Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 339: The rich mistress disowned 6 relatives after opening the book

Lu Mingqian was drowsy.

At the end of the day, he was almost exhausted.

When I lived in seclusion in the mountains and forests, the most tiring thing in the day was probably having sex with Deng Qiao, but since I came to the capital, my body and mind have not been idle for a day.

He was not used to such trouble yet, so no matter what Deng Qiao said, he nodded in agreement.


"That's what you said. Then I'll talk to my mother tomorrow. She must be tired of taking care of so many things as she gets older. As long as I help her, maybe the Duke's Mansion will develop better and better."


"Oh, by the way, didn't you say that His Majesty can forgive you because His Highness Eleven helped you with the food? If someone is kind to us, shouldn't we also invite them to have a meal at our house?"

After hearing the words His Highness Eleven, Lu Mingqian sobered up a little.

"Eating? His Highness is busy and will not agree."

"Everyone is willing to help you, so what's the point of having a meal? It's settled, we'll have a banquet in our restaurant. If His Highness eats well, he might come to patronize our business more often in the future. In this way Isn’t our restaurant famous?”

Seems like a good idea.

Lu Mingqian nodded.

"Well, okay, I'll ask my friend to help me ask."

"Go and ask tomorrow. Strike while the iron is hot and keep His Highness Eleven company. Maybe we can even let you become an official in the court! Didn't he promise you before that he could give you a small official position?"


When she got up the next morning, Deng Qiao urged Lu Mingqian to go to the palace.

Lu Mingqian is so shameless that he has to do what he promised last night today.

It was beyond everyone's expectation that His Highness Eleven could come forward to help. Now that he went to seek help from an official, he didn't need to think about it. He might not even be able to see His Highness Eleven today.

When the guards came in to report, Lu Mingqian was already ready to turn around and go back. When the guards came back after reporting, he was about to leave when he heard the other party suddenly say something.

"His Royal Highness said that there will be a banquet at the Duke's Mansion tonight and he will go there on time.

His Highness also said that it would be enough to just have a simple meal at home and not go to the restaurant. "

Your Highness agreed? !

His Highness Eleven, who is the most difficult to serve in the world, actually agreed to go to the Duke's Mansion for dinner? !

Lu Mingqian didn't come back to his senses until he got home. It was Deng Qiao who urged him to ask again and again before he nodded as if he had just woken up from a dream.

"His Highness agreed and said he would come tonight. However, His Highness will not go to the restaurant for dinner. He will simply prepare some food at home tonight."

"Not going to a restaurant... is normal. After all, he is His Majesty's favorite prince, so going out to eat will definitely draw attention.

This is good. It means that His Highness Eleven is not acquainted with you. If he is willing to come directly to the house for dinner, it will give you enough face! "

Lu Mingqian still hasn't reacted yet.

When did His Highness Eleven become so easy to talk to? Is your face so great? Can you invite people over just by saying please?

"There is no kitchen helper at home, so if we entertain guests rashly, we might not be able to serve them properly."

If you invite someone outside casually, if something goes wrong, it's just not to your taste. If you invite an assassin back, then the Duke's mansion will be completely ruined.

Everyone within the five tribes will have to lose their heads.

Seeing Lu Mingqian's hesitant look, Deng Qiao frowned and said directly.

"No need to ask for help from the cook. I will cook and entertain you tonight."

"You cook? Can you cook?"

"Is cooking difficult? I can learn it after just one look.

Okay, don't think too much, go and clean up quickly, don't let the guests see the joke. " Lu Mingqian looked at her with a stern expression, with a somewhat complicated look on his face, which made Deng Qiao feel numb.

"What are you looking at? Don't you recognize me?"

"Well, sort of."

"Who am I doing this for? If it weren't for your future, would I have to cook to show my sincerity?"

Lu Mingqian withdrew his gaze and nodded.

"Yeah, I understand."

It seemed like he had never really understood Deng Qiao before.

He had obviously promised to go into seclusion, but now he was so active in helping him seek an official position.

His Highness Eleven was willing to come to the house. She seemed even happier than she was, and was even willing to cook the meal herself.

When he thought about how yesterday she had a huge quarrel with her mother over cooking, and even refused to enter the kitchen even if she broke up with him, but today her attitude was so positive, and the contrast between before and after was so big that he couldn't tell the difference for a moment. Which one is the real her?

It is Deng Qiao who is not afraid of power, despises feudal ethics and pursues freedom.

Or is it the Deng Qiao who caters to the powerful and pursues fame and wealth regardless of face?

Lu Mingqian didn't know how to face her. He was not interested in being an official, otherwise he wouldn't have been forced to go to the battlefield, and then escaped and retreated to the mountains and forests.

But now that he has come to this point, he doesn't know what to do anymore. Forget it, let's take it one step at a time.

In order to welcome His Highness the Eleventh, the old lady specially borrowed many servants from the Lu family, and the kitchen was in full swing since morning.

Deng Qiao personally cooks and takes people to the streets to select dishes.

When Lu Mingqian entered the small cubicle in the back kitchen, he saw a table full of delicacies. He was so shocked that he subconsciously rubbed his eyes.

"With so many dishes, you are going to receive the Jade Emperor!"

It looks like there are nearly a hundred dishes. How much money does this cost?

"What do you know? You can't let go of your child, but you can't trap the wolf. Now His Highness Eleven comes to our place to give you a chance. Anyway, we must entertain him."

This wine is a hundred and a half kilograms of royal wine. I went to many houses to buy it. Is it great? "

There is nothing we can do now. Since the money has been spent, we must put our efforts in one place.

"I understand. His Highness said he would arrive in the evening. I will go and clean up."

It was just getting dark in the evening when the door of the Duke's Mansion opened for the first time.

The entire Lu family stood at the door and waited eagerly. Finally, when the sky was completely dark, they saw His Highness Eleven's carriage.

Gao Yan got out of the car and glanced around the group of people at the door.

"His Royal Highness Eleven's visit really makes this humble house shine!"

Lu Mingqian quickly stepped forward to greet and salute, and the old lady also knelt down.

"Everyone, get up. It's just a simple gathering, there's no need to be so formal."

After saying that, he suddenly said something again.

"Why don't you, the only one in your family see the mistress?"

Lu Mingqian heard this and said respectfully.

"My wife is busy in the kitchen. When she heard that you were coming, she prepared it in the kitchen all morning. I don't know what His Highness likes to eat. I hope His Highness will not dislike it."

Gao Yan still laughed cheerfully.

"The hostess cooks for me personally, how could I object to such a high salary!"

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