Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 321: The rich mistress disowned 6 relatives after opening the book

Lu Gu, however, came from the countryside. He was not from a wealthy family and naturally had no chance to come into contact with this aspect of things.

Jin Shu was afraid that he would be trampled to death by a horse.

Lu Gu, however, tensed up and stood up without hesitation.

"There's nothing wrong with riding a horse."

"Well, if you think you can do it, go ahead."

The three children went into battle together. As the mother of the children, Jin Shu naturally had to sit in front and watch the game.

Jin Shu, who originally thought she could go back after dark, was asked to show off her talent in front of the leader near the end.

Before starting, Jin Shu gave a few instructions.

"Lu Xu, perform as usual, don't be nervous. If you behave well, I will go home and make pork knuckles for you."

"Lu Huai, you...just perform as usual."

After arranging these two, only Lu Gu was left. Jin Shu looked at him and whispered.

"Lu Gu, pick that pony with black body and white hooves. Feed it some food before mounting it. Then it will listen to you even if you don't use a whip."

"Do you think I'm not as good as Lu Huai?"

He only said one simple word to Lu Huai, but gave him so many instructions. After all, he just felt that he was not as good as Lu Huai.

Jin Shu looked at him and said expressionlessly.

"Yes, you are indeed inferior to Lu Huai in terms of riding horses and studying."


Jin Shu patted his shoulder.

"But one thing you are better than Lu Huai is that you are more obedient than him. Mom likes obedient children."

Lu Gu lowered his head with a sullen face, and muttered something unconvinced and angrily.

"Okay, I get it now."

The game starts immediately.

Jin Shu sat in the first row, and the queen sat in the middle seat.

At this time, Hu Jin was smiling and talking to her. As the concubine of His Majesty's younger brother, she often had the opportunity to come to the palace to attend some royal banquets. Naturally, she could also have a few words with the queen during her visits.

Jin Shu was sitting not too far away, and she could hear the conversation between the two clearly.

"The Lu family has been military generals for generations. Ding Guogong once helped the late emperor to conquer the country. Now the descendants of the Lu family are naturally like tiger fathers and no dog sons.

This time I have the opportunity to see the descendants of the Lu family on horseback with my own eyes, and I am going to see it with my own eyes. "

Hu Jin spared no effort in praising the three children of the Lu family.

The Queen nodded slowly and looked at Jin Shu who was sitting beside her.

"Okay, very good. We are short of such warriors on horseback. If these three children can really show off their talents on horseback, I would also like to give a few words of advice to these children in front of His Majesty. An opportunity to enter the military camp and try it out."

When Hu Jin heard this, his face showed some irrepressible joy.

The Queen is in the palace and busy with trivial matters, so naturally she doesn't know that all three children of the Lu family are from collateral lines.

Since he was born, he has probably only been exposed to some superficial riding and shooting skills. Compared with the true eldest son of a noble family, this is completely inadequate.

Now the Empress is focusing on these three children. Once these three children do not perform well and leave a negative impression on the Empress, the career of the descendants of the Lu family will be difficult from now on.

Hu Jinyan looked at Jin Shu with a smile and waved to her.

"The Lu family's wife is extremely talented and has a good way of educating her children. We will see it later."

Jin Shu stood up, saluted, and smiled slightly.

"Princess Side, I'm sorry, but a child can't stand your praise." The Queen nodded.

"That's true, but he's just an eight or nine-year-old child. Anyway, let's take a look first before talking."

Children of similar ages were put into groups.

Six children play polo, sitting on horseback with long-handled clubs and hitting the ball in groups of three or three. Whoever scores more goals is the winner.

This is also the most common game played by the descendants of noble families in the capital today.

Lu Huai, Lu Xu and Lu Gu were in a group. Opposite them were the son of King Liang, the son of King Beigu and the son of Shangshu respectively.

The six children were all about the same age, but each had different heights and sizes, but the horses underneath them were all underage ponies.

When the red flag fell, the six children rushed forward on horseback to grab the polo underneath them.

The son of King Liang took the lead in hooking the ball and driving it forward. He was flexible and skilled in equestrian skills. At the beginning of the game, he effortlessly dribbled the ball past others and then hit it hard to put the ball into the hole.

There was a roar from the audience.

Hu Jin sat up straight, glanced at Jin Shu, and then smiled.

"It's just a fluke. The three children of the Lu family are leaving us alone. Jin Shu, tell your son not to be so polite and just show your true skills to show the Queen!"

Jin Shu didn't even look at her. She stared at the six children on the field, with a hint of scrutiny under her calm expression.

After a while, Liang Wang's son's team scored two more goals.

On the opposite side, the three Lu family children riding horses were already sweating profusely and in disarray.

With the sound of a gong, the first scene ended. The six children dismounted from their horses to rest, and the second scene was followed by a stick of incense.

Hu Jin glanced at Jin Shu. In front of the Queen, her face was full of helplessness and surprise.

"What's going on with the three children of the Lu family? Is this the first time they're competing in this kind of situation? Are they nervous? After all, it's normal to be nervous in front of the Queen. They're just children."

As soon as she said this, the Queen shook her head slightly and whispered.

"How can a man be so timid and fearful? If he goes to the battlefield and sees blood, wouldn't he be even more scared?"

Hu Jin wiped his son's sweat and continued to help him talk.

"They are probably nervous. After they take a break, they will definitely not behave like this in the second half. Please give them another chance, my dear, and wait and see."

At this time, the three children were standing in front of Jin Shu. Lu Xu was sweating profusely and his eyes were wet. As for Lu Huai and Lu Gu, they gritted their teeth and endured, with their heads lowered and shoulders slumped in an indescribably pitiful manner.

Jin Shu looked at them with a normal expression.

"It's normal to lose. Those three are His Highness's sparring partners at that time. They hired generals who retired from the battlefield to teach them. They started practicing when they were able to ride a horse. It's normal for you not to be able to defeat them. It would be abnormal if you win. Woolen cloth."

Jin Shu and each of them passed a glass of water.

"Drink some water, remember what I'm going to say clearly, and do as I say."

Hu Jin, who was waiting to see the joke on the other side, turned around and saw mother and son from the Lu family standing together, not knowing what they were talking about.

She turned and sneered.

The Lu family probably won't be able to survive for a long time as they are a bunch of people who don't know how to live or die, but Jin Shu still dares to scream in front of her!

Today she will not only make Jin Shu lose embarrassingly, but also make her unable to hold her head high in the capital for the rest of her life!

A widow who is guarding a declining family has no right to stand and talk to her!

A stick of incense ended quickly.

Jin Shu looked at the three children with a stern look in her eyes.

"Do you all remember what I just said?"


"Well, let's go."

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