Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 359: Entering the Interstellar Crazy Volume of Heroes and Heroines

Rather than having a stranger with vague strength as a competitor, it would be better to let Luo Lin act as a backer for his sister.

Before departure, the old man specially found Jin Shu and took her to the forbidden area of ​​​​the Frant family.

From the forbidden area, he handed her the weapon he had used on the battlefield.

"This is the weapon that grandpa used when he killed the Zerg on the battlefield. Now more than thirty years have passed, and I don't understand the current form, but this weapon was made of carbonene, and the raw material is still extremely precious.

I have been thinking about giving this gun to my future successor in the future, and now I finally have to wait for this day.

Come, take it, take your grandpa's glory and bring glory to the Frant family. "

Jin Shu took over this high-speed railgun. It was an S-level weapon. It was indeed extremely precious. One shot could cause more than 30,000 damage. Carrying it with you would increase your sense of security.

"Thank you, grandpa."

"We will set off tomorrow. I will wait for your good news at home and take good care of my brother."

After a few brief instructions, Jin Shu took Luo Lin on the spaceship to the planet Rex where the Alliance Military Academy was located early the next morning.

For such a large Blue Star, there are only two spaceships used for interstellar business.

This time for the Alliance Military Academy recruitment, the Frant family and another Cass family asked for the right to use the spacecraft specifically for their children, so that their children could go to the Alliance Military Academy with dignity.

There are a total of six places to participate in the entire Little Blue Star.

There are two each from the Frant family and the Cass family, and the remaining two are mecha talents selected by the Little Blue Star government from the private sector.

The heroine Ling Xiao took this path back then.

Perhaps because they were from the lower classes and had hard-won opportunities, the remaining two candidates remained silent all the way and did not participate in any discussions. They waited until the spacecraft approached the docking port of the Rex system before one of them took the initiative to talk to Jin Shu. first sentence.

"I can cooperate with you. If my ranking is higher than yours, I can take the initiative to withdraw from the competition and give up my position to you."

Jin Shu raised her eyebrows.


"In exchange, you have to give me a piece of land owned by the Frant family."

His name is Luopu, a low-level commoner. The fact that he can stand face to face with Jin Shu and talk to each other shows his ability.

It was obvious that he wanted something more tangible and easier to obtain than the title of Alliance Military Academy Student.

Jin Shu did not reject him directly, but simply said.

"Let's wait until the results come out."

"When the results came out, it wasn't the price."

"It's okay, the Frant family can afford it."

Luopu nodded, and then followed directly behind Jin Shu. After first handing over the interstellar identity card to confirm his identity, he entered the waiting hall to prepare for the first round of screening exams.

The first round is the space simulation cabin screening. Those who persist for less than fifteen minutes after entering will be deemed unqualified and will be directly disqualified from the next exam.

At the end of this round, the six people from Little Blue Star were still there. Even so, the total number of people remaining in the exam was still reduced by nearly 30%.

"Poseidon Planet has a long-term cooperation with the Alliance Military Academy, because Poseidon Planet has a large amount of crystal minerals that the military academy's mechas need.

So every year, the Poseidon planet alone takes 30% of the Alliance Army's recruitment qualifications.

So not everyone is like Little Blue Star, who has to choose from thousands of choices to qualify for the exam. Like this group of Poseidon Stars, most of them are not as good as us. "

Luo Lin complained angrily.

He was already born into the Frant family, but he still complained that he did not have higher privileges like the nobles of Poseidon. Jin Shu didn't say anything. After a short rest, he followed the large army to the second round of screening examination site.

The second round of screening is the mecha control test.

Each candidate must pilot a mecha in the air to complete several prescribed actions, and then hit the prescribed target.

There are some differences between the mecha used for the exam and the mecha prepared by the Frant family.

After all, it is the latest model. Although the general operation has not changed, the scale on the joystick in front of you has become a smooth screen. Without the scale, all steering operations are based on feeling. The human eye is only a few centimeters away, but you have to drive close. The thousand-pound mecha locks onto a target a hundred meters away and shoots accurately.

This is tantamount to hellish difficulty for most candidates.

But for candidates like Jin Shu, who have grown up in mechas since childhood, this test content is no different than children playing house.

The second round of screening is over.

There were only two people left in Little Blue Star.

The entire Kashi family was wiped out, and Luo Lin was defeated. It was reasonable that only two people were left.

Jin Shu and Luopu.

After this round of screening, only less than 2,000 candidates remained out of hundreds of thousands.

And these two thousand people will continue to go through the third round of screening. After this screening, more than a thousand people will leave, and only 300 people will be left in the end.

Jin Shu is very familiar with the first two rounds of exams.

According to the memory of the original owner, the third round of examination should be a stress response test.

But after all the candidates entered, there was an extremely spacious space inside, with tables corresponding to the number of candidates neatly arranged. After sitting down according to their names, a panel appeared in front of Jin Shu.

Before she could see the content on the panel clearly, a string of fonts suddenly popped out.

[The exam begins, and candidates are asked to use all the materials on hand to make a weapon in the shortest possible time. 】

[Please note that survivors are winners. 】

The next second, a large pile of messy parts appeared out of thin air directly on the table in front of him.

Obviously, most of the candidates did not expect that the third round of the test would turn out like this. Everyone still retained the same original memory of the test procedures as Jin Shu.

Apparently, five years later, the exam content changed.

There was no time to be in a daze, Jin Shu immediately started sorting the parts, and at this time Luopu on the side also acted quickly.

This kind of living Jin Shu was so familiar, she had been dealing with these things her whole life in her long life.

What seemed like an ordinary gasket to others turned out to be a damper in Jin Shu's hands.

Thirty seconds later, the things on the table were sorted according to their functions, and a model of a weapon appeared in his mind.

Her hand speed is very fast, and there are few wrong steps. Even if she finds that it does not match after installation, she can replace it as quickly as possible.

There was dead silence all around, with only the sound of parts being moved. Everyone lowered their heads and worked hard. Three minutes later, the table full of parts turned into a short-handled pistol in Jin Shu's hand.

At this moment, a strong sense of crisis hit her face. Jin Shu did not hesitate to raise her head and raise her gun and fired a shot in the direction to the right.

A male candidate also holding a short gun fell down.

When the gunfire rang out, the students who had not yet installed it were completely panicked, and their hands holding the parts were shaking crazily.

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