was Hu Jin.

Although Jin Shu didn't say anything, the way everyone looked at her had completely changed.

She was also uneasy in her heart, trying hard to maintain calmness and anger on her expression, but no one knew that she was actually more panicked than Mrs. Liang.

"Princess Side, don't argue with her. We don't do anything bad, and we are not afraid of ghosts knocking on the door! If she dares to talk nonsense, we will definitely stand by your side to deal with her!"

Hu Jin smiled and nodded randomly, echoing in agreement.

"That's right, Jin Shu must be crazy! Yes, she must be tortured and crazy by all the bad things in the Duke's Mansion!"

No matter what she said, a seed of doubt had been planted in everyone's hearts.

Compared to Master Liang, they were more curious about Hu Jin's affairs.

What does Jin Shu know?

Not only others, but also Hu Jin herself was secretly guessing about this question.

What does she know? What could she, a woman from the imperial family, know?

Does she really know what she did with other men?

For a moment, a cold sweat broke out on Hu Jin's back.

No, no, she did it so secretly that no one in the palace knew about it, so how could Jin Shu know about it.

She must be deceiving herself! She did this to deliberately mess up her sense of proportion so that she could have an easier time at the banquet.

Yes, that must be the case.

Hu Jin gave herself a reassurance and became more determined. Her eyes looked a little colder and harsher when she looked at Jin Shu sitting opposite.

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