Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 333: The rich mistress disowned 6 relatives after opening the book

Lu Mingqian wanted to lose his temper, but when he saw the anger and irritability on the face of the old woman opposite him, which he had never seen before, the anger in his heart immediately dissipated, leaving only a faint uneasiness.

"You left me to fight for two years. After I and Ah Qiao got married, you only sent me three to four thousand taels of silver a year. Do you know how much the expenses will be after you have a child?"

The old lady was about to lose her mind.

I lived frugally, licked my old face, and sent all the money I saved in various shops to my son. I just expected to save some money for retirement in a place where Jin Shu couldn't see it, but it didn't work. I thought that my beloved son hadn’t even saved a penny!

"Okay, okay, okay...well done to you!!"

The old lady said hello three times in a row, then sat down and took two deep breaths, her face turned dark and ugly.

"Then answer me now, people in a place as big as the capital can spend less than one thousand taels a year, how can the three of you spend three or four thousand taels in the deep mountains and old forests!!

how? Do you use your money to play with water every day? ! "

Three or four thousand taels! ! Five taels of silver is enough for an ordinary family to eat and drink for a month or two, not to mention that farmers in the countryside may not be able to earn five taels after working hard all day.

Jin Shu usually gave her twelve taels a month, but she couldn't even spend it all and still save some. How could this beast in front of her squander so much money! !

Lu Mingqian was frightened by the old lady's appearance. He no longer had the arrogance he had just now, so he stood opposite and whispered in a low voice.

"Although the scenery in the mountains is beautiful, the roads up and down the mountains are not easy to walk. Aqiao needs to recover after giving birth and cannot be tired from running around, so I spent some money to hire someone to build a road in the mountains, which cost... more than a thousand taels. silver.

It was not easy to go up and down the mountain even after the road was repaired, so we hired two grooms to wait on us at home so that we could go up and down the mountain at any time without being restricted. "

"You two specially hired two grooms??"

The Duke's mansion has such a big family, and it only needs two grooms to show off in the capital!

These two losers actually hired two of them on the mountain just to go up and down the mountain without exerting any effort! !

The old lady covered her chest and suppressed her anger.

"Then do you want more than three thousand taels? Keep talking!!"

Lu Mingqian didn't want to say anything anymore, but seeing the old lady's expression becoming more and more terrifying, his legs went weak and he knelt down to speak.

"Mom, Aqiao gave me a child after all. Do you know how much it costs a woman to give birth to a child? So you must recover in time after giving birth.

In this case, those nourishing and nourishing things must be eaten every day, and this meal will cost nearly ten taels... We don't know how to burn good things, so we are afraid of wasting them, so we hired a few more cooks.

Ah Qiao and I have different tastes. If we can't eat together, the cook will need to hire two..."

Two people, two private chefs...

The old lady's hands and feet were trembling, and her lips were also trembling as she stared at Lu Mingqian in front of her.

"With more helpers at home, the house naturally needed to be renovated. Aqiao designed the drawings herself and built a manor on the top of the mountain.

But this is also for the purpose of inviting you to live together in the future. In one step, our children and grandchildren can all live together without feeling crowded. "

The old lady didn't know what the manor was, but judging from their extravagant lifestyle, the house would naturally not be smaller than the Duke's Mansion where they lived now.

Lu Mingqian certainly didn't dare to say how big it was.

After all, the manor was built on the top of a mountain, and the manpower and material resources were dozens or hundreds of times greater than those on flat land, and the money spent was naturally countless.

He even dared not say that Deng Qiao had made it clear to him that she would never live with the old man in the future.

Therefore, even though the hilltop manor was built larger than the Duke's Mansion, there was no room for the old lady in it. Lu Mingqian wouldn't say these words even if he died in his stomach.

But even if I don't say anything, the previous ones are enough to make the old lady angry to death.

"Mom, do I need to continue talking?"

The old lady looked at him, her expression of hatred almost overflowing.

She looked at him with red eyes and choked.

"Do you know how the Duke's Mansion came to be here in the past ten years?"

"I...I don't know."

Lu Mingqian lowered his head and said nothing, his expression clearly showed knowing.

For the first time, the old lady felt that she had really given birth to a beast.

"So you didn't save a penny, so you spent it all on eating, drinking and having fun, right?"

"It seems...it seems to be."

How does he know specifically? Anyway, he can receive money from the old lady every year, and all the money from the previous year can always be spent before the next year's money is received.

It has been like this all these years, and he has long been accustomed to spending money lavishly without leaving any money in his hands.

So even if I live in the mountains, my life is more comfortable than living in the capital.

My lover is by my side all day every day, surrounded by mountains and rivers, and the food and drink expenses are the best in the world. When I feel a little bored staying at home, I just go sightseeing, and when I am tired, I go home to rest.

Such relaxed days passed year after year, and even though ten years had passed, he still felt that it was just a blink of an eye.

If they hadn't been waiting for the money from the old lady for a long time after the New Year this year, how could they have left such a good place and returned to the capital.

But since I'm back this time, let's settle the matter directly.

Help the old lady get the housekeeper's rights back, so that they can go back with peace of mind and continue to live their previous lives.

Anyway, when the old lady couldn't hold on any longer, Azhao also grew up. The child was taught to be filial and obedient, and he would naturally take over the old lady's duties and continue to support them.

Unfortunately, the plan didn't go smoothly at all.

Jin Shu was much stronger than he thought, and the old lady seemed much older. He thought it was just a problem that could be solved in a month or two, but now there is still no progress at all even after it has been delayed for so long.

Deng Qiao was anxious.

She was used to being free and loose by nature, so how could she bear the depressing life in this deep house and compound.

Not to mention anything else, even the monthly expenses depend on other people’s opinions. It’s only seven taels a month, but it’s all gone after just a few meals!

Lu Mingqian was completely helpless now.

"Mom, the Duke's palace is so rich, how can it be possible that he only gives me such a small amount of money every month! I think Jin Shu just wants to torture me on purpose! Mom, go and talk to her about how she can use such a small amount of money to send a beggar!"

"You bastard!! You've lost your head after drinking cat urine!! How rich do you think aristocratic families in the capital are? Do you think everyone can live a life of debauchery and debauchery like you did before?

Every penny you spend is earned through hard work! !

I couldn't argue with you before. Now if you want to spend money, then go and earn it yourself! "

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