Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 344: The rich mistress disowned 6 relatives after opening the book

At this time in the Jin family courtyard, Jin Shu was reading a book at her desk. After feeling the wind around her weakening, she slowly stood up and stretched.

If you are tired of sitting, get up and take a walk.

During the still period, Jin Shu seemed more relaxed and at ease. First she walked around the street, and then walked along the street to the closed door of the Duke of Guo's Mansion.

Compared with the gates of other aristocratic families, the decline of the Duke's Mansion is reflected in the lintel, which has not been repaired for a long time. The door skin is mottled, and the interior has long been eaten away by insects.

In front of Jin Shu, this door looked like paper. After entering the door easily, she first went to the Buddhist hall.

Sure enough, as she expected, the family was having a fierce quarrel.

Jin Shu was not interested in seeing this, so she went directly to the main courtyard.

Not long after he moved out, the main courtyard was occupied by Deng Qiao. The decoration in the house was extremely gorgeous, and every small pendant was a rare treasure.

No wonder Deng Qiao is so anxious to let Lu Mingqian sell the store. With her spending power, the little money the Lu's store earns may not be enough for her to squander.

Having come here, there is no reason to go back empty-handed.

Jin Shu took out the sack that had been prepared in advance and took away all the valuables in sight.

Under the floor tiles under the bed, Jin Shu effortlessly found the money Deng Qiao had hidden there.

There is a box full of silver notes, each of which is worth a hundred taels. In addition, there are many precious jewelry.

It can be seen that she is ready to leave at any time, and the most important things have been packed.

This is good, it saves Jin Shu a lot of trouble. The most valuable thing in the whole house is in this box, so he can just take it away.

Before leaving, Jin Shu even pried up some of the most valuable money trees in the Lu family's yard and took them away by the roots.

When the busy work is over these quiet times are over.

The two people who were so noisy in the Buddhist hall almost started fighting.

It ended with Lu Mingqian being scratched with a bloody gash on his face.

The two of them finally calmed down, and Deng Qiao spoke first.

"The land deeds for all the shops are gone, but we received the deposit from Prince Liang. If Prince Liang finds out, will he punish us?"

"Yes, so we have to return the money quickly."

When Deng Qiao heard this, her eyebrows raised in shock.

"Give it back? What will we do if we give it back? All the valuables in our home have been stolen, and now even the shop is gone!"

Lu Mingqian stood up tremblingly.

"Report to the official, we have to report to the official quickly!"

"You are so confused! What's the use of reporting to the official! Today's yamen are just a waste of money and are of no use at all!
Moreover, once we report it to the official, King Liang will definitely know about it and will definitely let us return the deposit! "

In short, Deng Qiao didn't believe that these officials in ancient times had no cameras or detectors. If they could catch thieves, they would be ghosts!

Lu Mingqian is a coward who has no opinion and is indecisive in situations. Deng Qiao has known this for a long time, so she must not listen to his orders at this time.

"Listen to me, grab all the valuables and leave the capital immediately tonight. Go as far as you can. We can't stay in this place."

"King Liang will definitely hunt us down if he knows it!"

"What's the difference between giving the money back and taking our lives? Lu Mingqian, please wake up. We have only one way out at this time."

Lu Mingqian couldn't bear to part with so many shops.

But the laws of this dynasty are like this. All purchases and sales of things must be based on the land deeds, and every year the court comes for random inspections to check whether these things are complete. If the original seal is missing, then these properties belong to the court.

Deng Qiao slapped him awake. "What are you still doing? Go pack your things!"

Seeing that Lu Mingqian still had a fugue-like expression, Deng Qiao ignored him and went back to the house to pack her things.

Anyway, the manor she once lived in also contained the savings she had accumulated over the years, which together were enough for her to live freely for the rest of her life.

With this hope in mind, Deng Qiao quickly opened the secret compartment hidden under the bed and reached inside.

Suddenly, she frowned.

The place where the wooden box should have been was now empty.

Suppressing the panic and uneasiness in her heart, she simply crawled under the bed to look for it. When she saw that the dark room was empty, a scream came from under the bed.

"Where's my money!! Where did my money go!!"

Deng Qiao rushed to Lu Mingqian desperately, pulled his collar and asked.

"Where are the things? Where are the things I put under the bed? Apart from me, you are the only one who knows about it. Did you secretly hide the money?"

Before Lu Mingqian could get over the anger of having his family property stolen, he was scolded by Deng Qiao again.

He threw his arms away angrily and stared at Deng Qiao.

"You come to ask me? Didn't I leave all the money I have with you for safekeeping? Do you still have the nerve to ask me?

I want to ask you, did you hide the money? And then you come to me again and shout, "Catch the thief?" "

Deng Qiao stared at him in disbelief, her eyes red and her expression distorted.

"You actually miss me so much?! Lu Mingqian, am I this kind of person in your eyes?"

"Then who am I in your eyes? Deng Qiao, you really opened my eyes! When encountering this situation, my first reaction was to take the money and run away!

I really don't know if you are stupid or bad!
Everything in the world belongs to the emperor. Prince Liang is His Majesty’s biological brother. If you cheated his money, where can you go? Are you trying to kill me? "

Deng Qiao's whole body was stiff.

What made it even more difficult for her to accept at this time was not whether she could escape or not, but Lu Mingqian's harsh and explicit comments about herself.

Originally, she was secretly happy to have found the right husband. She thought she could live a happy and peaceful life with him in the novel, but she never expected that he was also a selfish and useless waste in the end.

She stared at him, as if reacting to something.

"I understand that you and your mother are working together to deceive me, right? Who can steal the things hidden in that damn place? Unless your mother has changed places herself and wants to use this method to force me away!

Lu Mingqian! You are so disregarding years of friendship! "

Now the two people were biting each other again, and they were noisy all night long. In the end, no one realized that the old lady was still lying on the ground.

In the end, Lu Mingqian reported to the official position.

After all, the deposit is gone, and now I have no choice but to put my last hope in the government.

Once reported to the official, the news that the Duke's mansion was stolen would spread from top to bottom.

Jin Shu soon got the first-hand news from Ayu.

"It's so satisfying! I heard that a lot of things were stolen from these princely mansions! The government went to investigate, but so far there are no clues at all!"

Jin Shu leisurely squinted her eyes and basked in the sun.

If she can find clues, there will be ghosts. She does it herself, and it will be done flawlessly.

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