Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 326: The rich mistress disowned 6 relatives after opening the book

Jin Shu was thoughtful.

"What do you mean by comparing His Highness to the Eleventh Highness? What do you mean, His Highness the Seventh and His Highness the Eighth are not as good as His Highness the Eleventh?"

Hu Jin's heart was shaken, and a trace of panic flashed across his face.

The reason why she just said that was because she saw three His Highnesses standing not far away and looking this way.

As the concubine of Prince Liang, Hu Jin had some understanding of the current His Highness.

Dandy, rampant, arrogant, and misbehaving.

Because he is the Queen's only son, His Majesty's youngest son, and the Queen Mother's favorite grandson, this young Highness can be said to be the devil in the palace. No one dares to touch him, and no one dares to provoke him.

That's why she promoted Jin Shu a little higher, so that she could use the sword to kill people, and borrow the hands of the demon king to completely get rid of Jin Shu, an eyesore.

But she never expected that Jin Shu would transfer the conflict to herself with just a few words.

His Highness Seventh and His Highness Eighth are not mortals either. As elder brothers, because the position of Prince is vacant, these two Highnesses are also bent on proving themselves in front of everyone.

Jin Shu misled her so much, and the two highnesses might have misunderstood her.

So Hu Jin hurriedly explained.

"That's just what I said! Don't misinterpret my meaning, you're a mouthful!"

"Oh, so what did you just mean?"

"I...I just want to praise you for your awesomeness!"

"Well, I understand, I understand everything. After all, you have said it before, I understand what you mean."

"What do you mean?! You are talking nonsense! You..."

After solving another one, Jin Shu was too lazy to waste any energy. She waved her hand without giving her a chance to speak and turned away, leaving Hu Jin standing there looking at the three highnesses in a panic.

Damn Jin Shu, she took herself off the water on purpose!

But so what? It was Jin Shu who made His Highness Eleven lose face in front of everyone.

A stupid person who dares to steal the limelight without thinking about whether he can withstand the superficial glory.

Sure enough, she watched the three highnesses walking in the direction of Jin Shu, and the fear in her heart turned into relief.

With His Highness Eleven's methods, Jin Shu won't be able to survive for long, and the entire Lu family and Jin family might suffer as well.

At this time, Jin Shu naturally knew that there was a risk in being in the limelight.

However, these risks were nothing compared to Jin Chengli's entry into the court as an official.

The Jin family has plenty of money, but what they lack now is someone who can speak to the court.

Jin Chengli is this person. He is a burly man from a literary family. He is an expert in riding and shooting and has a smart mind. Although he is not as good as Jin Shu in this aspect, in this world with deep-rooted feudal hierarchy, supporting a man to be an official in the court is obviously more courageous than a daughter. Breaking into the court is much simpler.

Jin Shu's goal is to complete the task, and she doesn't mind taking shortcuts as long as she can accomplish what she should do.

After returning to their seats, the three children gathered around Jin Shu like little swallows waiting for food, asking all kinds of questions.

Lu Xu: "Mom! Mom! You look so good at riding a horse and shooting arrows! I want to learn! Mom, can you teach me?"

Lu Huai: "Mom, besides riding and shooting, do you do anything else?"

Lu Gu: "Why are you so good at riding and shooting? Aren't you the charming young lady in the deep house?"

Jin Shu was very patient and answered one by one.

"Lu Xu, practice your boxing skills well, and I will teach you how to ride and shoot."

"Lu Huai, your mother and I are proficient in all eighteen kinds of martial arts. The days are still long and we will take our time in the future."

"Finally, Lu Gu, who did you hear to say that I'm just a pretty girl in a deep house?"

Lu Gu stared at Jin Shu, his face flushed and his heart beating thumpingly. The woman in front of him, who had always ignored him, seemed to be covered with golden light at this moment, making him afraid to look directly at her.

"My guess."

"When you have time to think, why not practice your skills well? You are not as good as Lu Xu in boxing, and you are not as good as Lu Huai in homework. If you continue like this, mother may have to send you back." A basin of cold water was poured down the head. , Lu Gu was so excited that he froze on the spot and did not dare to move.

At this moment, Jin Shu became the stern teacher again. The one who once frightened him from the bottom of his heart now changed from fear to awe from the bottom of his heart.

He wanted to get close to Jin Shu and joke with her unscrupulously like Lu Xu.

He's obviously a son, so why can't he get his mother's approval? Is it really that he is inferior to others?

The more Lu Gu thought about it, the more uncomfortable he felt. He couldn't feel any anger or unwillingness after being scolded by Jin Shu. He only felt guilty and uneasy in his heart.

"I will work hard, I will work harder."

Jin Shu looked at him, sighed and patted his head behind her.

"I also want you to become better. If one day, all three of you can become officials in the court, then I will have completed my mission in this life and can enjoy my happiness.

Alas, the struggle between aristocratic families is more cruel than what you see. "

Lu Gu was precocious. Although he was ignorant, he clearly saw how the ladies of the aristocratic families treated Jin Shu today.

So he can be sure that Jin Shu's life will never be as good as her parents said.

She worked very hard to support everything in the Duke's mansion, and also worked very hard to teach them. Such Jin Shu was much more powerful than his father.

"Mom, don't worry, I will definitely serve as an official in the court, and I will definitely make those ladies from aristocratic families never dare to bully you again."

When Jin Shu heard this, a happy smile appeared on her lips, her expression looked both distressed and happy.

"Thank you for your hard work, kids."

Lu Gu looked at her and suddenly couldn't help but leaned forward and hugged her shoulders gently.

Just like Lu Xu usually does.

"Mom, you are so awesome."

Jin Shu curled her lips, with a hint of smile in her eyes.

The little white-eyed wolf finally looks a bit like a human being.


"Is she married?"

There was some emotion in Lu Yan's tone, which made Princess Liang beside her feel uneasy.

"Yes, Jin Shu, the legitimate daughter of the Jin family, married Lu Mingqian, the legitimate son of the Lu family, at the age of eighteen. They have been married for nearly ten years now."

"Lu Mingqian? Why haven't I heard of this person?"

"Of course you haven't heard of it. Not long after they got married, he went to war. Later, he was defeated and died without any trace of his body. Jin Shu became a widow and has been a widow for many years."

Princess Liang looked at the ancestor in front of her with some surprise.

"Why does His Highness Eleven ask these questions? It's just a declining family, there's nothing to study."

"Dead...dead...her man is dead."

Princess Liang had a complicated expression.

"Your Highness, you won't..."

No way, no way, it can’t be what she thinks!

"Well, it's better to die. It will save me the trouble of doing it myself."


What the hell is this ancestor talking about? !

Oh my god, it’s okay for him to be lawless and flirt with cats and dogs, but today he actually set his sights on a married woman!

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