Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 354: Entering the Interstellar Crazy Volume of Heroes and Heroines

So she wasn't angry at all when she was scolded.

Sure enough, the benefits of becoming another person are revealed. No matter who you face, you are a stranger, and no matter what he says, it is just fart.

Fortunately, the Frant family is famous enough, and these family members like to show off their faces. No one on the entire planet does not know the main members of the family, let alone these two young girls who are known as geniuses, so Jin Shu has trouble communicating. It takes almost no effort.

Peiya looked at Jin Shu coldly from the side.

"You are indeed the least qualified person in this family to speak. I hope you are a little self-aware of things that are known to everyone."

Aum, who was as domineering and powerful as God below, was as humble as the dog Peiya kept at home in his big family.

Well, after all, in the interstellar age, martial arts are valued, and all force is paramount. It is completely reasonable for Orm to be treated in this way.

Jin Shu looked at Mr. Anbu.

"Grandpa, let me try. Anyway, there is no room for this mecha to continue to break down."

A dozen pieces of junk used by the alliance army were finally dismantled and sold to the following whimsical parents after all the core technologies were dismantled.

Or the floor of the alliance headquarters is paved with gold. As long as there are these crazy parents, they will never be short of money.

Mr. Anbu snorted coldly.

"Have you been beaten out of your mind by someone down there? With your little mental strength, you still want to pilot a mecha?

If you ask me to activate the mecha, I would thank God! "

Upon hearing this, Jin Shu smiled and nodded.

"Grandpa, what would you say if I could activate the mecha?"

"If you activate it, I will give you the position underneath me!"

Jin Shu didn't say anything, turned around and walked straight towards the Tianyi Mecha Generation 1 who fell on the ground.

It is one of the types of mechas used in air combat. It is an old model more than 20 years ago. Now the military has almost evolved to the fifth generation of Tianyi mechas.

But just such a pile of scrap metal waiting to be scrapped in the army was bought by the Frant family for hundreds of millions of interstellar coins.

Luo Lin murmured in a low voice as he watched her walking past without thinking about life or death.

"If you don't know how to operate it, I will kill you."

Then the next second Jin Shu opened the hatch and got in.

Mr. Anbu was a little surprised.

"I didn't expect him to know where the mecha's hatch switch is. It seems like this kid has done some homework down there over the years."

He had also heard for a long time that this kid had been tinkering with mecha crystals. At first, he thought he was just messing around, but now it seems that he might actually have some tricks up his sleeve.

At this time, Jin Shu, who sat in the mecha's driver's seat, silently glanced at the operating screen in front of her.

If you want to activate a mecha, you must first have mental power. Only by pouring your own mental power into the mecha's neural sensing system can you slowly integrate the five senses of the limbs with the mecha.

This step is extremely difficult. It is almost impossible for people whose mental power level is lower than purple level to control the mecha.

After all, even the eliminated Tianyi in front of me weighs six hundred kilograms.

This is because it is a flying mecha with a small ammunition load, so it is light in weight.

If it is a land-based combat mecha, or any ordinary mecha, it weighs nearly a thousand kilograms.

To control these real steel behemoths is impossible without strong enough mental power.

The original owner has black-level spiritual power since birth, and the higher level is the combat power level of a mecha warrior.

Divide from A to S.

At its peak, the former owner had F-level combat power that everyone admired, which was quite dazzling even in the army.

But now, Jin Shu couldn't feel any spiritual power. So naturally she can't control the mecha now.

But not being able to control it doesn't mean it can't be started.

As the leader's daughter whose birthday gift has been a small mecha robot since she was one year old, the original owner knows all about mechas.

Jin Shu entered a series of special instructions on the screen, and after clicking to confirm, a manual control panel suddenly dropped from above her head.

Enter the mecha password and click the wake button.

The next second, the Tianyi mecha that was originally lying on the ground suddenly moved. The red visual device lit up, followed by the Tianyi tail fins ejecting gas. In the stunned sight of everyone, the Tianyi stood up slowly. in front of them, and then slowly raised the mechanical arm and waved at them.

The crutch in Mr. Anbu's hand fell to the ground. He suddenly didn't know it. He walked forward tremblingly and looked up at everything in front of him.

"Peiya, am I dreaming? I actually dreamed that my most incompetent grandson could pilot a mecha."

Opening the hatch, Jin Shu walked up to the old man.

"Grandpa, how did I do?"


The old man walked around Jin Shu several times, frowning and doubting.

"With your little mental power, can you activate the mecha?"

"I am your grandson, wouldn't you belittle yourself by belittling me? Besides, aren't you dissatisfied with Luo Lin? Now that you have me, you have more opportunities."

The old man's face was solemn, and everyone knew that he was seriously considering this matter.

Luo Lin was a little panicked, and he said coldly while suppressing the anger in his heart.

"The selection exam is less than a month away. Our family only has two places. Grandpa, please think carefully. If you consider him, I won't go. This will save you the trouble."

This trick works great.

Changing troops on the spot is not a good idea, not to mention that it will damage Luo Lin's self-confidence.

So the old man waved his hand.

"Forget it, you can't pick out ginseng from the dwarf onions. Let's leave it like that. You performed well just now, but this matter is related to the honor of the family. It's a big deal. Grandpa can't agree to it.

But since you also have some talent, you can come to your home to practice. If you can really develop some skills, won't you still be recruiting students in five years? "

Jin Shu just nodded and said nothing.

Seeing this scene, the old man suddenly felt a little guilty.

"But grandpa won't go back on his promise. If you want anything else, just ask."

"I don't have anything else. I have been living in confusion for decades, and now I just want to win honor for my family.

Grandpa, can I go to the practice room in the back to practice every night? "

"Yes, of course."

The old man agreed to this request immediately.

"Thank you, grandpa."

The Mecha Warrior Reserve Training Room at the back was a one-to-one replica of the Alliance Army's training room. It cost over a billion, which was a huge investment for the entire planet.

Usually only Peiya and Luo Lin are allowed to enter this training room, but from now on Jin Shu can also go in openly despite Om's skin.

The training room is divided into three parts.

Warm-up training, man-machine battle, and space simulation space. (End of chapter)

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