Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 365: Entering the Interstellar Crazy Volume of Heroes and Heroines

Jin Shu lowered her head. She didn't have to say anything or do anything next. Someone would naturally help her deal with these two bastards who had their eyes set above their heads.

Ling Su also didn't expect that Astor would be reprimanded for just telling the truth.

"This instructor is also too fussy. I just made a joke and went on the line. Sure enough, I heard that the people in Little Blue Star are the most fussy. I saw it with my own eyes today."

Ling Su muttered in a low voice, then sat next to Aster.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have spoken up for that new classmate, causing you to be reprimanded."

"none of your business."

"I know you are not happy that Legere did not come this time, and I am not happy either. Why can a fourth place squeeze out the third place and sit with us.

It doesn’t matter what background she has, I won’t say much, but isn’t she just a farmer who farms on Little Blue Star? Why can she occupy Legere’s position and let the instructor be like this? Defend her, even scold you for her.

You are fighting for the honor of the school. Whether the school can win the championship this time depends entirely on you. Unexpectedly, the instructor will also give you a look. "

Ling Su was indignant.

Aster stood up and left, because Jin Shu was also sitting in the leisure area of ​​the spacecraft. He would rather stay in his own lounge.

Luopu handed a cup of energy liquid to Jin Shu.

"Even here, you will inevitably encounter bullying. Moreover, this kind of atmosphere in the military academy will be even more serious, and the classification of grades will be stricter. You must adapt in advance."

"It's nothing big to make a fuss about."

Jin Shu took a sip of the silver-white suspension in front of her, then spit it back with an expressionless expression.

"Don't serve me this kind of food waste next time."

I feel like I'll get diarrhea if I drink too much.

"This is a good thing. The school is equipped with super energy liquid. Most students can't drink it if they want to, but there is everything on the ship. This kind of treatment will not be available once you get off the ship."

"Drink more. Where is the training room on the ship?"

Luopu pointed upstairs.

"The third floor, it's only a day's journey and you still have to go to training?"

"Even if it's only an hour away, I don't want to waste it."

Luopu clapped his hands sincerely and sighed.

"You will be the best soldier in the Alliance army. I am proud to know you."

"Where are we now?"

"Too curly."

"You haven't seen a more curly one yet."

Jin Shu didn't mean to take the exam, it was mainly because she couldn't stop naturally. She was always idle, so why not find something for herself to do?

There is no access control in the training room on the third floor, and everyone can enter at will.

Because the still time had not yet come, Jin Shu did not enter the space simulation cabin, but chose the gravity cabin for gravity training.

Driving a mecha will encounter various severe natural conditions, such as zero pressure, weightlessness, weight bearing, and other unnatural environments. Mecha warriors must be able to cope with them with ease.

Jin Shu walked into the gravity chamber and directly adjusted the gravity to 1,300 kilograms.

This is the entire weight of the Silver Wing Mecha, and it is also the limit of Jin Shu's challenge.

Because she had imagined the possibility that if the soldier was accidentally crushed under the mecha during the escape process, she had to be completely sure that she would not be crushed to death and at the same time be able to escape. The original owner once saw with his own eyes a soldier who was forced to commit suicide after being pinned under a mecha and unable to move.

One thousand three hundred kilograms of gravity pressed down instantly!
Jin Shu's tight legs also knelt on the ground at this moment, and her back was almost bent into a shrimp under the pressure of this force.

Her body was like a pancake pressed into a pot. The omnipresent gravity forced her to stick to the ground, making it difficult for her to breathe and unable to move.

But Jin Shu gritted her teeth. First she struggled to hold herself up with one arm, and then slowly bent one leg and knelt down. The whole person was half-kneeling on the ground, and the arms and thighs that were supporting her were trembling crazily.

This is not enough.

She growled lowly.


The next second, the other leg slowly stood up on its knees. The whole body was in a stooped and difficult posture, and the neck was tilted by gravity. Both legs exerted force together, bit by bit under the weight of 1,300 kilograms. Underneath, trembling, he stood up tenaciously.

At this time, Jin Shu felt that her bones were on the verge of breaking, but she knew where the limits of her body were. She held her breath and stood up straight with incredible explosive power, her legs standing straight, and her back even more. She was as strong as a pine tree, and she could finally look straight ahead. The clothes all over her body were wet with sweat. She held her breath and the veins on her neck popped out, silently counting the time in her heart.

"Fifty-seven, fifty-eight, fifty-nine, sixty."

When the time was up, she found that she seemed to be able to hold on for a few more seconds, so she continued to count down.


At this moment, a figure appeared outside the door of the gravity cabin, standing there looking into the cabin.

Jin Shu could feel the other person's eyes looking at her, but her eyes were already bloodshot and blurred due to the heavy pressure and sweating, and she couldn't see clearly who was outside the cabin door.

But it doesn't matter who it is, she wants to complete the ultimate challenge for herself.


Gravity suddenly disappeared, Jin Shu's body went limp and she almost fell to the ground.

She supported the wall and walked out slowly. The man standing outside the hatch was still there.

The opponent was wearing the military uniform of the Alliance Army, which was straight and neat, well-tailored. A soft white military shirt was stuffed into black stiff and straight military pants. Military boots wrapped his slender calves, exuding fierce majesty.

Jin Shu was a little dazzled and glanced at the other person's face out of habit. The brim of the military hat blocked half of the other person's face, and she could only see the lower half of a man's face. The face was smooth, the white jaw line was tight, and the lip color was A hint of red.

"I've used it, you can go in now."

Jin Shu thought that the other party was queuing up for training, so she didn't look at him much and just supported the wall to get ready to take a shower.

As soon as he took a step out, a clear male voice came from behind.

"Your name is Frant Peja, right?"

Jin Shu looked back at him. Now her vision finally became clearer, and she also saw the regimental commander's rank mark on the other man's black military uniform jacket.

In the Ertes Interstellar Alliance where she was a member, the military symbol was the star sun, which looked like a blooming sunflower. The higher the military rank, the more light emitted around the sun.

The one with six corners is the captain, the one with five corners is the deputy captain, the one with four corners is the captain, and the one with three corners is the deputy captain.

The rest have no rank.

Jin Shu's mind was still clear, so she nodded.

"I am, what are the orders from the leader?"

"How much weight did you just carry?"

"Thirteen hundred kilograms."

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