Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 348: The rich mistress disowns six of her relatives after opening the book

His Royal Highness the Prince has disappeared, so naturally this matter cannot be spread.

The palace was in turmoil and the court was in turmoil.

At this time, in a remote and quiet courtyard in a place with beautiful mountains and clear waters that looked like spring all year round, Jin Shu was leisurely drinking tea and basking in the sun, enjoying her rare leisure time in this world.

Unfortunately, this leisure was soon broken.

Because there was another courtyard next to her small courtyard, she knew who the owner was without having to guess.

Gao Yan shyly approached Jin Shu with his classic smile.

"I don't ask you to marry me, that's all. I will live next to you and see you every day."

"Why? Don't you want the emperor to come to this little place?"

"The emperor is boring and very tired. I left everything to my brother before coming here. Don't worry, my brother is a very good person and will make good use of your son."

After saying this, he had a look on his face as if asking for reward.

Jin Shu shook her head and continued drinking tea with squinted eyes.

Forget it, just think of it as a noisy fly and let him be.

Spring passed, autumn came, cold came and summer came, Jin Shu lived in this small place year after year.

When I have nothing to do, I fish and plant flowers. When the flowers bloom, I cook tea by the stove. When the flowers fade, I go out on a boat. My days are ordinary and leisurely.

Jin Shu lived this kind of life for a long, long time.

Gao Yan was indeed as he said, he never mentioned marriage again, he just regarded him as a friend. This man knew Feng Xue and poetry, so he was a good meal partner.

Even so, Jin Shu still has to spend the remaining half of her time alone, her alone time.

Ten years later, the three children each got married and started their own business. Even though Jin Shu was no longer around, her name became the most important belief in the family and would be passed down from generation to generation.

Enough of this kind of life, Jin Shu died calmly and fearlessly.

She chose the most comfortable way to die, and developed a balm for herself. Once she smelled it, she could leave without pain, as if she had a good sleep and had a long dream. After waking up from the dream, she returned to that familiar place, where Arnold was waiting for her.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time."

"when did you come?"

"After you complete your mission."

Jin Shu closed her eyes and let her soul float, saying quietly.

"You can be later, it doesn't matter if I wait a little longer."

Arnold said.

"I'm not used to having people wait for me."

He didn't know when she would be willing to come back, so it was always a good idea to arrive early.

"You have done a great job in this task. It is right to give you the privilege of time."

Arnold praised Jin Shu again. From his cold attitude at the beginning to his gentle tone now, one world after another, although the time they got together was very short, they seemed to have some tacit understanding with each other.

A compliment and a smile.

"Thank you, I will continue to work hard."

"I know that you regard all of this as repaying your kindness. I thank you for your chivalry. Apart from you, there is probably no other person in the world who is so repaying your kindness."

Jin Shu does not owe anyone any favors in this life. Once she owes someone, she will pay it back a hundred times a thousand times.

What's more, what she owes Arnold is a life to avenge herself.

In fact, she can't remember many things about the original world, but she remembers the first love, love, fights and killings very clearly.

She was grateful to Arnold for giving her a chance, so Jin Shu worked for him, almost sacrificing her life. (End of chapter)

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