Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 356: Entering the Interstellar Crazy Volume of Heroes and Heroines

"I didn't expect you to swim over."

He thought Orm would drown in the water outside.

The Om in front of him seemed to be different from the one he saw yesterday. His pale and weak face seemed to have a lot more life, and even his eyes that were as dim as a gutter rat exuded an energy that made him almost unable to look straight. sight light.

It was just one night.

Luo Lin felt that he was overthinking it.

"I'm here, you can go."

Jin Shu didn't say a word and walked outside. When she jumped into the water, she heard Luo Lin hammering the wall angrily inside.

In order not to let Jin Shu take advantage, he left the training room at two in the morning and came back at six or seven in the morning. During the little rest time in between, he might have to think about it for a while.

It can be seen that the Frant family is quite small-minded.

The next day Jin Shu went to the training room as usual.

This time Luo Lin actually stayed longer than yesterday. He stayed inside until two forty in the morning before coming out.

Obviously this was the limit of his training, because he actively triggered the alarm when he swam out, and was finally fished out by others.

Jin Shu was not affected at all and continued to focus on doing her own thing.

Yesterday, she had already challenged the dozen or so virtual coaches in the training room. There was nothing new to learn here, so when the system warned her three times to "confirm to enter the actual simulation training room," she chose confirm.

Here, the mecha that Luo Lin and Peiya usually train is standing quietly in the center.

After starting the mecha and waking up, the originally dark and confined space suddenly turned into a vast universe.

Jin Shu tried to actively connect to the mecha many times, but in the end she always failed.

She has no mental power. It seems that it is too early to try to activate the mecha now.

Just as Jin Shu turned off the mecha and walked out, suddenly, the virtual scenery around him changed again, stars moved, time and space changed, and suddenly everything in front of him suddenly froze in a still picture.

Jin Shu looked around and saw that she was in a huge boxing ring. Surrounding the ring were rows of auditoriums in a circle. The seats were filled with people. Their eyes were excited and their expressions were crazy. The moment she blinked, the shouts and roars that came like a crazy tide made her lose consciousness for a moment.

The still picture moved.

At this moment, she was really in this underground duel ground. Her clothes had changed into a black tights, her boots were pulled up to her thighs, and tattoos could still be seen on her two exposed arms. At this time, she The moment he raised his head again with his hands empty, a two-meter-tall humanoid fighting mecha suddenly appeared in front of him.

Jin Shu hadn't seen the equipment of the humanoid mecha clearly, but in the next second it rushed directly, its steel fists smashing hard in the direction of Jin Shu.

At this time, there was no time to think too much. Jin Shu took off on the spot and nimbly avoided the opponent's attack. Just as she was calming down, the opponent didn't give her any chance to breathe. She turned around and rushed over quickly.

At the moment when the fists were fighting, Jin Shu could clearly feel the stinging pain when her finger bones were cracked.

In close combat, flesh and blood versus steel and iron, she was no match.

Especially since she has no mental strength, her body has not been strengthened, and she cannot attack it face to face. The opponent's fists came down one after another. Jin Shu dodged frantically, and then continued to try to counterattack due to her flexible body.

The lower abdomen, back, upper arms and shoulders were all injured by the opponent's fists. Jin Shu gritted her teeth and watched the movements of the humanoid mecha in front of her. When it jumped high again, it was ready to swoop down to kill herself. When there was a blow, Jin Shu did not dodge immediately like before, but stood silently. When the mechanical fist was only a few centimeters away from her, she suddenly moved a few centimeters to the left, followed by a quick blow. He turned around and grabbed the arm of the humanoid mecha, using its own diving power to twist it hard.

There was a "click".

It started with a small piece of parts, followed by large pieces of armor, and finally the entire mechanical arm was shattered on the ground.

The humanoid mecha without arms is obviously not as effective as before.

When she realized that her right arm had been severely fractured, Jin Shu used the mechanical arm in the weapon attribute box. When the entire arm was mechanically armed, she used her best boxing technique.

Steel against steel, fire erupted as the strike struck.

Finally, Jin Shu punched the humanoid mecha hard on the chest. The five fingers of the mechanical arm spread out and pulled hard. With the sound of "crackling" electricity, the humanoid mecha in front of him instantly lost all mobility and its limbs went limp. Scattered in a puddle.

Jin Shu looked at the crystal stone he had just taken out from the chest of the humanoid mecha. It was a strength-enhancing crystal stone, and it was also black.

This is a good thing. In this little blue star, the black crystal is already a treasure comparable to a national treasure. Its function is to provide energy to the mecha, so that the mecha can move freely even without fuel.

Jin Shu put the crystal away without hesitation, and then limped back to the medical station for treatment.

This time she was injured more seriously than before. There was no good piece of flesh on her body, and only her eyes could vaguely see the road ahead.

Fortunately, technology is advanced enough that even serious skin injuries can be healed within two hours as long as they don't die.

Soon, Jin Shu walked out of the medical room in high spirits again, and then went straight to the space simulation cabin.

Anyone who is a mecha warrior is very familiar with the words "space simulation".

In this place where the air pressure is close to zero, the warrior's body needs to be strengthened over many years until the body can adapt to the air pressure of outer space. Even if the mecha is damaged in battle, he can jump out of the cabin to survive.

The longest simulation time the original owner had in a barometric capsule was four hours.

Although it is not the top result of the Alliance Military Academy, it is enough to make ordinary students look up to them for a lifetime.

Most of the humans on Little Blue Star cannot survive in such an environment for even a second, but there are also a small number of emerging humans with extraordinary talents who can practice their survival skills in such an environment.

There is also common sense among the stars that the stronger your mental power, the longer you can last in space.

The reverse is also true.

The longer you can persist in the zero-pressure state of space, the mental strength in your body will naturally continue to improve.

Therefore, this project is the most commonly used method in military schools to improve students’ mental strength.

But mental power can only grow proudly when the body is on the verge of collapse and explosion. (End of chapter)

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