Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 320: The rich mistress disowned 6 relatives after opening the book

When everyone was almost there, the Queen finally appeared on the stage.

As the mother of the country, her whole body is naturally graceful and luxurious. She has a phoenix crown on her head and a Xiapei. As soon as she appeared, everyone stood up quickly and shouted "A Thousand Years Old Queen!"

The three children stared curiously at the queen who was sitting at the top. Suddenly, the other party's eyes glanced directly at her. Lu Xu was so frightened that he quickly lowered his head and did not dare to look again.

There were three young men sitting next to the Queen.

At this moment, a girl in a pink skirt couldn't help but whisper in a low voice.

"Look! His Highness Eleven! His Highness Seventh and His Highness Eighth!"

A group of young girls sat together, secretly smiling and discussing.

"His Royal Highness Eleven is so handsome and rich!"

"It should be said that it's charming!"

"Yes, yes! His Highness Eleven is famous for wandering around without touching a single leaf among thousands of flowers! I never thought he would be able to arrive this year. Does this mean His Highness Eleven is ready to get married?"

This group of girls are all the noble ladies waiting to be married in the capital. Looking at their blushing faces and excitement, they are very similar to the look of modern star-chasing girls when they see their real master.

Jin Shu cracked the melon seeds and looked at the three princes in front of her.

The older one looks to be in his twenties, and the youngest, the Eleventh Prince, looks to be around seventeen or eighteen at most, with pink lips, handsome facial features, a pair of eyes that are too narrow and too enchanting, a smile that is full of youth, and a dress that dances around. Wearing a lake green robe and a black fox fur cloak, he looked like a little fox just born.

The Seventh and Eighth Highnesses sitting on both sides are also young and handsome, but they are slightly inferior compared to the Eleventh Highness.

Sure enough, appearance control is the same in ancient and modern times. Even ladies can't hold back their eyes when they see a handsome guy.

His Highness who can appear here is obviously looking for a wife.

Jin Shu silently moved closer to eat the melon, listening to these girls gossiping about their intimate affairs.

"Didn't His Highness the Eighth Prince come here last year? I remember that he married the daughter of the Shang Shu family last year. Why is he here again this year?"

"You don't even know this? Let's make peace! I behaved inappropriately in front of the Qianjin Palace, the Minister, and was reprimanded by the Queen.

Although His Highness the Eighth Prince is not the Queen's biological child, he has been raised by the Queen's side since he was a child. Naturally, all matters must be settled by her.

Naturally, His Highness the Eighth Prince will not keep anyone who the Queen does not like. "

Others suddenly realized.

"No wonder, but I still want to know why His Highness Eleven appeared here suddenly. Didn't he once say in front of the Queen that he must marry the best girl in the world in this life?"

"I have a guess. Is there a girl he likes among us?"

"Yes! It's possible, it's possible! God, I don't know which girl would be so lucky to be favored by His Highness Eleven!"

"Don't talk nonsense. My mother has a good relationship with the queen's sister. I heard that it was because His Highness Eleven was still unwilling to marry a wife when he reached the age. His Majesty was angry and ordered His Highness Eleven to marry a wife this year. The Queen had nothing to do. , I can only coax him to come."

In the end, this news is the most reliable.

Jin Shu listened with great interest. She had just finished cracking the melon seeds in her hand and was about to clapped her hands for another piece of honeydew when the Queen on the stage suddenly spoke.

"At the beginning of the new year, there is no need to be formal, just raise a glass to celebrate."

Jin Shu raised her glass with everyone else and toasted the queen together.

After drinking, it’s time for the singer to perform her dance. The leading singer wore a thin cloud gauze, revealing her slender white waist, and danced gracefully to the music of the music official.

His Highness Eleven, who was sitting next to the Queen, was sipping wine and watching the dance in the audience leisurely. There was no sight of the eager ladies around him.

After the dance, everyone got on the boat and went for a walk along the lake. During this period, the young men and women sat around the table and played Flying Flowers, using their own styles to find resonance in their souls.

At this time, the country was still relatively open. Men and women who looked at each other directly sent tokens to each other, and they sat together unknowingly while flirting with each other.

Seeing that this bustling area of ​​flowers has nothing to do with Jin Shu.

She was eating and drinking, taking her three children to enjoy the scenery on both sides of the boat. Compared with the lively blind date venue nearby, it was completely different from the other world.

The boat swam to the end and finally slowly docked next to a spacious open space.

This year's pattern was different from previous years. Everyone followed everyone off the boat with great interest. When they walked to the shore, they discovered that it was a horse farm enclosed by railings. At this time, the venue had been decorated, and the high-level viewing The platform was built on both sides of the racecourse. The Queen and her three highnesses sat on the high platform, and the others took their seats at the bottom.

Jin Shu's seat was relatively far back. After all, the current Queen Empress might not even have an impression of a distant relative of the Lu family, so her seat was naturally not as good as those noble ladies from aristocratic families who could chat with the Queen Empress about home affairs.

These ladies all brought their daughters and tried their best to get in front of the three His Highnesses.

If a prince and concubine can be born in the family, the family's status will definitely rise to a higher level.

Mrs. Liang is also one of them. In addition to her son who is the top scorer in high school, she also has a daughter who is of marriageable age. Because she and the Queen are both cousins, Mrs. Liang and her daughter took the initiative to propose a toast in front of the Queen. Chance and the three highnesses each had a drink.

The ladies and ladies sitting in the outer circle could only watch anxiously.

However, although I missed His Highness, there were many high-ranking nobles present. If I could find someone who was well-matched, it would be a worthwhile trip.

Jin Shu was yawning and waiting in boredom when she suddenly noticed that many people in front of her turned to stare at her.

Jin Shu was not a sensitive and suspicious person. She was very sure that she was at the center of the crowd's attention at this time.

She was a little dazed and yawned again sleepily. At this time, a lady in front of her said loudly.

"Mrs. Lu, the riding and shooting competition has begun, and the only ones missing are your three young masters."

Jin Shu blinked and reacted for a while before understanding what happened from the other person's words.

"My son is still young, so he won't participate in such activities."

"The Queen just said that all men, regardless of age, will participate in the riding and shooting competition. Princess Side's son, who is similar in age to your family, also participated.

Hurry up, it’s just your family. "

Jin Shu lowered her eyes and looked at the three sons beside her. Strictly speaking, she was looking at Lu Gu.


When Lu Gu heard this, he felt unhappy in his heart.

"They can do it, why can't I?"

"They have learned this since they were young. If you have no father or mother, who will teach you how to ride and shoot?"

After all, Lu Huai and Lu Xu were the direct sons of the Lu family, and they were exposed to horseback riding and shooting at the age of five or six.

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