Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 369: Entering the Interstellar Crazy Volume of Heroes and Heroines

The tall buildings in front of us are all densely packed with shops, with colorful signboards hanging in mid-air. At a glance, there is everything you need, which is dazzling.

Jin Shu had never seen such a messy and gorgeous place. She was lost in thought when suddenly a hamster with wings flew in front of her. The hamster was holding a sign with neon strips in its hand.

"Do you want a pedicure? Shushu Pedicure Shop is open all day, with affordable prices and good service."

The hamster wears a sound maker around its neck, which sounds weird and cute.

Luopu on the side shook his head and refused.

"No need, let's find someone."

Jin Shu was a little moved, but Luo Pu reminded her that there was not enough time.

“This is an underground black shop, a place where no one is in charge. If you are cheated, ripped off, or stolen, you are responsible for it.

So don’t enter any store unless you are prepared.

So what do you want to buy? "

Jin Shu shook her head.

"I'm really just here to hang out."

"Yeah, that's okay."

Anyway, most of the people here can't beat her, so as long as there's no danger, you can wander around as much as you want.

And just when Jin Shu stepped into a shop selling mecha parts, the entrance door of the underground black shop was pushed open again.

A man and a woman came in, the two of them were very close to each other. The man was tall and powerful, wearing a black military uniform, which made people look in awe.

The woman had a rather heroic face. Looking at the messy world, she frowned slightly and spoke in a cold voice.

“It’s such a mess here, why doesn’t the local alliance government take care of it?”

The man walked here with his hands behind his back, as if taking a leisurely stroll, and his voice was low and hoarse.

"There must be room in the world for these shady people, otherwise they will spread to various places and it will be more difficult to deal with."

"Since they are shady people, why do we need to create a place for them to live unscrupulously? If it were me, I would just cut the grass and roots. Wouldn't it be much more convenient?"

The man curled his lips and smiled.

"Sometimes you still have to leave a way for them to survive. After all, we can't kill all of these people, and we can't get rid of them all. Once they are forced to have no other choice, the interstellar society will be in turmoil. By then, you and I will not be as leisurely as we are now. .”

“It’s because the system is not strict enough that there are more and more people here.

Okay, aren't you here for an undercover investigation? Hurry up, don't waste time. "

Facing the impatience in the woman's tone, the man in military uniform nodded helplessly and gently.

"okay, I get it."

According to the clues, the two people also walked into the mecha shop.

The boss met a big customer today, and he spent a lot of money. He followed behind to serve him with a smile on his face, for fear of neglecting the God of Wealth.

The man shouted, and the boss responded perfunctorily.

"Wait a minute, come right away."

A minute later, the woman frowned and shouted too.

The boss still has a perfunctory attitude.

"You two will wait a moment. If you are really in a hurry, please go to another store first. I am busy here."

The woman stared at the inside of the shop. The boss was walking around a tall and slender girl with a friendly and flattering smile. In turn, he was extremely indifferent to them and even drove them out.

"Haha...this is the person you gave a way out for, so I have always believed in one sentence, if the problem can be solved with your fists, use your mouth less."

After speaking, the woman took out her gun and pointed it at the back of the boss's head, her voice cold and emotionless. "I'll give you thirty seconds to get over here. Trust my shooting skills. You will never survive until I fire the second shot."

The boss turned around and saw the SSS-level silver bullet gun pointed at him. Then he trembled and his feet became uncontrollably weak.

"Miss, please take a look for yourself first. I'm going to entertain the two distinguished guests."

Jin Shu lowered her head and looked at the small mecha insect in her hand, the corners of her lips raised slightly.

"Okay, let's go."

"Thank you, thank you, I'll be right away."

The boss trotted quickly to the two of them, bowed and asked respectfully.

"Whatever you two need, just ask."

The woman played with the gun in her hand, her eyes lingering on Jin Shu who had his back turned to her for a while.

Then she looked at the boss indifferently, her voice cold.

"Did you sell this gun?"

When the boss saw it, he immediately shook his head.

"How is that possible? This is an SSS-level weapon. How can a small shop like mine have such a good thing?"

The woman narrowed her eyes.

"Even if every weapon is sold, a part of its spiritual power will remain. This gun was left behind by an interstellar fugitive when he escaped. We extracted the spiritual power from it. Guess what, it's yours in it."

In order to strengthen management, every illegal businessman must check his mental strength regularly, just so that one day he can handle the case easily.

Now that the gun has the boss's mental power, there is a high probability that he will not be able to escape suspicion.

"Be honest and tell the truth. I can leave you a way to survive. Otherwise, you will have to pay the price for wasting our time."

The boss was so panicked that he was shaking all over. He looked at the man in military uniform in front of him. Although he didn't say a word, his majestic aura showed that his identity was not simple.

Faced with this kind of thing, the boss shook his head anxiously.

"I don't know either. I have never seen this gun at all. Officer, you have found out everything. This matter really has nothing to do with me. I am just a small businessman. How could I have access to such a high-end weapon?" ah."

The man was silent, and the woman on the side hooked the trigger guard and turned the gun in her hand casually. Suddenly she pointed the muzzle of the gun at the boss's head, and then kicked him hard, knocking him to his knees. On the ground, a hard and cold gun was pressed against his head.

"I'll count to three and give you three seconds.

1. "

"It's really not me, I really don't know anything!"


"Don't kill me. Don't kill me. Even if you kill me, I can't tell you!"

When the count reached 3, the woman's hand had already pulled the trigger. The moment the gunshot rang out, a dark shadow flashed quickly. By the time the woman reacted, the boss who was kneeling on the ground was already lying next to him, covering his head.

Standing next to him was the girl who had just turned her back to her.

She has a fair and beautiful face, and her facial features are not outstanding but make people look comfortable. Her short hair is neatly trimmed to her shoulders. She is wearing a black sweatshirt and loose black shorts, revealing two slender and straight calves. She wears a pair of loose pants on her feet. Boots, boots still stained with blood.

This face is a bit familiar, but there are many differences from the face in my memory.

For example, the person she knew was not so young and energetic.

There was a layer of frost on the woman's face.

"Who are you? Do you know the price of interrupting our official business?" (End of Chapter)

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