Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 346: The rich mistress disowned 6 relatives after opening the book

The people watching whispered, looking at the Lu family's group with eyes that could be said to be extremely disgusting and disgusting.

Seeing that the situation was developing in an unexpected direction, the old lady pointed at Jin Shu and hesitated but could not say a word.

Lu Mingqian lowered his head, not daring to look up after being scolded.

As for Deng Qiao, she only felt that she was innocent and pitiful.

She had no idea about these things before. After all, she had been living outside with Lu Mingqian since time travel. How could she know what Jin Shu had gone through in the Duke's Mansion.

At this time, the Minister of Dali Temple no longer wanted to listen to the nonsense of the Lu family.

"In this way, the property of your Lu family was all earned by Jin Shu. You have never mentioned this before!"

The old lady had suffered a stroke and her nose was crooked and her eyes were crooked, so she had difficulty speaking, but her mouth was still very tough.

"Without the Lu family's property, how could she build a tall building from the ground? Who else could have stolen these things besides her!"

"Who else could it be? One of the three of you! I have finally figured it out. Each of your family is selfish and greedy. All the evidence points to the fact that the person who stole the thing is a thief. In other words, the thing belongs to you." One of the three stole it!
Today I put my words here.

If the thief comes forward and admits it, others will no longer pursue the case.

If no one admits it, there's nothing I can do about it, all three of you will have to go to jail! "

When the three people below heard this, their bodies were shaken violently.

Deng Qiao looked at Lu Mingqian in panic.

"It's not me, it's definitely not me! I don't know anything about the Lu family. I just came back. How could I know that there are things hidden in the Buddhist hall!"

Lu Mingqian also shook his head crazily.

"It's not me either! Why should I steal my own things?!"

Both of them said it was not them, and the pressure was put on the old lady.

She built the Buddhist temple, designed the Buddha statue, and hid the things in it. She was the only one who saw the things inside in the end. The most important thing is that she holds the only key in the world.

At this time, the old lady was at a loss for words, she was so anxious that she was sweating, her mouth was tilted and drooling, making the onlookers around her shake their heads.

Poor people must be hateful. This old lady brought it upon herself and raised a good son who only cared about protecting herself at a critical moment. Now that she is well, she shot herself in the foot and no one spoke to her.

Lu Mingqian looked at the old lady with pleading eyes.

"Mom, just admit it, maybe there is no money in that Buddha statue at all!"

This is also a way of thinking, replacing stealing with filing a false report.

At this time, the Minister of Dali Temple said something coldly from above.

"The crime of reporting false official status will be increased by one level!"

The old lady trembled all over, and two lines of tears streamed down the corners of her eyes.

If she didn't admit it, her precious son would have to suffer with her.

"I...I admit, it was me, I took it! I took it!"

Lu Mingqian and Deng Qiao both breathed a sigh of relief. Everyone noticed their performance and unconsciously frowned and shook their heads.

What two beasts!

In order to protect myself, I even gave up my mother!

The Minister of Dali Temple continued to ask.

"Tell me what you took. Then where did you hide all the things?!" "I...I...all...all..."

She couldn't tell.

At this moment, a fast horse stopped outside the yamen. A yamen servant got off his horse and ran quickly into the yamen. He then walked to the Dali Temple Qing and whispered something in a low voice.

When the Dali Temple Qing heard this, his thick eyebrows instantly furrowed and his expression became extremely solemn.

"You mean, everything is there?!"

"Yes, I have broken open the door and looked around as instructed. They are all hidden in the manor!"

"Okay, okay!! Great! Catch the thief! You really took me for a fool!!"

He glared at Lu Mingqian and Deng Qiao angrily and shouted loudly.

"You two are so brave! You even stole your own things! After stealing, you dare to come to me to report to the official?
I see that you are living too leisurely every day, and you want to make some trouble for yourself! "

Lu Mingqian and Deng Qiao, who were initially relieved, were immediately restrained by the government officials on the left and right.

The two looked panicked, struggling and shouting.

"We were wronged, sir! We made a mistake, we must have made a mistake!"

The Minister of Dali Temple slapped the table hard.

"You have all the stolen goods, what else can you say? Come on, put these two people in the prison! Wait until they are punished!"

Deng Qiao struggled desperately, twisting and turning like a loach.

she screamed.

"It has nothing to do with me! It has nothing to do with me! I don't know anything, sir! It's all Lu Mingqian's fault! I'm an outsider, and everything in the Lu family has nothing to do with me!"

No matter how much she said at this time, it would only make people more disgusted.

The Qing of Dali Temple's face turned extremely dark.

I worked so hard and led people to investigate for so long, but in the end it was really just a thief shouting to catch the thief!

Those things were all found in the villa outside the county of the two of them. The most conspicuous ones are the thirteen house deeds and some family heirlooms that the old lady mentioned. In addition, there are many gold and silver jewelry hidden inside. The evidence is conclusive. I personally have nothing to argue with!
Now the Duke's Mansion is completely finished.

This incident reached His Majesty's ears, and His Majesty was furious. He never expected that such an outrageous thing would happen under the imperial city. He immediately ordered all the property in the manor to be seized and returned the part that originally belonged to Jin Shu. She handed over all the rest to the treasury.

The matter between Lu Mingqian and Deng Qiao involved deceiving the emperor. His Majesty punished him personally, demoted Lu Mingqian from a noble to a slave, and sent Deng Qiao to the border to dig canals.

The old lady was completely paralyzed by a stroke due to these repeated stimulations. The nephews and nieces she loved most in the past fled when they saw this, and no one was willing to provide for her until she died. Finally, she was sent to an orphanage. Waiting to die with a group of elderly people who are seriously ill and have no children.

As for Lu Gu, because Jin Shuqiu left the Lu family and changed his surname to Jin, he became Jin Shu's son.

At this time, one of the tasks in this world has been completed.

There is still one rejuvenating Qingyang Jin family. Because of Jin Shu, all the outstanding descendants of the Jin family have caught the eye of His Majesty. Within one year, three of them entered the court and became officials. Compared with other declining aristocratic families, It is already a great gift.

The Jin clan rose again, and Jin Shu's second mission was completed.

With nothing to do and nothing to do, she developed a new hobby, which was raising children.

Lu Xu won the first place in the martial arts test at a young age, and went out with the army before he was thirteen years old.

At the age of seventeen, Lu Huai and Lu Gu passed the high school examination at the same time, and five years later they both won the top two spots.

When the two of them went to the pilgrimage together, they prayed for Jin Shu to come back together. (End of chapter)

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