Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 347: The rich mistress disowned 6 relatives after opening the book

When each of the three children became adults, Jin Shu was completely free.

Although Ayu cried and clamored to serve Jin Shu for the rest of her life, Jin Shu really didn't want to see the people around her die alone.

So at the spring banquet of a certain year, it was still the same group of people, still on such a large scale, but now it was Jin Shu who was surrounded by all the ladies from the aristocratic families and sitting in the first place. When Ayu met a certain handsome young man The guards and Jin Shu matched up, and it didn't take long for Ayu to get married.

If the most beautiful person in the entire capital at this time is none other than Jin Shu.

Three sons who are not his biological sons, one has become the world-famous young martial arts champion. Not only did he repeatedly perform extraordinary feats in the army, he even personally led the troops to repel the Japanese pirates who attacked him. His Majesty was overjoyed and directly promoted him to the position of Governor Zuo. Wei, this was unprecedented at the time.

The remaining two are in the court, and they are all used by His Majesty. Among them, Lu Huai has become the right-hand man of the current Crown Prince Gao Yan. Now that His Majesty is dying, and Gao Yan takes the throne in the future, Lu Huai's status will only rise and rise.

Lu Gu relied on his good martial arts and brains to be favored by the minister of Dali Temple and was trained as his successor.

Today, Jin Shu has become the highest role model for wives from aristocratic families in the capital. After all, there have been very few mothers who can cultivate three talents in one go.

Therefore, Jin Shu would always be invited to ladies' gatherings in Beijing, but she would be rejected every time.

Jin Shu never attended such banquets. She liked to stay alone and quietly. The older she got, the more she became like this. In the end, even when the three boys came to visit her, Jin Shu was not very willing to show her face.

Because of her indifference, some people will always give up. For example, Jin Shu will no longer be invited to those fancy banquets in the capital. The three children will still come to see her, but the frequency has gradually decreased. After all, she doesn’t want to I'm afraid she won't be happy if I annoy her.

But there is only one person who is shameless from beginning to end and can't be chased away no matter what.

Gao Yan is almost thirty years old. Seeing that the old emperor intends to pass the throne to him, as long as he marries a wife and has children, the old emperor is willing to abdicate the throne to him immediately.

But what troubles everyone is that no one likes or despises Gao Yan, who is not good at sex. The most beautiful and talented women in the world are sent to him, but he actually said that she is too thin and may not live long. The angry girl cried all the way.

The old emperor was angry that he would not argue, and the queen also talked to him day and night, wanting to know what kind of girl her son wanted.

At first Gao Yan didn't say anything, he just said that there was no woman in the world that he could like.

Later, when the three children of the Lu family became famous and grew up, and Jin Shu was free, Gao Yan took the initiative to find the queen and tell her.

"I already have someone I like. If she is willing, I can get married tomorrow!"

The queen was shocked. She never expected that her son, who had been wandering for so long, would turn out to be a big lover.

When she asked who the other party was and promised that no matter which girl she was from, she would help him find her, Gao Yan said cautiously and seriously.

"The legitimate daughter of the Jin family, Jin Shu."

Upon hearing this, the queen was stunned for a few seconds, and then took a full ten seconds to calm down.

The eldest son of the family's yellow flower fell in love with an old woman who was abandoned and still had three sons.

"Jin Shu...if I remember correctly...she is almost forty."

When a woman reaches the age of forty, her grandchildren are all running around. She should have reached the age of retirement and happiness, but Gao Yan refused to marry her.

The queen's face darkened visibly.

She is worried if her son does not take a wife.

Her son is willing to marry, and she seems to be even more worried.

"Son, Mrs. Jin is already the royal wife. She has worked hard for half her life and she only wants to enjoy happiness. Can you please stop tormenting her?"

He doesn't want a lot of young girls of fifteen or sixteen, but he wants a woman of forty!
If this spreads out, the entire capital will laugh at him, and the royal family will lose face.

Gao Yan frowned and dropped a sentence. "My daughter-in-law in this life can only be Jin Shu. Either you ask my father to grant me a marriage, or I will never marry her for the rest of my life."


"I don't care, I want Jin Shu! I've been waiting for her for ten years! I finally waited for her to raise three sons. Now the opportunity comes, how could I give up! Mother, don't waste your time trying to persuade me. You and your father If the emperor doesn't agree, I will either barge in the door or cut off my hair and become a monk!
Pray and chant sutras for Jin Shu all your life! "

Not long after, the maid's exclamation came from the palace.

"Someone is coming! The Queen has fainted! Call the doctor quickly!!"

The imperial doctor hurriedly came to treat her. After a few injections, the empress woke up faintly. She was about to threaten Gao Yan by taking advantage of her current weakness, but her good son muttered something in her ear.

"I want to marry Jin Shu, I want to marry Jin Shu, you can't embarrass her, or I will step in the door!"

The prince barged in the door upside down, causing the whole world to laugh!

Then the queen fainted again.

She was not the only one who was troubled, Jin Shu was also the same.

She had already hit someone with a stick, and was just a little bit away from killing him. As a result, Gao Yan, who was seriously injured, recovered from his injuries and struck again.

He couldn't be beaten or scolded, and the tricks Jin Shu often used before were useless against him. This kind of person's face was thicker than the roots of the city wall. Jin Shu once wondered if his face was made of iron.

In the end, the queen was defeated first.

She couldn't really watch her beloved son become a monk.

To comfort himself, Gao Yan still couldn't find any faults in other aspects except for his treatment of feelings.

So the queen summoned Jin Shu and offered to give her a new identity, allowing her to marry Gao Yan as the prime minister's legitimate daughter and become the princess, that is, the future queen.

Faced with such a huge temptation, the queen never expected that a forty-year-old woman would refuse.

Jin Shu was neither humble nor arrogant, calm and gentle, with a faint smile on her face that showed no trace of her age.

"My heart is in the mountains and rivers, and I have no intention of staying in the palace. Thank you for your love, Your Highness."

The empress was so shocked that she couldn't speak, but Gao Yan was used to it and regarded Jin Shu's attitude towards him as routine.

Once and twice, Jin Shu refused.

The Queen was angry, so she sent heavy troops to guard the Jin family, forcing Jin Shu to nod.

By the third time when the queen wanted to summon Jin Shu, the guards could no longer find anyone.

Jin Shu was nowhere to be seen inside or outside the Jin Mansion, and no one in the Jin family knew Jin Shu's whereabouts.

Just like that, Jin Shu disappeared.

Overnight, the heavily guarded Jin family left quietly.

Now the queen had no choice but to turn around and persuade Gao Yan to let it go.

Then another night passed, and Gao Yan also disappeared.

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