Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 330: The rich mistress disowned 6 relatives after opening the book

Now the old lady finally understood from whom her son learned those messy words.

She sneered.

"Since you want to be a couple for the rest of your life, then go find a mud-legged man from the countryside and get married! Why do you have to wait for us, Ming Qian!"

"He and I truly love each other! I don't care about his identity! Even if he is just an ordinary person, I still love him!"

The old lady looked her up and down, then sneered.

"Do you know how much money the clothes you are wearing are worth? What a treasure that bracelet on your hand is?

Without Ming Qian, you, a folk woman, can still wear these? "

"Oh, don't look down on me. I am no less capable of making money than you are!"

The old lady sneered.

"Then I want to see how capable you are!"

"Ming Qian also said before that housekeeping is a hard job. I didn't want to get involved so much, but now I really want to try to see how many things the Duke's Mansion can handle!"

Just then a person suddenly came in from the door.

When Deng Qiao took a look, there was a smile in her eyes, but there was a hint of sadness on her face.

"Azhao, you're here, come here and show me."

As soon as Lu Gu walked over, Deng Qiao's eyes turned red.

"I'm thinner and darker. It's all my fault for letting you face this dark place alone, which has caused you to suffer so much and suffer so much.

Now that mother is back, she will never let anyone bully you again. "

Lu Gu was held in Deng Qiao's arms and cried. His brows furrowed slightly, and he stretched out his hand to push her away gently.

"Mom, what are you talking about? I live a good life here and I don't suffer. Don't worry."

"You kid are just afraid that I will worry. How can you not be punished when you get here? Did that woman bully you? Tell me, and she will avenge you."

Lu Gu frowned even more tightly. He had never felt that his mother's words were so harsh.

"No one bullied me, she...she was very nice to me and didn't bully me. Mom, please stop thinking so much.

Now that you are here, stay here with peace of mind. My mother...she is a good person. Even if she knows about our relationship, she will not embarrass you. "

Jin Shu was so kind, so tolerant and generous, treating other people's children as her own, let alone her husband's son.

During this time, Lu Gu also thought clearly. The best way is to tell Jin Shu directly. Jin Shu is such a good person and will definitely forgive his parents.

But Deng Qiao stood up suddenly and stared at him.

"What nonsense are you talking about! What's wrong? Do you want to change your mother?"

"No, I don't, mother. I only have you as my mother in this life. I say this for your and my father's future, and for your own good."

Deng Qiao stared at her son coldly.

I once wondered if Jin Shu had drugged his son.

"Azhao, have you forgotten what you promised your mother before? You said you would work hard to inherit the Duke's palace, and you said you would fulfill your mother's wish. Have you forgotten all of this?"

Lu Gu silently lowered his head, pursed his lips, and said after a long silence.

"I remember, mother, you hate the feudal system and religious etiquette. I will inherit the Duke's palace, don't worry, mother."

After hearing what her son said, Deng Qiao finally felt relieved.

"Be good, mother will never let you become the scum of a feudal society!"

The old lady pulled Lu Gu from the side and said in a bad tone. "What kind of scum and scum? The children of our government will all be the best among men from now on!"

"Okay grandma, stop talking. You are all my relatives. I hope you can get along well in the future, okay?"

The old lady looked at Deng Qiao with a sullen face.

"For Azhao's sake, I won't argue with you so much. It's getting late, so you should rest early. Since you want to be the mistress of the Duke's Mansion, you still have a lot to learn next."

Anyway, Jin Shu couldn't control it at all now, so he took this opportunity to drive her out. No matter what, the Deng Qiao in front of her was definitely better than Jin Shu.

At this time, everyone in the Duke's mansion had their own secrets.

After washing up, Jin Shu was applying toilet lotion in front of the mirror. This was a homemade product that she made at a high cost and was very effective. After using it for less than a month, the old look caused by fatigue and anxiety on the original owner's face was completely eliminated.

Here, Jin Shu was taking care of her skin while looking at her account book. The door to the wing was pushed open by Lu Mingqian.

Ayu silently retreated, leaving the two of them alone.

Lu Mingqian specially chose a seat farthest away from Jin Shu and sat down. He was thinking about how to get rid of Jin Shu as soon as possible. At this moment, the woman who was looking in the mirror with her back to him slowly turned around.

Under the pearly light, the woman's waterfall-like black hair slanted down, and her face without makeup was pink and delicate. At first glance, she looked even more lively and plump than that eighteen-year-old girl.

After so many years of not seeing her, her appearance had not changed at all, and there was a lot of enchanting charm between her eyebrows that he had never seen before.

The man was a little dazed.

Finally, it was Jin Shu who spoke to bring him back to his senses.

"It's getting late, let's take a rest early."

Lu Mingqian woke up, looked at Jin Shu's appearance, and said something subconsciously.

"You haven't changed at all in the past few years."

"Well, you have changed a lot."

"Where have I changed?"

"Getting older and getting ugly."

Lu Mingqian felt something in his heart and his expression hardened.

"I know you blame me for not coming back for so many years, but I have already told you the reason. I..."

"I lost my memory after the war. I know. Ten years later, I suddenly regained my memory and then went home immediately, right?"

Lu Mingqian nodded bravely.

"Yes, that's it. I know you have worked hard these years. Now that I am back, the burden on your shoulders can be relieved."

Jin Shu looked at him and nodded.

"Then I really can't blame you. Amnesia is something that can't be helped.

It doesn't matter whether the burden is heavy or not. I have been carrying it for so many years. I am used to it and I don't feel tired at all. So it doesn't matter. You don't need to feel bad for me. "

Lu Mingqian didn't expect that she would say this. He thought that after the two of them chatted in private, she would let down her guard and show her vulnerable side. Unexpectedly, the other party had no intention of opening up her heart at all. This left him with what to say next. ?

"After all, I am the legitimate son of the Lu family. Now that I'm back, I can't keep bothering you to take care of this.

Let's do this. I'll do my best to help you bear some of it, and I'll feel better. "

Okay, so you really want to help her solve her problems, right?

That's okay, Jin Shu nodded and said cheerfully.

"Ayu has always washed my underwear for me. Let's do this. I'll leave this job to you from now on. When Ayu has free time, she can come and help me squeeze my shoulders and legs. In this way, it can be considered a help. I’m busy, okay?”

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