Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 355: Entering the Interstellar Crazy Volume of Heroes and Heroines

With the old man's permission, Jin Shu got the password to enter the training ground.

"Leave the messy things below to others. If you like mechas, come back here from today on.

But I have to tell you something in advance. You can only go in to the training venue after your younger brothers and sisters have used it. You can't delay their training progress, you know? "

Jin Shu was able to handle everything and her humble and submissive attitude once again changed the old man's view of her.

Luo Lin's training ended extremely late tonight.

The original training time of fourteen hours a day was delayed by a full four hours today.

By the time Jin Shu was allowed to enter, it was already two o'clock in the morning on Little Blue Star.

When entering the door, Luo Lin happened to pass her by, and a cold sentence came to Jin Shu's ear.

"Mechas are not something people like you can touch. If you try to grab something you don't deserve, be careful and it will fall to pieces."

Jin Shu kept walking and strode inside while replying generously.

"From now until eight o'clock tomorrow morning, the training room belongs to me!"

Seeing that she was not affected at all, Luo Lin gritted his teeth silently.

The intensity in the training room varied. He hoped that his brother would be exhausted in there!
But this is really not a strange place for Jin Shu.

Each regiment in the Alliance Legion has a training room, with hundreds of large and small ones. She has been training in it with her father since she was a child, and is familiar with everything in it.

The first door is the warm-up training room.

When you first enter, there is a long and narrow swimming pool in front of you. The width can barely accommodate a person's parade, and the length is completely invisible. The dim lights on both sides of the wall lead to the depths of darkness.

The water in the pool glows with a faint blue light, and you can't see the bottom at a glance. Such a long, narrow place makes people feel depressed just looking at it.

This is one of the most basic and introductory exercises in warrior training, flying over the horizon.

The water inside is a special liquid that cannot float freely on the water. As long as you stop swinging your hands and feet, it will sink quickly, and the internal pressure is much higher than the outside.

Jin Shu didn't hesitate and took off her cumbersome clothes, leaving only simple short-sleeved shorts. After putting her feet in for a while to get used to the water temperature, she plunged in in one second.

In an instant, a biting coldness rushed to her forehead, and the gravity liquid from all directions enveloped her whole body, making Jin Shu feel difficulty breathing and her body heavy. It seemed as if there was a strong suction pulling her whole body down, and she was about to If you want to keep your head floating on the water, you have to push hard, and at the same time, you must always remind yourself to stay awake and alert in this liquid that is far lower than the body temperature.

The original owner's physical fitness is no longer what it used to be, even far lower than Peiya and Luo Lin.

But Jin Shu gritted her teeth, adjusted her breathing to find a rhythm, and tried her best to keep moving forward in this tug of war.

She was exhausted more than once in the middle of the journey. The biting coldness became less uncomfortable as her body temperature rose rapidly. However, the lungs and heart in her chest were about to explode, making Jin Shu feel that every breath she took at this moment We must use up the last bit of strength in our lives.

The tunnel is extremely long, and there is no way back.

Once you jump, all you can do is move forward.

However, there are alarms at each midway point. Just take a picture of the alarm and someone will come in to rescue immediately.

Jin Shu ignored those things, kept her own rhythm, burned the temperature in her body, and finally saw the end point.

The entire ten-kilometer swimming warm-up training is over.

Jin Shu climbed ashore and fell to the ground like a puddle of mud, breathing hard with her eyes open. In this world, she is so weak that she cannot even crush an ant in the interstellar.

But that's nothing.

She already has a skill that others don't have, which is time extension.

The time flow rate ratio between this world and the real world is 1:2.

In other words, Jin Shu's original 48-hour system was directly upgraded to 96 hours.

In other words, she can stay here for more than eighty hours a day.

She has enough time to complete her upgrade.

After her body finally regained some ability to control herself, Jin Shu struggled to turn over and sit up.

In front of you are divided individual training rooms, where there will be a pre-set AI coach to set up warm-up training content based on your physical fitness.

Jin Shu casually entered a training room, and the AI ​​coach inside looked very familiar, but soon she knew why he looked so familiar, because the AI ​​in front of her was the male protagonist of this article, the leader of the first regiment of the Alliance Legion, the entire interstellar The famous SSS-level elite mecha warrior.

This has the same meaning as some places like to worship the God of Wealth.

Training in front of the faces of interstellar powerhouses every day might also have some metaphysical effects.

So for the next nearly fifteen hours, Jin Shu stayed in this training room, practicing blocking skills with this virtual coach.

For the first time, Jin Shu was killed by the coach and failed.

The second time, Jin Shu was choked to death by the coach and failed.

The third time, the fourth time... the forty-first time, Jin Shu, who was beaten so hard that there was almost no good flesh on his body, finally found the path of the virtual coach in front of him, and then accurately predicted his next move. , and finally pressed his elbow firmly against the opponent's throat, gritted his teeth and knelt down hard!
"The 41st challenge, warrior succeeded."

A buzzer sounded from the training room.

Jin Shu got her wish and saw the male protagonist's face being trampled under her feet, then turned her head and spit out a mouthful of blood, and walked out of the training room unsteadily.

The training room is equipped with a medical room, and the robot doctor inside will scan the whole body for injuries to determine whether treatment is needed.

Obviously, Jin Shu had seven or eight broken ribs, a broken nose, spleen bleeding, and a series of internal and external injuries. The robot considered her to be a moderately disabled person and allowed treatment.

The micro-robot entered the bloodstream for repair. Jin Shu was almost recovered within two hours. The flexibility of her hands and feet did not hinder her use, so let's continue.

Change to the next coaching challenge.

The leaders of more than a dozen regiments in the alliance are here, and Jin Shu challenges them one by one from left to right.

So in the following time, Jin Shu received seven more systemic treatments, all of which resulted in life-threatening moderate disabilities.

After each treatment, Jin Shu got up and continued training. In one night, she challenged the virtual coaches in the entire warm-up training room.

The still time ended, and soon it was six o'clock in the morning. Just as Jin Shu escaped from the hands of the male virtual coach, Luo Lin came in.

He was all wet, and it was obvious that he couldn't wait to find Jin Shu as soon as he swam over. (End of chapter)

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