Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 325: The rich mistress disowned 6 relatives after opening the book

follow closely.

"Your Highness Eleven, shoot down the bronze target, seventy-eight!!"

"Your Highness, eight, shoot down the bronze target, sixty!"

"Your Highness Seventh, shoot down the bronze target, fifty-three!"

After hearing Jin Shu's results, the results of the following three highnesses suddenly became particularly difficult to predict.

The scene was quite silent for a while.

After all, everyone present did not expect that the winner in the end would be a married woman.

The group of ladies from aristocratic families were as quiet as chickens just now. Everyone looked at me and me, their expressions were all very strange.

When shocked to the extreme, everyone will doubt the authenticity of this world.

Hu Jin pinched her thigh hard.


"Why does it hurt? Am I not dreaming?"

How could Jin Shu, a woman from a high-class compound, have such superb riding and archery skills?

Eighty arrows, no arrows missed, what is this concept? The strongest horse-riding and archery master in the world is nothing more than this!

At this time, the three children sitting in the corner were completely boiling.

Lu Xu left his seat and ran to Jin Shu's side and shouted.

"Mom is number one!"

"My mother is number one!"

The introverted Lu Huai's cheeks were flushed with excitement, and his eyes were filled with a faint glimmer of water. All he could see in his eyes was the carefree and unrestrained Jin Shu on horseback.

As for Lu Gu, he was completely absent-minded at this time. He sat blankly in his seat with his mouth slightly open, as if he had seen something incredible.

Is this woman the one my parents said only knows the trivial matters of living in a deep house? But just now he clearly saw a light that was brighter than the sun from her.

Every move she made was arrogant and wanton, like a blooming flower or a burning fire. Just looking at her made her whole body feel hot.

Facing the surprised looks from all directions, Jin Shu walked up to the queen.

All the bronze targets had just been dismantled. Jin Shu was lucky, and the prize was hidden in the bronze target she shot down.

After winning the first prize and the first prize, Jin Shu successfully obtained a verbal promise from the Queen.

"The Jin family has been a scholarly family for generations, but they never expected to produce a heroine on horseback.

Just tell me what you want, and I will grant you whatever I can do. "

"Your Majesty, I am from the Qingyang Jin family. The Jin family has been serving the court since the founding of the late emperor.

My wife’s brother, Jin Chengli, practiced riding and shooting since childhood, and my wife learned this skill from him.

Nowadays, there are many civil servants in our dynasty, but few military ministers. Therefore, my wife boldly asked for an opportunity for her brother to join the dynasty as an official, and it was not in vain for him to study hard and train hard for more than ten years. "

When the queen heard this, she felt a little unbelievable.

Jin Shu, a married woman, would leave such a precious opportunity to her natal brother.

"You mean, your current riding and shooting skills were all taught by your brother Jin Chengli?"

"Yes, I have been studying with my brother since I was a child. The reason why I am able to show off in front of my empress today is all due to my brother's teachings."

"Your riding and shooting skills have surpassed His Highness Eleven, and I didn't expect that your brother's is even better than you. The Jin family is really full of talents.

Okay, I agree to give your brother a chance to become an official in the court, but the next step depends on your brother's own destiny. "

Jin Shu bowed respectfully and then retreated to her seat.

Today, His Majesty intends to weaken the influence of aristocratic families on the court, and there are still very few heirs of aristocratic families who can actually serve as officials in the court.

At this time, everyone knew that by winning the first place in the riding and shooting competition, she won an opportunity for her mother-in-law brother to become an official in the court. This could be said to be an opportunity for the declining family to come back to life.

The ladies from the aristocratic families below saw all this, and not long ago there was a lot of ridicule, but now they are all silent, and their hearts are filled with mixed emotions and indescribable complex sadness.

Jin Shu, a married daughter, actually won an official position for her brother, which made other children from aristocratic families feel envious.

The empress of the dynasty was a childhood sweetheart with His Majesty, and had the backing of the empress dowager, who was currently listening to politics behind the curtain. Therefore, although she was a woman in the harem, she still had the right to participate in politics.

As long as she agrees, the official position of the legitimate son of the Jin family will definitely be confirmed.

The wife of the first family, who was in a similar situation to the Jin family, said sourly.

"Jin Shu is so shrewd that she actually hired a military attache! Who knows that there are no military attachés below the sixth rank? Now that kid from the Jin family has really smoked his ancestral grave and got a sixth rank official position easily!"

"Didn't the legitimate son of the Liang family get the first prize in literature? After entering the court, he became a seventh-grade civil servant. After showing off for so long, Jin Shu directly gave a sixth-grade official to her parents' family! Where are you going to explain this? ?”

At this time, Mrs. Liang's expression could no longer be described as ugly.

Her expression twitched and her smile stiffened. She watched Jin Shu slowly walk down the stage. When other ladies from aristocratic families came forward to express their congratulations one by one, she quickly forced out a smile that was uglier than crying.

"Mrs. Lu is so good at riding and shooting. She has hidden it so deeply for so many years. It is amazing to see her revealed today!"

Madam Liang wanted to follow her, but her words were full of yin and yang, and Jin Shu meant to show off deliberately.

Jin Shu glanced at her.

"Am I familiar with you? What else do you need to know about me?"

"You...how can you speak so vehemently? I just want to congratulate you.

Why, do you think you have caught the eye of the Empress today? She has a military attaché brother, so she looks down on us people? "

Jin Shu looked at her and said calmly.

"Your son has caught His Majesty's eye and became the number one scholar. Will you look down on us?"

"Of course I won't!"

"Then why do you think I'm that kind of person? Why, target me? Exclude me? Make fun of me?"

Jin Shu spoke clearly and sharply, and her verbal attacks left the opponent unable to fight back.

Mrs. Liang stared at her big eyes and hesitated for a long time, unable to say a single word. In the end, she could only grit her teeth and swallow, forcing out a smile.

"It's my fault, and I'm here to apologize to you."

"Well, you have done a good job of correcting your mistakes when you realize them. You have to teach your son this kind of good moral character. Otherwise, his reputation will be bad, he will not be able to become the prince-in-law, and the future of the Liang family will be in trouble."

A breath of bad breath was stuck directly in her heart, which could not come up or go down. She was so suffocated that Mrs. Liang almost fell down on the spot.

Jin Shu easily dealt with one of them, but when he was about to leave, he saw Hu Jin again.

"Why, do you have something to congratulate me too?"

Hu Jin was smarter than Mrs. Liang, she smiled with squinted eyes.

"Mrs. Lu is the best in the world in riding and shooting, surpassing even His Highness Eleven. Naturally, I want to congratulate you."

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