Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 340: The rich mistress disowned 6 relatives after opening the book

After speaking, Gao Yan waved his sleeves and walked in generously.

Lu Mingqian stood behind him, looking at Gao Yan's back with a confused expression. The old lady beside him was still whispering.

"His Royal Highness Eleven doesn't seem to be as violent as the rumors say. He seems to have a cheerful temper and is easy to get along with."

Lu Mingqian pursed his lips, subconsciously feeling something was wrong.

After all, the last time he met His Highness Eleven in the palace, he did not have such a gentle attitude now.

At that time, he was aloof and indifferent, looking at him was like looking at an ant on the road that could be trampled on at will, with no emotion at all.

At that time, he was so panicked that he frantically tried to figure out what His Highness meant. He really couldn't understand how they, who had never been involved in anything in their lives, could let His Highness Eleven plead for him in front of His Majesty.

She went to the appointment so happily today, and looking at the smile on her face, she looked like she was in a good mood.

After sitting down, the appetizers were served one after another. The dishes were exquisitely presented, delicious, delicious, and the old lady enthusiastically ordered her servants to pick up the dishes for His Highness Eleven. Her smiling face made Gao Yan frown slightly.

"I don't know if the dish is to your liking. If there's anything that doesn't suit your taste, just tell me."

Gao Yan put down his chopsticks after taking two bites and looked out the door from time to time.

"Where's your lady, why don't you see me?"

"Oh, I heard that His Highness is here today, and my wife is still busy in the kitchen."

"Don't let her be busy and come and eat together. What should a rich young lady like you ask her to cook? In such a big world, your Lu family can't find anyone who can cook?"

Lu Mingqian didn't know if it was his misunderstanding, but he always felt that he could hear some evil intentions towards his wife from Gao Yan's tone.

He silently told himself that this was impossible. How could such a noble person as His Highness, who was only eighteen years old, be interested in the wife of a subordinate?

What's more, they have never met each other from beginning to end, so their guesses are even more nonsense.

The old lady was afraid that Gao Yan would think that he was bullying a daughter-in-law from a wealthy family, so she ordered the maid next to her.

"Go to the kitchen and call Madam over and ask her to stop working and come and have dinner together."

Upon seeing this, Gao Yan specifically gave another instruction.

"Just me, ask her if she still remembers me."

The man's bold statement was so shocking that Lu Mingqian dropped the chopsticks in his hand.

The suspicions that had just been suppressed surged again.

He tried hard to suppress his emotions and asked Gao Yan with a difficult smile.

"Your Highness knows my wife?"

"What's wrong with a bitch? That sounds awful. We'll find out when your wife comes out.

Your wife is indeed amazing. After we said goodbye that day, I often thought about how there could be such a beautiful person in the world. "

"Thank you for your appreciation, Your Highness. Madam and I have known each other for many years, but I don't know when I met Your Highness by chance."

Gao Yan waved his hand impatiently and said perfunctorily.

"Why do you care so much about this? No matter what, it's not good for a family to have a meal and have a woman busy in the kitchen."

At this time, the maid quickly turned around and went to the back kitchen. At this time, the back kitchen was filled with smoke, and Deng Qiao was instructing the servants to pass the dishes to her.

These big dishes are all coming later. It just so happens that she will deliver the last dish herself, so that she can leave a good impression on His Highness.

"Madam, the old lady called me to call you and ask you to go to the front hall to have a meal quickly."

"You told the old lady that the food has not been cooked yet, so let them eat first." The maid said quickly.

"It's not the old lady, it's His Highness Eleven. He personally called you to the table for dinner. Everyone is waiting for you. Go quickly."

When Deng Qiao heard this, her expression suddenly became serious.

"Your Highness asked me to go by name? Does Your Highness know me?"

"Well, I just heard His Highness say that I was an old acquaintance of you, so I obviously know you.

His Highness is still praising you. "

Deng Qiao had a look of disbelief on her face, but she couldn't help but raise the corners of her mouth as she confirmed again and again.

"Are you sure His Highness Eleven is talking about me? How is it possible? He and I have never met before."

"I don't know this slave. Anyway, go ahead. Your Highness and the Master and Madam are waiting for you to serve."

Deng Qiao, who was about to take off her apron, suddenly made a move.

"Forget it, you go first, just tell me I'll be there soon."

The maid left, leaving Deng Qiao with a dreamy look on her face.

That was His Highness Eleven, the emperor's biological son, and I heard he was the most favored one.

He said he had seen him? Where? Why does she have no impression at all?

He had stayed in that small place since his rebirth. Not long after, he met the seriously injured Lu Mingqian, and he settled nearby after that.

However, during this period, Lu Mingqian often took her to visit the mountains and rivers, and even passed by the capital two or three times. Maybe he met her during this period.

It's a pity that she has no memory at all, but everyone who has seen him should have some memories. Since the Eleventh Highness is not in her memory at all, it is probably because the other person looks ordinary and has a mediocre temperament. .

Forget it, no matter how ordinary he is, he is still the emperor's son. If we get along well with him, it will help Lu Mingqian's promotion in the future.

Thinking of this, Deng Qiao walked into the front hall with a hint of excitement and expectation, carrying a freshly cooked dish.

When I first arrived at the front hall and raised my eyes, before I noticed anything, the tall and handsome young man with a jade-like face, tall and slender, sitting on the main seat suddenly came into view.

Deng Qiao has never seen such a good-looking person since she traveled through time.

In modern times, she can still watch idols and celebrities online, but there was no such thing in ancient times. There was no lighting, no makeup, no high technology, it was all about a mother's face and acquired temperament.

She thought that Lu Mingqian was already the most handsome and elegant person she had ever seen in her life, but at this time, compared with the young man with a golden crown in a python suit, he looked dull and ordinary.

After Deng Qiao realized that the person in front of her was the legendary His Highness Eleven, she subconsciously took a few more glances. Her breathing couldn't help but become slower, and her movements at her feet became more tense. Her whole body was tense, and she was breathing extra carefully.

When putting down the dishes, she passed by His Highness Eleven.

As he got closer, the young man's high-spirited and unruly temperament hit his face.

This kind of royal nobility that ordinary people could not pretend to be in this life, was like a high-ranking god coming to the world, without any smoke and smoke in his body, which made her feel in awe.

She took a deep breath, walked slowly to Gao Yan and bent down to salute.

"My wife pays homage to His Highness Eleven. May Your Highness be blessed with peace and happiness."

Gao Yan raised his eyes and glanced at her, then quickly looked away, as if he didn't notice her at all.

"My wife?"

Gao Yan's tone was casual.

"Whose wife?"

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