Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 360: Entering the Interstellar Crazy Volume of Heroes and Heroines

Chapter 360: Entering the Interstellar Crazy Volume of Heroes and Heroines (12)

Jin Shu relied on his keen insight and quick hands to kill several students who wanted to operate on him. He glanced sideways at Luopu beside him. He seemed to be in a daze holding the gun in his hand. Jin Shu briefly glanced at him. He glanced at it, and then casually threw him the crosshair from the pile of parts on the table.

Luopu glanced at her, and then quickly installed the last part without hesitation. Just as he was about to stand up, Jin Shu's gun was pointed at him.

When the gunshot rang out and the bullet grazed his ear, Luopu still opened his eyes blankly, as if he was not afraid at all. It was not until he realized that a person fell behind him that he slowly came back to his senses.

"You still want to sell your ranking to me?"

Luopu walked up to Jin Shu silently with a sullen face and said something dry.

"Thank you."

Jin Shu did not respond to his thanks and retreated directly to the corner. Seeing the screams and begging for mercy in the room, she glanced at the inconspicuous painting in the corner.

The woman in the painting is Eve, the goddess believed by the stars. At this moment, her eyes are calmly looking at the scene of wanton massacre in front of her.

Jin Shu turned her gaze and shot one after another, killing all the students who tried to let her take over.

Soon there were no more bullets, and Jin Shu took advantage of the chaos to start collecting the guns that fell on the ground.

Luopu followed her all the time. When Jin Shu ran out of bullets again and there were no guns on the ground for the time being, he handed her his gun directly.

"I give you a gun and you protect me."

Jin Shu glanced at him and took the gun from his hand without hesitation, escorting him all the way to find useful weapons among the piles of corpses.

Because Jin Shu's marksmanship was so good, gradually no one dared to approach them anymore.

Soon there were fewer and fewer people left in the classroom. When more than half of the people had collapsed, a loud and empty sound came from the classroom.

[The exam is over. Candidates who have passed the exam please go to the registration office to collect living supplies for the next five years]

As soon as the sound ended, fierce cheers erupted from the surviving candidates.

This enthusiastic voice made the classroom littered with corpses look even more bizarre.

Jin Shu looked at the gun in her hand and saw that it had just run out of bullets.

A door appeared on the side of the classroom, and everyone walked out one after another. Some people in the crowd could not restrain their excitement and loudly discussed their life in the military academy for the next five years.

As a civilian, Luopu acted more calmly than Jin Shu when faced with this great event that could change the fate of his family and even the entire planet.

"It's a pity that you were also selected, otherwise I could have exchanged my quota with you for half of the Frant family's property."

"Without me, you would be the only one among the corpses."

Where did he get his confidence?

Luopu sighed, obviously dissatisfied with the current result.

"I don't like fighting and killing. Although I have talent, I still want to be a farmer in Little Blue Star, marry a dozen wives, and live a life without fighting against the world."

What a simple wish.

Jin Shu could tell that everything he said was sincere.

If No. 301 hadn't died at this time, he would have rushed over immediately to discuss the price.

"But now that I'm here, there's nothing I can do about it. I plan to choose the Maintenance Academy.

I know you will definitely choose Warrior Academy. Let me be your maintenance technician. I am very talented. "

Jin Shu believes that he is very talented. After all, if he is not extremely talented, he will not be able to stand with her. "Let's wait until you are strong enough to match me."

After enrolling, you don't have to sit back and relax. You still need to take an exam. The school will arrange the combination of warriors and maintenance technicians based on the exam rankings.

Luopu glanced at Jin Shu.

"I'm very stressed now because I think you are very powerful. If I want to be your maintenance technician, I guess I have to rush to the first place."

"Thank you for the compliment, come on, I really like you."

He is calm enough, mainly because he is not afraid of death, his reaction speed is fast enough, and his obedience is very good. He has all the qualities that an excellent maintenance technician should have.

Luopu didn't speak for a long time, and his originally pale and thin face seemed to turn a little rosy.

Jin Shu separated from him at the place where they received supplies.

Choosing a college is a matter of half a year. At that time, the school will advise students on which college to choose based on their strengths.

The Alliance Military Academy has a lot of money. All students live in single rooms and have all the living facilities. However, because it is under military management, there are not many devices that can access the Internet.

The first thing Jin Shu did after putting down her things was to go to the Alliance Military Academy training ground.

This place covers an area of ​​thousands of hectares, and the continuous fields inside are all real-life training bases that the military academy spent a lot of time and effort to create. Compared with this place, the training room of the Frant family is simply a super simplified version.

After enrolling in school, everyone was more or less excited. When everyone went to the cafeteria to eat together during lunch time, there were already many people walking together in twos and threes chatting.

Those who can come here are all the proud ones at the top of the entire galaxy. The most important thing here is people with prominent family backgrounds, not to mention rich people. For the better development of the military academy, the rich people in the entire galaxy will donate every year. Lots of good stuff coming.

For example, here is the largest library in the entire galaxy.

Here is the most complete medical service center in the entire galaxy system.

Also, the commander-in-chief of the Alliance Army is the principal of the Alliance Military Academy.

This shows the importance of the Union Military Academy to the army.

Jin Shu frowned slightly as she ate various nutritional supplements on the plate.

People here are very efficient in their work and will not waste any time they can.

Therefore, each dormitory is equipped with a sleep cabin. If you go in and sleep for two hours, you will be full of energy for the whole day.

In addition, the canteen provides students and teachers with nutritional supplements refined by technology. Two pills and a glass of water can replenish all the nutrients and energy needed by the human body.

People in the cafeteria basically just sit down and leave, and eating is just a formality.

Jin Shu looked at the pills on the plate. The eagle-like woman who didn't frown even after her nose was broken into three pieces by the humanoid mecha, let out a helpless sigh.

Forget it, just eat.

Time is indeed precious. Even if her time is four times that of others, the goal she wants to strive for at the moment is indeed a hundred times that of others, so she should work harder.

When it comes to matters of life and death, Jin Shu has the right to speak more than anyone else.

After taking the pills and drinking water, I felt full quickly.

For the elites present, the purpose of the tongue is not to taste food, but to identify toxic substances.

Fortunately, Jin Shu's appetite was not that strong. After finishing her food, she put away her plate and went directly to the military academy training base.

(End of this chapter)

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