Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 366: Entering the Interstellar Crazy Volume of Heroes and Heroines

The other person nodded.

"As a freshman, this is a pretty good result."

Jin Shu knew that she was very good, but she still had to give her the face she deserved.

"Thank you, captain."

"Perform well in this competition."

After saying that, the other person turned around and left. Jin Shu didn't see his face clearly from the beginning to the end because he was too tall and his eyesight was not very good.

So naturally I don't know which regiment he is the leader of.

However, I heard from Luopu that the army sent two regiment commanders to watch the friendly match, a commander of the second army and a commander of the fourth army, and the one just now was one of them.

Jin Shu was not interested in who it was.

Anyway, she will definitely be able to join the army in the end, and she doesn't care which regiment she joins.

However, old students have a high probability of entering the 11th or 12th Army Corps after graduation, and they can climb up step by step as they win military honors later on.

Jin Shu had no time to think about the future. She was exhausted and took a shower and went back to rest for a while. Then when the rest time came, she immediately entered the space simulation cabin.

No matter how hard you practice, the capsule remains unchanged.

Now she can spend two hours and forty-five minutes safely in it, and this score is steadily increasing with Jin Shu's daily training.

The Alos galaxy has sunshine all year round, and there is no distinction between day and night. Especially the Mante planet where the competition is held is even hotter. Everyone put on special clothes and stepped off the spacecraft. At this time, many spaceships were parked at the interstellar port, most of them They all came to watch the game.

There is a friendly match between the two major galaxies every five years. It is said to be a friendly match, but behind it is also related to the air supremacy of some interstellar territories, so some businessmen in the galaxy who pay attention to power dynamics will go there.

The scene of the game was much bigger than Luopu imagined.

Looking at the simulated actual combat space built specifically for the competition, it covers hundreds of hectares and can be switched between scenes and environments at will. It is simply more grand than the official competition between alliances.

Obviously, the instructor did not expect that this friendly match would be so popular. After all, the instruction he received at the time was to select the three most promising preparatory fighters to participate.

The venue for watching the game can accommodate hundreds of thousands of people. In addition, only when everyone arrived did they know that the entire game would be broadcast live to the two major star systems.

Now, the instructors were a little nervous by this scene.

"Don't be nervous, everyone, treat it with a normal attitude. Don't care about the size of the audience below. Just perform at your normal level."

Aster acted relatively calm, but there was a hint of expectation and nervousness in his eyes.

Ling Su, who was sitting next to him, took several deep breaths in succession.

"This is my first time to participate in such an important game. I heard that the alliance leaders of the two major galaxies may also come to watch the game, right?"

The instructor shook his head, he couldn't figure out the current situation.

It was clearly agreed that it would be a simple friendly match, but it turned out to be completely different than expected.

"None of this has anything to do with you, just perform as usual."

"If there is a live broadcast, tens of millions of people are watching. Instructor, it's not too late to change people. Legere has also followed, but he is flying on the family's spaceship."

Ling Su always spoke openly.

The instructor's expression changed and his tone was stern.

"You have to trust your partners! No matter what competition it is, the contestants will not change! Just compete with peace of mind!"

After speaking, he glanced at Jin Shu and nodded to her.

"Don't be nervous, it's just a friendly match."

Jin Shu smiled.

After the instructor left, Ling Su couldn't help but ask.

"Peiya, the instructor is so considerate to you. I have never seen him care so much about anyone. You are the seed player in instructor Amai's eyes. It seems that whether you can win this friendly match depends entirely on you."

"Whether you can rely on me or not, I can't tell, but I certainly can't count on you."

Unexpectedly, Jin Shu spoke so rudely, and Ling Su's expression suddenly changed.

"Are all you people from Little Blue Star so confident?"

"Both and each other, you little Zhouxing people also seem quite confident."

This time it can be said that it directly poked Ling Su's pain point.

Although she followed her sister away from that sterile place when she was very young, there are still people who remember their origins.

Now he was shaken out in public.

"Frant Peja, I am really looking forward to your performance in the next competition. My sister said that people who are good at talking may suffer in the competition.

I hope you are not this kind of person. "

Jin Shu nodded with a smile and replied.

"I hope you are not either."

Then Ling Su left with a dark face without looking back.

Luopu stuck his head out and asked Jin Shu.

"How did you develop that mouth? You're so good at making people angry without paying for their lives."


"I heard from other girls in the school that Astor is very partial to Ling Su. The two of them are friends on the surface, but in fact they have been together for a long time. If you offend one, you have offended two. Others are fine. Astor is indeed Not easy to deal with.”

Jin Shu glanced at him.

"Soldiers will come to block you, water will come to cover you and earth will cover you, and people will come to block you with swords. What should you be afraid of?"

"Well, I feel relieved with your confidence. The competition only starts tomorrow. Do you want to go shopping and take you to some good places?"

After reporting to the instructor, Luopu took Jin Shu straight to the nearest underground trading office.

Generally, places like this are shady businesses, so most of the people who come here hide their true appearance. Luopu asked Jin Shu if he had a thousand-person mask. Jin Shu nodded, and Luopu and Luopu each went to the bathroom. .

When he came out again, Luopu had completely changed his appearance, from a thin and fair boy to an unshaven old man.

The first time he saw Jin Shu, his eyes wandered for a few seconds.


The woman in front of her has shoulder-length black hair and a small face that is so delicate that it is difficult to look away. She has deep facial features and cold eyebrows, like a porcelain doll placed high up. Her skin is so smooth and cold that she does not look like a real person. A human being is more like a bionic cyborg.

"How did you become like this?"

Everyone wished they could become simpler, but Jin Shu was better off, and she immediately became more eye-catching than before.

Jin Shu didn't realize how beautiful she looked originally, she just took off the mask.

More than ten years have passed. In this rapidly changing interstellar era, it is impossible for anyone to recognize the original owner again.

Not to mention that during these years of wandering on the alien planet, the appearance of the original owner has also changed. Even if her biological parents were standing in front of her, they might not be able to recognize her now.

Luopu stared at her intently.

"I don't know why, but I think this face looks more like yours.

No, to be more precise, if I had never seen you, based on your personality, your voice, etc., I think your current appearance is more in line with my fantasy of you. "

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