Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 337: The rich mistress disowned 6 relatives after opening the book

If this were to be the case in modern times, when there was a large labor force and few jobs, as soon as a recruitment notice was posted, thousands of people would be waiting to come to work.

Not to mention that for modern times, the Duke's Mansion is at least a wealthy family. With its historical heritage, it will be easier to recruit workers.

Jin Shu is so stupid. She brought a bunch of worthless things with her before leaving. With so many people opening their mouths, can she be raised by a woman? Isn't this just to disgust and disgust them? It's a pity that this is nothing to them.

"Put up a recruitment notice and we can recruit everyone tonight."

Lu Mingqian immediately wrote out the recruitment notice, but because of the lack of manpower, he had to post it on his doorstep.

All that's left is to wait for the slave to come to the door.

Before this, the family was sitting in the cold front hall, and no one was there to drink tea. Finally, they regained their identity and returned to the house. It was supposed to be a day of double happiness for the whole family to celebrate, but at this time, there was not even a mouthful of hot rice. I couldn't even eat, and my good mood was drained a lot.

The old lady knocked on the table.

"Is it possible for no one to stop eating? Deng Qiao, since you have become the wife of the Lu family, you can cook the meal tonight."

When Deng Qiao heard this, she burst into laughter.

"Why? Who said my wife has to cook? I don't know how. You have to do it yourself."

The old lady glared at her and her tone became stern.

"I won't say anything more when you were playing tricks with Ming Qian before. Now that you have become the daughter-in-law of our government, then do what a daughter-in-law should do for me!

In the past, Jin Shu prepared three meals a day for me. She knew that I had a bad spleen and stomach, so she specially learned how to prepare medicinal meals from famous chefs.

I don’t expect you to do any of this, what? Can’t even cook a meal now? "

The smile on Deng Qiao's face disappeared, replaced by disgust and impatience.

"If you like Jin Shu as your daughter-in-law, then go with her. Why are you still here? I'm telling you that's the kind of person I am. Don't bother me here. If you can't stand me, then leave... "

"Ah Qiao! Why are you talking to my mother?"

Lu Mingqian, who had been silent all this time, finally spoke.

But when she opened her mouth, she stood on her mother's side.

Deng Qiao stared at him, her breathing quickened and her eyes turned cold.

"What do you mean? Do you speak for your mother but not for me?! Didn't you just see her bullying me?!"

"I just asked you to cook a meal. If you don't do it, you won't do it. Why do you still say bad words to your elders?"

Deng Qiao shouted angrily with red eyes.

"I don't care, if anyone wants to step on my head and bully me, then don't blame me for being rude to her! Don't try to restrain me with your pedantic feudal backward ideas!

I am who I am and I will always be myself! Don't even think about forcing me to do things I don't want to do even if the King of Heaven is here! "

The old lady was more or less frightened by Deng Qiao's aggressive appearance.

She simply covered her heart, frowned, and groaned in pain.

"Ming Qian, this is the good wife you are looking for! I just want to take a bite of the food cooked by my wife, but she wants to eat me directly!

Ming Qian, I am old and useless. I have devoted my whole life to the Lu family. I have managed to save a fortune for you, but in the end I will be rejected by you!

Okay, okay, your wings are hard and you want to drive me away, right? I'm leaving, it's just right for me to leave, and it saves you from thinking about how to drive me away every day! "

When Lu Mingqian saw this, he hurriedly stopped him. His face, which was full of energy just now, was filled with distress and helplessness.

"Aqiao, apologize to mother."

Deng Qiao turned around and left, not forgetting to drop one sentence before leaving.

"Impossible! You want me to give in? Dream on!"

"Look, look, Ming Qian! She really thought that Jin Shu was gone and she was the matron of this family!

Let me tell you, as long as I don’t die, you two will never get married! "

Are you still thinking about hosting a grand wedding banquet for Shili Hongzhuang? Beautiful thought! Lu Mingqian was caught in the middle, and his worried brows could kill a fly.

The old lady looked at him coldly and gave him an ultimatum.

"If you can manage it well, I won't care too much. If you can't manage it well again, don't blame me for being ruthless."

In the evening, the old lady went to a restaurant to eat by herself. Deng Qiao also wanted to go out to eat, but she had no money.

"You used the monthly money I received to buy clothes. Now I have no money. All the money is with my mother."

"Then let's go to the restaurant to eat too. The restaurant is ours anyway."

The two of them immediately went straight to the restaurant, but when they arrived, the restaurant was closed.

The two hungry people ignored each other and returned home with dark faces.

Because no one who could work in the family was left with Jin Shu, and ancient times were not as developed as modern times. They could only eat out late at night. In the end, they were so hungry that they had no choice but to go to the kitchen to cook.

A young man who has no fingers in the spring water can't even get angry in the end.

In the end, Deng Qiao pushed him away and took action herself, raising the fire in the stove with three strokes.

"Don't you know how to cook?"

If you are so skilled in the movements, you must be able to do it.

Deng Qiao has always been a charming girl, but whenever Lu Mingqian asked about her, she would only say that she had never done any hard work in her life, and that at home she only had food to eat and clothes to eat.

Therefore, Lu Mingqian took it for granted that she could do nothing, and since she was with him, she should maintain her original standard of living.

So when Deng Qiao was able to light the fire, Lu Mingqian suddenly felt like he had never known her before.

Naturally, Deng Qiao would not admit it.

"You can master this kind of thing just by watching others do it. Is there any problem?"

"Then you can try to learn such a simple thing."

Deng Qiao glanced at him.

"There are servants, why should I be the one?"

Forget it, there would be quarrels every time this topic came up. Lu Mingqian didn't want to worry about it anymore. Anyway, there would be servants to serve him in the future, so they wouldn't be needed to do this kind of thing.

When a pot of simple egg fried rice was ready, the two of them were about to use chopsticks when Lu Mingqian suddenly remembered.

"It's bad, we forgot about Ah Zhao!"

With so many things happening this day, none of them even thought of Lu Gu at home.

The couple finally found Lu Gu in the main courtyard. He was standing alone in the courtyard, walking on horseback. Deng Qiao looked at the scene in front of her in shock, frowning and asking cautiously.

"Azhao, what are you doing?"

A man is walking around here late at night. Is he possessed by evil spirits?

Lu Gu didn't look back and continued to prick himself.

"Just tell me what's wrong with you!"

Lu Gu slowly turned his head and looked at them.

"Why do you want to drive away Jin Shu and the others?"

Deng Qiao frowned and sounded unhappy.

"She doesn't belong here so I let her go. Is there any problem with that?"

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