Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 368: Entering the Interstellar Crazy Volume of Heroes and Heroines

Luopu didn't want to make the matter a big deal, nor did he want these people to affect Jin Shu's mood for tomorrow's game.

People around thought they were leaving, but a fat man in the lead sat directly at the iron door and knocked on the table.

"We have rules here, aliens can't place bets!"

Luopu nodded.

"Okay, we'll return everything we won to you."

"If you win, give it back to us? Haha... Not only will you win, but the bet won't be yours even if it's on the table!
Hand over the money and I'll let you go immediately. Otherwise, don't blame us men for being careless and hurting you and this pretty boy. "

Luopu realized that these people were so greedy that they even wanted their bets!
"Where is your manager here? I want to see the manager here!"

Those men laughed wildly.

"Where did we get the manager here? There is only one truth here. Whoever has a strong fist and speaks has a truth, you know!"
As for that scoundrel, even if he wins the game, he still has to be able to take the money out! Otherwise, so what if we win? In the end, I couldn’t take anything with me! "

When Luopu heard this, he realized that there was still such a truth in the world.

I thought that the black businessmen in Little Blue Star were already rampant enough, but I didn’t expect that there would be even crazier ones!

I originally wanted to take Jin Shu here to relax and see if I could buy some good stuff back home, but I didn't expect that I would be taken advantage of by a group of rogues.

"Peiya, I don't want the money anymore, we..."

Before she finished speaking, Jin Shu slapped Luopu's face to the side and stepped forward to stand in front of those people.

"Who among you has a strong fist and who is reasonable?"

"Yes, little girl, you are new here and are ignorant, so your brothers will not care about you. Well, there are many bars in our underground city. You can just invite all the brothers sitting here to have a drink together."

Jin Shu shook her head.

"This is too much trouble."

"If you find it troublesome, then we have a simpler way. If we keep the bet and give each of us 10,000 yuan in hard work, we won't care about you so much."

Looking at these little villains who looked exactly like the stereotyped assembly line in novels, Jin Shu suddenly made a bold guess.

Logically speaking, this kind of situation should not be encountered by an insignificant character like her. If this is the case, does it mean that there is an important person here?

Jin Shu looked around.

Then smiled.

"This is still too troublesome for you. There is an easier way."

"Why are you talking so much nonsense? Please give me the money quickly, otherwise——"


Jin Shu punched him, and the man who was yelling and arrogant just now flew out like a sack.

Those who stood in front of Jin Shu immediately took a step back.

"It only makes sense to speak hard with your fists. I think this rule is pretty good."

"How dare you be so arrogant in our territory! I think you are tired of living!"

Relying on the strength of the crowd, the remaining people also rushed forward with anger. In an instant, Jin Shu and Luopu were pointed at more than a dozen guns.

Luopu still had the same paralyzed face, but his eyes were still more or less panicked.

"Peiya, you chose the most risky method."

"No, my method is the simplest and most effective. You protect yourself." After saying that, Jin Shu rushed forward with bare hands. When the opponent saw this, he immediately opened fire. In the hail of bullets, Jin Shu was faster than the gun. In one second In less than a minute, he dodged all the bullets and rushed into the crowd, kicking them hard. Compared with the steel humanoid mechas in the training room that can accurately calculate and predict the enemy's next move, these people are like A piece of tofu, Jin Shu could punch the opponent's head without any effort at all.

The scene was completely chaotic. Luopu held an S-class magnetic cannon and fired randomly.

And the group of people surrounding Jin Shu screamed again and again.

Jin Shu's punches were fierce, coupled with her superb speed and strengthened body, even if the opponent's body was already a modified mecha, after punching her, the arm of the mecha was broken inch by inch, and finally directly It was hammered into a pile of scrap metal.

Jin Shuze looked at her fist without changing her expression. It was a little red, but it didn't matter because the opponent's arm was already broken.

Seeing those people above him being beaten by Jin Shu, Luopu sighed and simply sat down and waited for her to finish.

Finally, after no one dared to come close, Jin Shu moved her arms and neck and said something to herself.

"The warm-up wasn't intense enough."

The ground was a mess, with mecha body parts and corpses with their heads smashed, which was horrifying to see.

At this time, all the audience had no time to watch the performance on the stage. They all stared dumbfounded at the killing of one against a hundred. Finally, when Jin Shu glanced over, everyone got excited and immediately stood up and left.

In the end, there were very few people left in the stands, and Luopu finished his drink in the cup and walked over.

"It's getting late, let's go."

Jin Shu nodded and put all the remaining money on the table into his pocket.

Luopu thought she was leaving, but when he turned around, Jin Shu walked onto the ring at some point.

On the ring, the losing Earth Dragon Armor left in despair, but the winner's Snake Armor was still on top. The cockpit door opened, and a young boy who looked to be no more than 20 or 30 years old stood there, silently watching himself break. snake armor tail.

Jin Shu clapped her hands and placed an interstellar coin card in front of him.

"There is fifty thousand in it, your reward for winning the game this time."

The young man glanced at her.

"I don't want your money."

"This is not mine. You just saw it. This money should have been yours."

After speaking, Jin Shu patted his mecha and nodded.

"Not bad, very good. It's well modified and has good driving skills."

It's a pity that I have no background and no luck, so I can't get into the Alliance Military Academy. I can only earn some money by working hard in such a chaotic place.

Dropping the money, Jin Shu turned and left.

It was getting late and it was already dark outside.

"It's time for us to go back. The instructor only gave us five hours to go out."

"Why rush? It's so big down there, let's just take a stroll."

The two of them had just stayed in the underground mecha arena for a while, and there was still some time left, but Luo Pu was worried that she would cause trouble again, so he wanted to take Jin Shu back as soon as possible.

"Where are the underground businessmen?"

"Should be in front."

Pushing open the door behind the arena, another completely unfamiliar world comes into view.

There are more than a dozen flying tracks criss-crossing the neon-colored dome. High-rise buildings made of mirrored glass are unevenly suspended in mid-air. There is also mirrored glass under your feet. When you walk on it, your figure is reflected on the ground, and there is a vague feeling. It feels like walking on the sea. (End of chapter)

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