Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 345: The rich mistress disowned 6 relatives after opening the book

Because so many things were stolen, the incident even alarmed Dali Temple. Dali Temple directly sent people to investigate. It was related to the interests of King Liang and no one dared to neglect it. As a result, a group of people jumped up and down and were busy for several days. , still no clue at all.

There were no signs of the door locks being picked inside or outside. The most powerful locksmiths in the world came to see it and finally patted their chests and promised.

"This door has never been broken open. I guarantee it with the head on my neck!"

Since there was no picking of the lock, the thief entered the temple openly.

But the old lady herself said that there is only one key to the Buddhist temple, which is hers.

She wanted to shift the responsibility to others, but in front of the Minister of Dali Temple, her old heart couldn't stand being frightened, so she only dared to tell the truth.

There is no such evil thing in the world. The door lock has not been picked, and there are no windows in the entire Buddhist hall. It is impossible for the things inside to be stolen.

But this matter has become known throughout the city, and even His Majesty mentioned it in the court.

Now, Dali Temple Qingyu, who originally only helped out for the sake of King Liang, suddenly felt pressured.

Your Majesty is watching. No matter what happens, the matter at the Duke's Mansion must be clarified.

As the days passed by, the entire Duke's mansion was searched dozens of times, but nothing was found. Finally, the Minister of Dali Temple came to a conclusion.

"This theft was not caused by outside thieves, but by an insider."

Now everyone in the house panicked.

If it's a mole, everyone in the Duke's Mansion will not be able to escape suspicion.

The most important thing now is to ask clearly whether the theft occurred before Jin Shu moved out or after she moved out.

After all, since Jin Shu left, there have been very few people left in the house. She took away so many people at once. If the theft happened before she left, those people who left the house would also have to be captured and held accountable.

The old lady insisted that the things were lost before Jin Shu moved away. She asked her to get evidence but couldn't produce it. In the end, Jin Shu and others were called into the Yamen, and the Dali Temple Minister personally interrogated her.

As soon as Jin Shu arrived, she saw the Dali Temple minister sitting high on the throne, with majestic and majestic features. The entire Lu family was kneeling beside him. The old lady was lying on the ground, because she had been lying on the ground since the last time the family property was stolen. He had a stroke and fell to the ground.

In addition to the Minister of Dali Temple, there was a young man in bright clothes sitting next to him in the auditorium. Jin Shu glanced at him and saw that he was His Highness Eleven.

You can remember this person just by looking at him. Not only his face, but also his outfit that is at the forefront of the times is hard to ignore.

Why is His Highness Eleven here?

Oh, by the way, Jin Shu heard from her brother that His Majesty arranged for His Royal Highness Eleven to exercise in Dali Temple and intended to expose him to government affairs, so it was normal for him to appear here.

"Jin Shu, why don't you kneel down?"

The officer on the side said coldly.

Jin Shu is a flexible person. Kneel down when you need to and don't cause trouble for yourself.

Just when she was about to kneel down, His Highness Eleven suddenly said something quietly.

"I'm just here to ask questions, and I'm not a prisoner. Why do I have to kneel down?" After speaking, he looked at Jin Shu and said gently.

"Get up, no need to kneel."

At this time, Deng Qiao, who had been kneeling for a long time, saw this scene and her teeth almost broke.

Jin Shu is not a prisoner, so are they prisoners?

Is there any justice in this world?
However, the court was majestic and the atmosphere was oppressive. Deng Qiao did not dare to express her anger. She could only silently clenched her fists and straightened her back as much as possible to show her innocence.

The Eleventh Highness has spoken, and the Minister of Dali Temple did not say anything more and continued with the next process.

"Jin Shu, when you left the Lu family that day, did you take anything with you?"

"The day before I left, I went shopping on the street. The next day, the entire Lu family came to drive me away. I didn't have time to bring anything else, so I only took away some clothes and the jewelry I got when I got married. "

The Minister of Dali Temple looked at Lu Mingqian.

"Is what Jin Shu said true?"

Lu Mingqian nodded lightly on his stiff neck. He didn't dare to lie. This Dali Temple Qing was really quite capable. He could tell even the slightest of his thoughts.

"Since you drove Jin Shu away suddenly, how could you take away the thousands of kilograms of property in the temple?"

The old lady herself said what was lost, and she also made a detailed list. There were hundreds of items in it, not to mention banknotes and deeds. There were countless gold, silver, and jewelry. There were so many. Let’s not talk about how Jin Shu stole the things under the nose of the old lady. There are only two doors at the front and back of such a large palace that can transport things, and it is half a stick of incense walking from the Buddhist hall. Jin Shu is a weak woman. , how could it be possible.

The old lady insisted again that it was the group of traitorous slaves who helped her get lucky.

That day, all the slaves who followed Jin Shu came. After everyone arrived, each one of them told everything Jin Shu had done in these years.

One after another, one by one, these people who saw it said it, and the people who listened were both distressed and angry.

"No one would say that our mistress is not good at all! How did the Duke's mansion deteriorate back then? The old lady clamored to sell the shop. In the end, it was the madam who took out all her dowry. She, a rich lady, paid for those I run around the shop all day long, begging my dad to tell my grandma to attract customers!

You know, our mistress was a famous lady in the capital before she got married! When have you ever suffered these grievances!
Without the mistress, the Lu family would have been doomed long ago! Is it the turn of Mr. Lu and his concubine to play around here?

I thought that the master was back and that the mistress's hard life was finally over, but in the end, the master drove the mistress out for the sake of the woman he had raised privately for ten years!
Before being kicked out, the mistress was only wearing an extremely old piece of clothing, and she didn’t even have a place to stay! If it hadn't been for the help of the mistress' brother, we wouldn't know where we would be begging for food now! "

Ayu burst into tears as she spoke.

It’s not acting, it’s all about emotion.

Because no one knows Jin Shu's hard work better than her over the years.

She almost risked her life for the Lu family. In the end, not only was she kicked out of the house by a heartless man, but now she was wrongly accused of being a thief!
This is putting her young lady’s reputation and face on the ground and trampling on her!
Everyone present fell silent, even the Minister of Dali Temple, who had always been stoic, looked intolerable.

Ayu knelt in front of him and kowtowed heavily.

"Please tell me a lesson! Please support my mistress! How could my mistress covet something like this from the Lu family when she had already given out so much dowry!"
Besides, most of the lost things must have been mistress's dowry. Today I want to help my mistress seek justice and let the Lu family return those dowries! "(End of chapter)

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