Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 329: The rich mistress disowned 6 relatives after opening the book

The old lady realized that there was something wrong with what she just said, so she quickly changed her words.

"Ming Qian didn't come back before, so it's understandable that this official position was left to your mother's family. After all, your mother's family can also help.

But now Ming Qian is back. After so many years of hardship and suffering outside, he finally came back to us and gave our Lu family a backbone.

Do you think it would be inappropriate to leave the official position to your natal brother at this time?

No matter how close you are to your natal brother, he is still an outsider. When he becomes powerful and prosperous, his first thought will be his wife and children, and there is no way any benefit will fall on you.

But the husband is different. If Ming Qian becomes an official, it won't be a problem for him to rise to the top with his ability. In the future, you might also be able to become a royal wife. Who wouldn't envy you among the wives of such a big family in the capital?

You can understand the reason behind this if you use your brain a little bit, so I don’t need to say more. "

The old lady talked nonsense, which made Jin Shu couldn't help but yawn.

"Yeah, let's do this. I'll take you to the palace tomorrow and you can talk to the Queen about this."

"What am I going to do? It's not me who takes the lead!"

"Yes, you also know that you are not the one who won the first place. I thought there was someone other than me who won the first place that day. Otherwise, how could you say that you changed officials as a matter of course?"

"You, how can you, this kid, talk? I'm just saying this for the sake of the Lu family, right?"

Jin Shu stood up and spoke leisurely.

"For the good of the Lu family, you have to fight for it yourself. I have done enough for the Lu family over the years. Now that Lu Mingqian is back, let him behave as well.

Okay, it's getting late. You must be tired from running all the way. Go get some rest early. "

After saying that, Jin Shu suddenly remembered something.

"Oh, by the way, I will send someone to add an extra pillow and a quilt in my room. We haven't seen you for many years, and I have a lot to say to my husband."

Lu Mingqian had a sullen face and said nothing.

The old lady was also so angry that when she saw Jin Shu pushing the door open and going out, she finally couldn't help but curse.

"Eat everything inside and out! You have been eating from my Lu family for so many years, and now you are giving all the good things to your parents' family!

Mingqian blames you too! You should have come back a long time ago! Now that the entire Lu family is in her hands, look at what life is like for my mother! "

Lu Mingqian lowered his eyes and thought deeply.

He also thought about coming back, but the one he loved didn't like to be bound by feudal ethics, so he kept holding off for her sake.

But I can't delay it now.

Jin Shu pinched the Lu family tightly. The Lu family was about to become hers. Moreover, he heard that Jin Shu had helped her mother-in-law find an official position. The old lady couldn't wait to think of such a good thing to take advantage of outsiders. Xiu Shu urged him to come back.

I thought that as long as I showed up, everything would be solved.

First, take back the power of running the house and return it to the old lady.

By the way, we cannot let the official position fall into the hands of others.

But he didn't expect that Jin Shu would become so unfamiliar after not seeing him for several years, and he could hardly recognize her!

At this moment, Ayu urged at the door.

"Master, it's getting late. Madam is waiting for you to go back to the house and rest."

The old lady patted him.

"Have a good chat with her at night. Women need to be coaxed. Once you coax her, she will agree to everything." "Aqiao is also in the house. What will she think if she finds out? I won't go."

When the old lady heard this, she wanted to beat him with a stick.

"I can't distinguish the primary and secondary evils! I'm still thinking about that vixen! She's been pestering her for so many years and she hasn't had enough? Now she's still in your way at this critical moment!"

The old lady has no favorable impressions of that folk woman named Deng Qiao.

Compared with her, Jin Shu is much more pleasing to the eye.

A wild woman with no family background actually kidnapped her son for nearly ten years! If it weren't for Lu Mingqian and Lu Gu's sake, she would never have let that woman in!

Lu Mingqian frowned displeased.

"Ah Qiao is the best woman in the world, mother, how can you say that to her! I was seriously injured and had nothing, what did she want from me? Didn't she just give everything to me without hesitation?"

"That is also a wild woman. She gave birth to a child without any agreement from her parents or a matchmaker! How unbecoming! Now my grandson almost cannot see the light of day! I will settle this matter with you later. For now You must coax Jin Shu!

Otherwise you will regret it later! "

The one he loved was demoted to nothing. Lu Mingqian raised his sleeves angrily and scolded,

"Mom! This is why I don't want to come back! You always say that I am unfilial and refuse to go home without leaving you in old age.

But look at it now, what is there about this home that I should miss? As soon as I entered the door, I was faced with you and Jin Shu, who are feudal and decadent all day long. It makes me feel boring to live! "

The old lady no longer had the energy to talk about these things with her son. She couldn't understand what the "feudal decadence" and "freedom and independence" in the other man's words were, so she directly gave a death order.

"If you want to stay with that woman forever, and if you want the Duke's Mansion to be handed over to you smoothly, then just do as I say!

Jin Shu now relies on the Duke's Palace and the Jin family. Now her brother has joined the court as an official. Don't you understand the current situation? If Jin Shu is not coaxed, the Duke's mansion will be handed over to others! "

Lu Mingqian looked disdainful.

"Giving her up to others? How capable she is, but she is just a woman in the inner courtyard!"

"Stop talking nonsense! If you don't go to her room today, I will definitely drive that woman away early tomorrow morning!"

The old lady was angry, and Lu Mingqian, who had been chewing for a lifetime, suddenly did not dare to speak.

"I'll just go, but I will never lay a finger on Jin Shu."

The old lady had a face full of hatred, but she still had no choice but to say out of love for her son.

"Anyway, you have a child, so you can do whatever you want next. In short, don't anger Jin Shu and don't cause trouble."

Lu Mingqian promised, but in his heart he was still dismissive.

What kind of trouble can a daughter stir up? Just fooling around with an old lady who has never seen much of the world.

Besides, what else can Jin Shu do that Aqiao can't do?

Let's see, before he was too lazy to come back and get involved, forget it, but now that he is back, he will never let Jin Shu make trouble at home again!

At night, Lu Mingqian was taken directly into Jin Shu's room.

When Deng Qiao, who was arranged in the outer room at this time, heard about it, her face immediately darkened and she sat there with a look of displeasure on her face. The old lady tried to persuade her in vain.

"Ming Qian is the son of the Duke, so what if he has three wives and four concubines? Is it possible that he is still guarding you?!"

Deng Qiao is not a feudal ancient, and she doesn't accept this at all.

"In my place, there are only two people in a lifetime! There is no such thing as three wives and four concubines!"

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