Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 331: The rich mistress disowned 6 relatives after opening the book

Lu Mingqian stared at Jin Shu in disbelief.

"What are you talking about? You want me, a man, to wash your underwear for you?! Jin Shu, I think you are going crazy!"

Jin Shu looked at him innocently.

"What's wrong with men? Can't men wash women's underwear? Haven't you kept saying that you hate the feudal and decadent thing the most, why are you now engaging in the antagonism between men and women?"

"Jin Shu, are you trying to trick me? I've come back after all the hard work, and you treat me like this.

Jin Shu, you let me down so much! "

"Then why are you coming back? If you want to leave, you can leave now. I guarantee no one will stop you."

Lu Mingqian could finally see that Jin Shu had completely changed now, and was no longer the virtuous and virtuous woman she was before.

"You're crazy! This is the Lu family, and you actually want to drive me away? Originally, I wanted to save some face for you, but now it seems that you brought all this on yourself!

Jin Shu, I want to make peace with you! I want you to leave our Lu family! "

Lu Ming's chest heaved with anger. He originally wanted to delay for a few more days to give Jin Shu some face and let her pack her things.

Now he can't wait any longer. If he doesn't get along, Jin Shu will really regard this family as his own!

"Ha ha……"

He originally thought that Jin Shu would be angry, flustered, and argue with him, but Lu Mingqian had already made plans in his mind. Unexpectedly, Jin Shu just smiled softly in the end.

"Lu Mingqian, now the whole capital thinks you are dead, how can a dead person reconcile? Can you figure out the current situation?"

"This is just an accident. I will explain it clearly to His Majesty."

Jin Shu pulled her lips and smiled.

"Then since you are not dead, the culprit who killed eight thousand troops and horses in the ambush has been found.

Think about it.

If you die, it will be called death together.

If you are not dead, you are absconding out of fear of crime.

To sum up, guess whether His Majesty will forgive you? "

Seeing the frightened and shocked expression on Lu Mingqian's face, Jin Shu didn't bother to look at him anymore.

How could such a stupid thing make the original owner fall in love with her wholeheartedly but not be able to get it?

"Jin Shu, we should be of the same mind as a husband and wife. What do you mean by saying this now? Can you bear to see me hiding from the light of day for the rest of my life?"

Jin Shu said seriously.

"Otherwise? What other options do you have?"

"I...I have been alone for so many years and have been disconnected from the world for too long. Now you know the situation in the capital better than I do. What do you think?"

Lu Mingqian is a flexible and flexible person.

Jin Shuyang pretended to think seriously for a moment, then said helplessly.

"Now there is only one way. It will be ten years since you left. I have already made up my mind to break up with you, but after thinking about it, I still can't bear to see you punished by His Majesty.

Well, you will definitely not be able to use your identity as Lu Mingqian. Your Majesty's title of loyal martyr, your tablet is placed in the loyal martyr hall. There is definitely no room for change in this matter.

But although you can't be Lu Mingqian, you can be someone else. "

"Others? Who?"

"Anyone can be a collateral member of the Lu family. It's still the Lu family anyway. If you come here, won't you be able to live an upright life?"

Lu Mingqian heard this and thought about it carefully.

"How can I be your husband if I am someone else?" "You know this and I know it. You are still my husband. Even if others don't know, it's okay as long as we know.

In a few years, when I choose the heir to the Duke's Palace, you will come back directly in the name of the heir's biological father. In this way, you will still be the old man of the Duke's Palace. "

From what he heard, it was sound and reasonable. The most important thing was that if he replaced another person's identity, he could take Deng Qiao to him openly!

At that time, all we have to do is make an excuse and say that since the heir needs a biological father, he will also need a biological mother. That way, Deng Qiao can be given an upright identity.

Thinking of this, Lu Mingqian nodded.

"Okay, this method works.

However, the selection of the future heir to the Duke's Mansion requires my nod of approval. "

Jin Shu smiled.

"That's a matter of course. In the end, everyone must agree to be the Duke of the country."

Just like that, Lu Mingqian went to sleep in the side room with satisfaction.

The whole night, Deng Qiao didn't sleep.

The thought of Lu Mingqian and Jin Shu staying alone in the house all night made her restless. She finally made it to the next morning, and Deng Qiao waited impatiently at the door of the courtyard.

As a result, the waiter didn't wait until noon.

As soon as she saw Lu Mingqian, Deng Qiao immediately turned around and left with a dark face without looking back.

Seeing this, Lu Mingqian had no choice but to chase after him.

"I was delayed because of something at home. I'll be back as soon as the matter is settled."

"You still know how to come back? I thought you forgot where home was when you came back here.

Lu Mingqian, I don't like it here. Let's leave. We'll leave tonight. I can't stay in this damn place for a second! "

Deng Qiao really couldn't stand this deep compound. Not only did she have to face the pedantic old lady every day, but she also had to watch her husband go to sleep in other women's rooms.

"Calm down. When Azhao inherits the family business, we can leave here and go wherever we want."

"Then hurry up and hand over the Duke's mansion to Azhao. You're back, isn't this a trivial matter just a matter of your words! Why do you still have to harp on it for so long?"

Lu Mingqian frowned and said helplessly.

"This matter is not as simple as you think. I have a special status now, and I need you to be patient for a few more years."

"You just like to complicate simple things and go round and round. Why does a woman like Jin Shu have to take care of your big family named Lu? You have remarried now and have a son. Now you can directly Wouldn't it be nice to just let her go?

Don’t you value future generations the most? She doesn’t have children, and I do, so why don’t you just tell the public that she can’t have children? "

Deng Qiao didn't want to endure it any longer.

This place is indeed a place where people can eat without blinking an eye, and it only took one night for her to almost have a nervous breakdown.

Lu Mingqian really didn't know how to comfort her, so he could only step forward and hug her.

"It's my uselessness that made you come back and suffer with me. But the current situation is very complicated. Can you just listen to me?"

This trick was very useful for Deng Qiao. She slowly calmed down, and Lu Mingqian explained the current situation to her in detail.

"Do you understand now? I have a special status now and there is no way I can be Lu Mingqian again.

Moreover, Jin Shu is too powerful. She has been in charge of the Duke's Mansion for so many years, and it is impossible to remove her in a short time.

The only thing we can do is to be patient. When A-Zhao grows up and obtains a meritorious service, we can go back to our previous lives. "

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