Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 332: The rich mistress disowned 6 relatives after opening the book

Deng Qiao sat next to Lu Mingqian, her tone full of grievances.

"I came here because of you. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have come to this hellish place!

I heard that the woman adopted all three children directly. You have to have a good talk with your mother, but you must not let others take advantage of her. "

"Don't worry, the person who can inherit the Duke's Palace must be the blood of the Duke's Palace."

"When Azhao inherits the Lu family, we will continue to travel around the mountains and rivers. We will not be rich or wealthy, and we will live a simple life like this."

On the other side, Jin Shu looked at the account book in her hand. The old lady had been sitting here since the morning and had no intention of leaving until now.

"Ming Qian is back. It's not good for him to be a man and have nothing to do all day long. Otherwise, let him take care of the restaurant on West Street and help you share some of the burden."

"Aren't you worried about the guy who's out there in the restaurant showing off all day long and being recognized?

Although it has been many years, I am afraid that there are still people with good memories. If the news reaches His Majesty’s ears by then..."

The old lady waved her hands repeatedly when she heard this.

"Yes, yes, forget it, forget it, then if there is one more person in the family from now on, let's set an expense for him every month.

Just give him fifty taels. After all, a man cannot live without money. "

Jin Shu said without raising her head.

"According to the government's standards, seven taels per month is enough for a grown man."

"Seven taels? What can I buy with only seven taels? Ming Qian has suffered so much outside, don't you, the wife, feel sorry for him at all?"

Jin Shu raised her eyes and glanced at the old lady.

"Mom, seven taels of silver is enough for him to buy three sets of clothes, drink five kilograms of good wine, and eat and drink without spending any money, so why is it not enough?

Is there anything else you want? "

"You, you are so inhumane! Ming Qian is the head of the Lu family!"

"The head of the Lu family died on the battlefield. He is now a collateral relative. Now the young masters and ladies in the family don't remember him. They only regard him as an ordinary relative. If you give him so much money a month, you are afraid that others will not doubt him. identity?

Mom, care leads to chaos, you can’t help but believe this. "

The old lady was speechless.

After all, what Jin Shu said was somewhat reasonable. If he thought about it carefully, he could convince himself.

When the first month's payment came, Lu Mingqian almost couldn't believe his eyes.

Weighing the few taels of silver in his hand, he asked the accountant several times.

"That's it? Seven taels?"

The cashier had been replaced, and he was no longer the one he knew before.

The person in front of me does everything in a serious manner, no matter who is in front of him.

"What is written in Madam's account book is seven taels. If you have any questions, please ask Madam. I only recognize the account book."

"You...Okay, I want to ask, when did the Duke's mansion fall into such a state of decline? He only has seven taels of monthly money!"

When Lu Mingqian angrily found Jin Shu, Jin Shu was lying on the beauty's couch basking in the sun.

The sun in early spring was warm and comfortable on the body. Jin Shu was not afraid of getting tanned anyway, so she simply faced the sun with a fair face and shone fearlessly.

Lu Mingqian just came and questioned him head-on.

"Did you order seven taels of silver for me?"

"Well, what happened?"

"Where is the account book? Is our government so poor? We only have seven taels of monthly money?!"

Jin Shu said lazily without opening her eyes.

"Otherwise, what do you think? Seven taels is too much for you, while others only have five taels."

"Where's the money? Where did all the shop money go?!"

Jin Shu narrowed her eyes and glanced at him, with a sneer on her lips.

"Ask your mother where the money went. When the Duke's mansion was in the most difficult time, the old lady was the richest.

Oh, by the way, there are still tens of thousands of taels of silver in the accounts that have not been settled in the past ten years. I am planning to ask the old lady for an explanation. It just so happens that you are back, come with me to ask where those tens of thousands taels went. Otherwise, with so much money, your monthly income would not be more than seven taels. "

Lu Mingqian was about to lose his temper when he suddenly remembered something, and his arrogance suddenly dissipated a lot.

Jin Shu sat up and looked at him with a half-smile.

"Then don't delay things, go directly and ask the old lady where all the money was spent."

"Jin Shu! My mother has worked hard for the Lu family for so many years. For this small amount of money, you are going to ask this old man, how can you become so mean?"


Lu Mingqian must have been working as a tailor in the past ten years, otherwise why would he be so good at labeling him?

"So instead of asking the old lady for an explanation, I can only think of other ways to make up for the money.

Do you have any questions now? Is seven taels enough? "

Lu Mingqian couldn't hold back his fart for a long time. He came in angrily and left dejectedly.

Looking at his back, Jin Shu couldn't help but sneer.

The old bastard's ten years of living outside were not a hard life. Although he lived in seclusion in the mountains and forests, his life was more luxurious and comfortable than that of the native emperors in the mountains.

Not all the money that the old lady was greedy for went into Lu Mingqian's pocket.

The Duke's Mansion keeps this super giant borer, and the original owner is like an old scalper, carrying this heavy burden step by step with difficulty.

After raising a bunch of moths and Lu Gu, a white-eyed wolf, I didn't have a good life on the last day and was pissed to death.

Jin Shu's heart aches when she thinks of this.

Seeing this, Ayu quickly stepped forward and patted her gently.

"Miss, that person just now...is the master, right?"

There are not many people in the house who still remember Lu Mingqian, and Ayu is one of them.

The moment she saw Lu Mingqian, she was stunned for a long time before she could react.

Jin Shu nodded.

Ayu hesitated for a while with a sullen face, and finally whispered.

"The little girl in the outer courtyard told me that there was a woman living in the old lady's other courtyard. She was said to be a distant relative of the old lady.

But this morning, I saw the master coming out of that woman’s yard.

Miss...could she be..."

If a man doesn't come back for ten years, and when he comes back, he has a woman, even a fool can guess the relationship.

Jin Shu looked calm.

"Well, you can see it too. It seems that the mother and son really fooled me into thinking I was a fool."

"Miss, they have gone too far! How could they do this to you!"

"It's okay. Didn't they return it to the Duke's Mansion? It will be easier to handle once it is delivered to the door."

Ayu was indignant.

"Miss, please never forgive them!"

Jin Shu smiled nonchalantly, closed her eyes and lay down to continue basking in the sun.

"There's no need for me to take action, they're already making trouble on their own."

At this moment, a crisp sound of applause came from the old lady's Buddhist hall.

"A total of more than 30,000 taels of silver, and you didn't save a penny?!"

Lu Mingqian covered his face. It was the first time in his life that he was beaten by his mother. He was stunned and couldn't speak for a long time.

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