Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 336: The rich mistress disowned 6 relatives after opening the book

The maid outside had urged her several times, but Jin Shu remained indifferent and slept until seven in the morning. After her energy was almost restored, she slowly washed her face and had breakfast.

When they packed up everything and went out, the mother and son of the Lu family had a thick layer of frost on their faces, looking extremely wonderful.

Jin Shu yawned and sat down slowly.

"Why don't you come to me so early?"

Without saying a word, Lu Mingqian took out a piece of paper from his sleeve and pushed it in front of Jin Shu.

"Letter of divorce. You have bad character and are disrespectful and unfilial. I don't want to be entangled with you anymore. This is a letter of divorce for you. You pack your things and leave the Lu family as soon as possible.

I know what you want to ask. Why can I write you a divorce letter openly? Want to know why I'm not afraid of my identity being revealed?

You don't need to know this. I have my own way to prove my innocence to Your Majesty. Now that I have resumed my status as the head of the Lu family, everything in the Lu family is under my control, so stop talking nonsense and leave quickly. "

There were a lot of cracklings, just to catch Jin Shu off guard and not give her any psychological preparation.

After saying everything, Lu Mingqian stared at Jin Shu, waiting to see her next reaction.

Suddenly losing everything, not only unable to be the head matron of the Lu family, but also being divorced as an abandoned wife, Jin Shu must be going crazy now!

The old lady also drank tea indifferently, as if everything happening now had nothing to do with her.

After waiting for a long time, Jin Shu nodded slowly, without any emotion on her face.

Lu Mingqian thought she didn't react at first, and he couldn't help but feel unhappy when he saw that she still looked awake after waiting for so long.

Didn't he hold it in all night just to catch her off guard and wait to see her painful reaction? But why didn't she react at all now?

"You don't have to pretend to be stupid in front of me. The divorce letter has been written. No matter what, you and I have nothing to do with each other anymore. You know, pack your things and leave immediately?"

"Um, okay."

Jin Shu said this suddenly, followed by Ayu who was in the room and came out directly carrying a baggage.

"What do you mean? Have you prepared it in advance?"

The mother and son wanted to catch each other off guard, but now they were caught off guard.

Lu Mingqian looked at the two masters and servants who were getting ready to go. He didn't have time to say anything, but in the end it all became one sentence.

"Jin Shu, you really have no nostalgia for the Duke's mansion!"

"Aren't you going to divorce me? What? If I don't take the initiative to leave, you are not going to divorce me?

Well, if that's the case, I won't leave. "

"You have such a beautiful idea. Come on, leave now!"

Jin Shu took Ayu and left without hesitation. When she arrived at the door, Lu Huai and Lu Xu were already waiting for her with salutes on their backs.

When the old lady saw this scene, she sneered.

"A bunch of stupid people actually want to go with a divorced woman!

Just in time, it also saves me the effort to chase them away. "

The carriage at the door has been waiting for a long time, and Lu Xu and Lu Huai got on first.

Before leaving, Jin Shu turned around and looked at the door.

Deng Qiao couldn't wait to come out. She held Lu Mingqian's arm with both hands and pressed her body tightly against him, for fear that Jin Shu wouldn't be able to see the relationship between the two.

Unfortunately, Jin Shu's reaction was not what she expected. The other party just glanced at her and looked away at the old lady without caring.

"I will ask my brother to send someone to pick up the dowry I brought back then. You should prepare it in advance and don't make my brother angry when the time comes."

After saying that, Jin Shu turned around calmly, got in the car and left the Duke's Mansion. Behind him, Lu Mingqian snorted disdainfully.

"It's just because her brother has a little power in the court! Mother, where is her dowry? Pack it up and return it to her, so that we can completely cut off any involvement!"

The expression of the old lady who had been silent changed suddenly.

"Her dowry? After so many years, who knows if those things are there anymore! If her brother wants to come, just come. She has been in charge of the family all these years, and the dowry has been spent by her long ago! Otherwise, you think the Duke How did the government come here all these years!"

Regardless of whether she is here or not, it is impossible for the old lady to return it anyway.

If you have the ability, let her brother who is a royal guard catch her!

After divorcing Jin Shu, regaining his identity, becoming the head of the family again, and being able to return to his real home with his beloved in an upright manner, Lu Mingqian could be said to be proud and beaming with joy.

"Go, tell the servants to prepare a table of good wine and food! Where is A-Zhao, call him to have a good time with your parents!"

When no one responded, Lu Mingqian realized that the entire Duke's mansion was eerily quiet.

"Where are the people? Where are Guan Liu's family?!"

"Sir, Butler Liu is not here. When Madam left, Butler Liu went with her."

The person who spoke was the maid serving the old lady.

The old lady's eyes widened in disbelief.

"Leave?! Butler Liu was trained by me. How could he leave with Jin Shu?!"

Lu Mingqian didn't care much.

"It's just a housekeeper. How many housekeepers can't be found in such a big capital? Go and tell the servants to clean up her room, and then go to the kitchen and tell the cook to prepare some good dishes!"

The maid's eyes were averted, and she didn't dare to raise her head while she was bending her waist, and she hesitated.

"Master, it's useless if I go here..."

"What do you mean?! My tribe can't touch you, right?!"

"My slave, that's not what I meant. It's because all the maids and servants in the house left with the madam! Including the cook, the groom, the cleaning woman, etc., they all left through the back door!"

"Gone?! Everyone is gone?!"

The mother and son didn't believe it, so they had to see it in person. When they found the empty servants' room in the backyard, they had to believe that all the servants had really followed Jin Shu.

In such a big palace, except for the young master and the young lady, who can only enjoy it, everyone else who can work is gone!

"Their deed of betrayal is still in the house! How can they drive them away?!"

Most of these slaves were sold from a young age and have been working in the mansion for generations. Without the deed of sale, they have no status, and they will not be accepted anywhere they go without the Duke's mansion.

The old lady finally recovered from the bleak reality in front of her.

"Mom, where's the deed of betrayal? Did you give all their deeds to Jin Shu?"

Facing her son's questioning, the old lady gave a slightly flustered explanation.

"At that time, there were many people walking up and down in the house, and there were many people trying to redeem themselves. I was too lazy to take care of it, so I just gave her the deed of sale.

Then I didn’t expect that she would have too much time to take care of herself, and those slaves would follow her! "

"Mom, you are confused! What should I do now? Where can I find someone to make up for it?"

Just then Deng Qiao said nonchalantly.

"What's there to worry about? Are you worried that you won't be able to hire someone if you have money?"

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