Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 358: Entering the Interstellar Crazy Volume of Heroes and Heroines

Familiar conversations, familiar feelings, Jin Shu was like an NPC whose soul was triggered and asked questions.

"Then what if I don't leave?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Peiya on the opposite side raised her hand to attack!

Jin Shu dodged with ease and stood not far from her.

Peiya's eyes were stunned, followed by shock.

"Aren't you Om?"

Jin Shu smiled.

"Sister, are you going to slander me because my skills are inferior to others? Or are you saying that you never take me as a brother seriously?"

Peiya had a cold face and quickly figured out what was going on in her heart.

But no matter how much you think about it, it's useless. The best way now is to directly solve the trouble in front of you. The Frant family doesn't need this kind of scum. Luo Lin has worked hard for so long and can't be disturbed by this kind of person.

Thinking of this, she took out a gun without hesitation and pointed it in the direction of Jin Shu, her voice cold.

"You are living a good life down there, why do you have to come up and seek death? Do you know why there is a barrier between the world and the underground? It is just to let people with dirty blood like you understand that you should not overestimate your abilities!"

Jin Shu dodged her first shot, followed by an overwhelming barrage of bullets hitting her.

She used all the speed enhancers, rushed in front of Peiya, knocked the gun out of her hand, and fought with her in close combat.

The opponent's attack was swift and fierce, and every move and movement contained no fancy or useless movements.

This time Peiya was finally sure.

"You are not Frant Orm, who are you?!"

Jin Shu just wants to quietly use Aum's body to return to the Alliance Military Academy, but there are always people who want to sabotage her plan and kill him.

She has figured out the rules of this world now. She can just kill anyone who doesn't like her without any valid reason.

This is how Ling Xiao treated the original owner.

This is what Orm did to the original owner.

And Peiya did this to Aum.

During the fight, Jin Shu realized that Peiya's actions suddenly made things easier.

She was unwilling to let herself live with Aum's identity, and now she wanted to expose herself, so Jin Shu had only one choice at the moment.

End Peja's life.

Thinking of this, her movements became more fierce and unreserved. Jin Shu, the best ancient martial artist in the world, had perfected her boxing skills as early as in the fairy world. After possessing spiritual power, she would hardly encounter anything in close combat. rival.

Peiya was determined to get rid of the impostor in front of her at first, but gradually she realized that something was wrong.

The opponent seemed to always be able to guess what she was going to do next, and then block and counterattack accurately. In just a few minutes, she was beaten by the opponent and was unable to fight back.

Even her mental strength seems to be inferior to hers!

Peya, realizing this, wanted to run.

Naturally, Jin Shu would not give him this chance. He made eagle-claw shapes with his hands and directly grabbed Peiya's shoulders and pulled her back. When she fell back uncontrollably, Jin Shu took out a dagger and pointed it at her. A precise stab to the heart.

This is the simplest and most direct way to kill someone with one blow.

Peiya's body softened after struggling twice.

Jin Shu looked down at her unblinking eyes and picked up all her equipment with a cold expression. As Jin Shu expected, she also had a thousand masks, and there was more than one.

Jin Shu took out a mask and put it on Peiya's face. Peiya, who died in the next second, slowly transformed into Aum's appearance from beginning to end.

At this time, Jin Shu pressed the mask again and turned herself into Peiya.

When Luo Lin came out of the training room, he heard gunshots.

He hurriedly ran over, just in time to see his sister shoot Oum between the eyebrows. When he saw Oum fell to the ground without any breath, Luo Lin, who had been depressed and uneasy for the past two days, ran over excitedly, and without any explanation, he shot him fiercely. Kicked "Om".

"I've wanted to do this for a long time! Sister, you did a great job!"

Looking at Peiya's face, Jin Shu looked at him lightly.

This expression was exactly the same as Peiya's usual arrogant and cold expression, and Luo Lin didn't notice it at all.

"Sister, don't worry, if grandpa asks, I'll tell you it was me! Grandpa won't blame us!"

Indeed, the old man would not blame his two most beloved grandchildren just because of an Aum.

When he heard that Orm was dead, he just shook his head helplessly, and then warned the two of them.

"If you enter the military academy, you can't be so willful. A dead Grandpa Om can help you solve the trouble, but those people in the military academy are not easy to mess with. You must find out the details of the other party before taking action, you know?
This is called not fighting an uncertain battle! "

Upon hearing this, Jin Shu immediately understood how the brother and sister had the character to kill whenever they asked.

A family tradition passed down through the generations.

Bully the weak, use the big to bully the small, as long as you have the ability, you can do anything.

That's good. This way, no one will doubt what Jin Shu does.

With Peiya's identity, it is much easier to do anything.

Go to the training room for training at night, and directly use military mechas to conduct actual aerial combat simulations during the day.

Twenty days later, Jin Shu could last more than two and a half hours in the simulated space capsule.

While the pain extended indefinitely, she finally realized the physical and mental comfort that spiritual power in this interstellar world could bring to people.

The more powerful you are, the more thoroughly you can tap into and exert your body's various skills.

Now that Jin Shu is back to fight against the humanoid mecha in actual combat, she doesn't have to hide here and there as much as possible to minimize physical contact with the humanoid mecha.

Today, Jin Shu's body has evolved, and ordinary steel and iron bones can only be dented and deformed by her punch.

With the surge in mental power, Jin Shu was unable to activate the mecha at the beginning, but now she can fly the mecha freely in the air. She didn't actually put in much effort in this.

The only thing she did was to enhance her mental power. For the rest of her understanding and control of the mecha, she took shortcuts.

The original owner's body has already formed muscle memory. Even if there is no contact for more than ten years, it only takes a few days of simulation training to return to the semi-peak state.

The whole family was amazed at her rapid progress. After seeing her piloting a mecha in the air and accurately completing several standard actions for military school entrance and shooting tasks, the old man wanted to give her to her directly.

"No problem. With your current level, there is no problem at all in getting admitted to the military academy!"

He was still a little uneasy at first. After all, if Peiya performed exceptionally well, she would have a chance to be selected into the school.

But now, as long as Peiya doesn't deliberately shoot at the examiner with her mecha, she will never lose the election.

As for Luo Lin, no chance.

The reason why he is allowed to go is because the family has two reference quotas. If he doesn't go, won't this quota be cheaper for others?

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