Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 357: Entering the Interstellar Crazy Volume of Heroes and Heroines

It's like a chemical reaction that must reach a critical point to occur.

So this requires students not only to have strong perseverance and resilience, but also to have quick enough judgment.

After all, in that extremely painful situation where the internal organs are about to burst, most people can only have two outcomes.

Or, give up early and all the pain you endured will be lost.

Or, hold on to the end, but miss the last chance to leave.

The number of students who die in space simulation cabins every year is no less than those who die in actual combat.

So when Jin Shu chose to enter the hatch, the red light above her head lit up three times in a row.

“Attention, attention, there is a serious risk of death in the space simulation cabin.

Beware, beware, there is a serious risk of death in a space simulator.

Are you sure to enter? "

Jin Shu clicked to confirm.

“The space simulation cabin is 100% simulated to simulate the real space air pressure and temperature.

Friendly reminder, ordinary people with zero mental power are not recommended to enter, otherwise, there will be consequences at your own risk. "

Mental power is zero.

Isn’t that what I’m talking about? Jin Shu.

Then Jin Shu pressed the confirmation button for the second time.

"Please note that you can exit the space simulation mode at any time after it is turned on, so please control the usage time."

After the third confirmation click, the hatch in front of me finally opened.

After walking in, the space was only big enough for two people. There were sealed spaces made of special materials on all sides. The confirmation button was right in front of her. Jin Shu held it in her hand and placed her thumb on the red termination button.

The cabin was extremely silent, with no sound of wind in her ears. Jin Shu closed her eyes and clicked the confirmation button for the last time.

Almost instantly, Jin Shu's eyes widened violently, and two lines of bright red blood flowed out of her eyes. Her internal organs were squeezed crazily at this moment, and every pore in her body was blocked at this moment. Pain more intense than suffocation swept over him, his brain almost stopped functioning at this moment, and his body was about to explode.

The lungs and heart seemed to have been torn apart and reassembled over and over again, and they continued to be torn apart without any chance to breathe.

At this moment, Jin Shu pressed the button in her hand hard.



She was like a dehydrated fish, breathing heavily. Her eyes were covered by scarlet blood. She turned over and her whole body was already wet with sweat. Because of the pain, she didn't even dare to think about what had just happened. It was difficult. After climbing into the medical cabin, Jin Shu fainted.

When I get up again, I don’t know how much time has passed.

It didn't matter, because Jin Shu felt a very weak spiritual power flowing in her body.

This was good news. It made Jin Shu instantly forget all the previous pain, and then she stood up again and walked into the simulation cabin.

After experiencing the pain of the last round, Jin Shu did not give herself any time to hesitate this time and directly clicked the confirmation button.

The familiar feeling of suffocation and strangulation swept through my body again.

She closed her eyes and gritted her teeth, lying on the ground in pain, unable to even make a sound.

At this time, her body was undergoing a separation and reorganization. It didn't last long, it only lasted five seconds, but it made Jin Shu feel like several hours had passed.

This time she crawled into the medical cabin still dying, opened her eyes and found that the still time was still going on, so she couldn't stop.

The third entry, tearing, reorganization, heart-wrenching pain, the body seemed to be pressed hard by a big mountain, and I could only watch my internal organs being crushed into pulp...

The third time, she held on for fifteen seconds.

The fourth time, thirty seconds.

The fifth time, fifty-five seconds.

The sixth time, eighty-three seconds. The seventh time, one hundred seconds.

Within dozens of hours, she sent herself to hell over and over again, relying on her tenacious sense of survival to make herself pass out again and again before entering the medical cabin.

Time 27: Thirteen minutes.

The farther back she goes, the slower her progress becomes.

Even if all this is based on her persisting until the last second before death every time.

After a whole night of life and death, when Jin Shu woke up from the medical cabin for the last time, the time on her watch started to move again. She slowly got up, lowered her head, and walked towards the exit step by step.

At this time, Luo Lin, who had not slept all night, met Jin Shu again.

He couldn't help but taunt.

"You can still persist until the next day. Haven't you realized that this is not a place where you can persist?"

Jin Shu just lowered her head and walked forward. Luo Lin frowned and stood in front of her.

"Om, do you know why geese die in winter?"

Seeing that the other party ignored him, he could only talk to himself.

"Because it wants to challenge the cold without overestimating its capabilities!"

"I don't know how Dayan died, but if you stand in front of me again, I will immediately know how you died?"

"How did I die? Oh, tell me how I... died..."

The sarcastic words that had reached his lips were immediately swallowed back.

The whole person was as stiff as a tree, and it wasn't until Jin Shu left for a long time that he finally came back to his senses.

Finally, the oppressive feeling of strangling my neck and being unable to breathe disappeared.

He turned around in a daze and stared blankly at the deep underwater tunnel in front of him. He couldn't help but recall Orm's eyes in his mind.

It's cold, with a mechanical coldness, without any human emotions.

He didn't realize it until now. He was so frightened by Om's look that he couldn't move, and he felt strong uneasiness.

What on earth did Om experience in this training room?
How did he become as cold as a mecha just now in just two days?

Luo Lin didn't dare to think too much, he could only put himself into higher intensity training.

He had no time to think nonsense. The exam was only twenty-five days away, and he had to seize every minute and every second of the moment.

Jin Shu didn't know how much damage her look had caused to Luo Lin, because she simply didn't have the energy to pay attention to the messy things around her.

He returned to the room mechanically, closed the door, and then fell on the bed involuntarily.

For a moment, there was no consciousness at all.

When I woke up again, it was completely dark outside the window.

Jin Shu looked at the time, it was one o'clock in the morning.

In other words, she slept for nearly a day and a night.

When the time was almost up, she got up and washed herself briefly, then rushed to the training room.

This time she met Peiya.

The glory of the Frant family, the only person in the entire Little Blue Star who is sure of being admitted to the Alliance Military Academy.

"Om, what despicable methods did you use against Luo Lin?"

Jin Shu thought for a moment, then shook her head.

"I have always been aboveboard in my work, please don't slander me."

"Luo Lin has changed since you appeared! It's all because of you that he looks like this now. If you know better, you can leave my house." (End of Chapter)

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