Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 376: Entering the Interstellar Crazy Volume of Heroes and Heroines

"I didn't expect this young general's explosive power to be so strong, but this is not a good thing. After all, if you want to travel through the wormhole, just moving forward is not enough.

As we all know, the reason why so many freshmen are frightened by the wormhole, which is the most difficult level in the freshmen practical training ground, and makes all the soldiers sitting here feel hair on their backs, is not just because the environment inside the cave is treacherous, changeable and dangerous. Another most important reason for the ring birth is that at the end of the wormhole is the worm queen.

In order to defend their territory, the queen with mind control will kill intruders at all costs.

So here I would like to wish this courageous young player to continue his initial luck! "

The group of people below who were originally uninterested were now aroused by the scene in front of them.

Unexpectedly, a freshman could drive such a heavy flying mecha at such a fast speed.

[I have seen this silver-winged mecha before. It is super heavy. It is embarrassing to call it a land armor, but it turns out that it is still a flying mecha]

[A flying mecha weighing more than a thousand kilograms can fly so fast. This new student has something special! 】

[Is it possible that she is fast because of her heavy weight and large inertia? We are at the entrance of the wormhole. The hole is flat and there are no obstacles. Who wouldn’t just rush in with eyes closed? But most of the positions in this wormhole are sharp turns or even U-turns. At her current speed, she will probably be hit badly]

[Looking at the map, there is a sharp turn a hundred kilometers ahead. If she doesn't slow down at her current speed, the gods will not be able to control the direction of this heavy mecha! 】

People outside the venue can see a wormhole internal road map at the top of the live broadcast screen.

The winding red threads were tangled together. It would be an understatement to say that it was a mess.

A route of nearly 30,000 kilometers. According to the flying speed of the mecha, not to mention whether it will encounter Zerg attacks, even if there is no external interference, the driving skills are extremely high, and the mental power is strong enough, it will take nearly an hour. Only then can we reach the end of the wormhole through all the routes.

Seeing this route, the warriors who had been dominated by the fear of crossing the wormhole in the past couldn't help but close their eyes and couldn't bear to watch it anymore.

[This level is simply extremely difficult! This freshman is so unlucky! 】

[He is also a brainless person. He was obviously pushed out by the school as a sacrifice. Why are you working so hard? It was almost time for her to just hit the wall and surrender. Fortunately, it was too late for her to slow down now. She would have to make a sharp turn, which would most likely result in a fatal crash.]

[Hitting the cave wall at this speed is even worse than pressing the self-destruct button. Is this girl stupid? Still not slowing down? 】

[Don’t watch it, don’t watch it, it’s really boring to seek death]

Zhang Qitian, who was following Jin Shu, had slowed down slightly and was ready to make a sharp turn. Seeing that the big guy in front was still rushing forward at a constant speed, the man's mouth curled up into a sneer, and his speed dropped a little, lest the corpse in front of him would. Hit his own mecha.

"Ah——!! Slow down!! Peiya!! Slow down!!"

Luopu's paralyzed face turned completely pale. Seeing Jin Shu rushing forward at a speed of 500 kilometers per minute without slowing down, he was completely heartbroken. He closed his eyes tightly and grasped for the last chance to save his life. Straw seat belts, ready for impact.

Off the stage, the old man sat in the audience with a pale face, staring at the screen where his granddaughter died calmly. For a moment, he felt that his life had no meaning.

The Frant family's only honor is about to be lost. There was a dead silence in the entire audience, and even the host couldn't help but close his eyes and hold his breath, waiting for the scene of fire to come in the next second.

At this moment, a harsh friction sound came from the screen.

Everyone suddenly raised their heads and looked at the screen with confusion.

The next second, the whole audience was filled with regret! !
"Oh my god!! She actually turned around!! She actually completed the first sharp turn while driving a 1,600 kilogram mecha at such a fast speed!!

Incredible! ! Totally incredible! ! "

On the screen at this time, the friction of the mecha's tail against the cave wall caused a burst of fire. Relying on the solid tail against the cave wall as a support, the huge guy completed the first sharp turn in a flexible and tricky posture. , and directly surpassed Zhang Qitian by nearly 500 kilometers!
【Holy shit——! What's going on? ! 】

[I was completely shocked. Even when I was riding a horse or driving a sports car, I couldn’t even go through the corners so neatly.]

[This Frant Peja has something special, his speed, reaction ability, angle control, etc. are all better than the soldiers in the army]

[Which big family is this mecha genius? Just this one curve is enough for us to learn for a lifetime]

In the audience, the old man let out an excited roar, and people around him cast strange looks. Then the old man pointed at himself and said loudly.

"Did you see it? This is my granddaughter! This is the child of my Frant family!!"

Then the eyes of the people around him turned to respect and admiration.

Here, people only believe in power.

The host's emotional state was obviously much higher than before, and he even stood up from his seat and stared at the big screen.

"It's a very, very perfect corner turn. The big guy in front of you is not without its advantages. At least its material is strong enough, and you can rely on the tail wing to complete the last step of the high-speed turn!
This is completely textbook-level mecha operation. I believe that within the next five years, students at Ertes Military Academy will have to train this high-speed turn!
Now continue to look at the race situation, the second one will come soon after the first corner! At this time, our God of War Zhang Qitian has finished the first corner smoothly and accelerated to catch up with Peiya in front.

However, Peiya is also accelerating, and there is still a considerable gap between the two.

Okay, okay, the second corner is here, and the angle is no less difficult than the first one. Let’s see if Peiya can continue to perform perfectly... Beautiful! ! Accelerating through the second corner again! ! Not only did she not slow down, she even accelerated at the turn! !
Beautiful, so beautiful. I didn’t expect this year’s freshmen at Ertes Military Academy to be so strong.

At this time, player Zhang Qitian has obviously realized the power of his opponent. Instead of being casual at the beginning of the game, he is now catching up at a high speed.

I believe this will be the most exciting friendly match in history. I wonder if this young Peya player can persist to the end! "

Soon, in the next dozen or so high-speed corners, Jin Shu relied on her precise control of angles and timing to successfully negotiate the corners. (End of chapter)

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