Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 335: The rich mistress disowned 6 relatives after opening the book

Lu Mingqian was seen happily going out.

Jin Shu took a sip of scented tea and thought about it silently for a while.

She doesn't remember anyone in the court who can speak for him. The relationship between aristocratic families is the most fragile and hypocritical. Not to mention Lu Mingqian, who has been dead for almost ten years, even if he returned in triumph that time. , according to the rate of decline of the Lu family, it is impossible for officials in the government to take him seriously.

What's more, taking the initiative to bring trouble to His Majesty is thankless, who would do it?

It was rare that Jin Shu couldn't figure out something.

But this has no impact. Lu Mingqian's "death" is good for her, and "coming back to life" is also good for her.

Jin Shu is best at turning the situation to her advantage.

That night Lu Mingqian came back with a red face.

Jin Shu knew as soon as she saw it that the matter must be done.

Before she could give her orders, Ayu had already slipped under the wall of the outer courtyard quite skillfully and listened clearly to the chat between Lu Mingqian and Deng Qiao.

"Miss, it's broken, something big has happened."

Ayu came back in a panic, leaned directly into Jin Shu's ear and said her name.

"Your Highness Eleven?"

"Yes, I heard this clearly, it is His Highness Eleven! I never thought that that stinky man would have such a big backer in the court!

Now His Highness Eleven personally came forward to intercede for him. At first His Majesty was ready to punish him, but His Highness Eleven came forward and the situation was reversed!

Now that His Majesty has forgiven him for all his previous mistakes, he is even considering giving him a small official position! "

Jin Shu nodded.

The above may be true. If His Royal Highness really came to plead for mercy in person, then His Majesty would indeed give him face.

But the next sentence of sending a petty official to do something for him is pure bragging. If a dog man can save a dog's life, it is a great luck. How can your majesty give him any more benefits? It is probably Lu Mingqian's love for Deng Qiao. Bragging in front of others.

"Miss, if the master really returns to the Lu family as the head of the family, then your power to control the family may really be given away!"

Jin Shu sighed rather unconcernedly.

"Then there's no other way. Who told me not to have a surname of Lu?"

"Miss, the master also said that as soon as I regain my identity, I will divorce you immediately!"

Jin Shu nodded, and her eyes lit up.

"Heli, okay."

Ayu was completely silent.

Although she also wanted the young lady to stay away from that scumbag Lu Mingqian, but when she thought that so many years of hard work would soon be given away, even Ayu felt full of unwillingness and resentment.

Why are you taking advantage of that couple?

Jin Shu looked at her and spoke calmly.

"Don't worry, let's continue to enjoy the popular food and drink spicy food after leaving the Lu family. What are we worried about?"

"Miss, you are so kind."

It doesn't matter whether you eat something popular or not, or drink spicy food or not, as long as the lady can be happy.

Looking at the loyal servant in front of her, Jin Shu smiled, then took out a box from the cabinet on the small table next to her.

"Take these and put them away for me. I'll ask you for what I need when the time comes."

The box was so light that it seemed to have no weight, but since it was given by the lady, Ayu would definitely put it away. "Miss, you'd better make plans as soon as possible. It's probably only within the next two days."

Jin Shu knew this.

Lu Mingqian could wait, but Deng Qiao couldn't wait even a second.

Jin Shu didn't have anything to plan. She had already tidied up what she needed to do, and she could get out as soon as the time came.

That night, after time stood still, Jin Shu took out all the account books of the Duke's Mansion.

These are all marked by her. Compared with the pile of bad debts before, it can be said that the current government's accounts are in order. As long as this rule continues, there will be no major problems in the government within ten years. question.

Naturally, what she worked hard to make could not be cheapened by others, so Jin Shu didn't mind staying up another night to restore the mess of the Duke's Mansion to its original state.

Sure enough, walking uphill is difficult, but walking downhill can be said to be smooth and smooth, and it doesn't take long to restore the mess to its original state.

In addition, Jin Shu went to the old lady's house again.

She either doesn't do sneaky things, or she does it to the best of her ability.

The original owner only had the right to manage the thirteen shops outside the Duke's Mansion from beginning to end, and the real land deeds were hidden in the hands of the old lady.

The rule of the Duke's Mansion is that the previous mistress will hand over all the property deeds, land deeds, deeds of sale, and other such things to the next mistress.

But the old lady kept holding it tightly in her hands, saying that as long as Jin Shu gave birth to an heir, she would hand over everything in the Lu family to her.

As a result, Lu Mingqian ran away. Naturally, this promise could not be fulfilled, and the original owner was left to work like a cow, without reaping any real benefits.

Thinking of this, Jin Shu did not hesitate to pry open the secret compartment hidden behind the Buddha statue by the old lady.

The old lady thought that she had done everything perfectly, but it was a pity that Jin Shu could tell at a glance that she was not the kind of person who prayed to gods and worshiped Buddha at all. How could someone who had done so many bad things and had no faith at all, be able to stay up all day long? Stay in the temple and pray?

So Jin Shu went straight to the Buddhist hall. Based on her understanding of the old lady, it didn't take long to find where she hid the treasure.

When the secret compartment is opened, the inside of the Buddha statue is hollow, and there is a cave at the bottom.

Regardless of the treasure that had been treasured for many years, Jin Shu took the lead in taking out the house deed.

Including the seven shops included in the original owner's dowry, a total of thirteen house deeds are all here.

This must be taken away.

Apart from these, which are of little weight, the rest are all good and weighty things.

There was a whole box of gold and silver, amounting to a thousand taels, and Jin Shu transported it all out one by one without leaving any behind.

In addition, there are treasures left by the ancestors of the Lu family. The value is unknown but they are definitely good things. Hiding them here without seeing the light of day is not an option, so Jin Shu packed them all and took them away.

After confirming that the entire Buddha statue and the bottom of the base were hollowed out, Jin Shu restored everything to its original state, then walked to the Buddha statue and worshiped.

In her time and space, gods and Buddhas have always existed independently and did not interfere with each other.

Compared with becoming a god, the road to becoming a Buddha is more difficult and difficult. The person who can finally become a Buddha must also be a person of great fortune.

So when Jin Shu saw him, he would give him a respect and say hello. She didn't expect him to bless her, but just said hello to an acquaintance.

Jin Shu was very tired from moving down here and there.

After the time stopped, everything returned to its original state. Jin Shu lay down early and had a good sleep, waiting to deal with those bastards from the Lu family the next day.

As she expected, early the next morning, before the rooster crows, the whole Lu family entered the yard in great excitement.

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