Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 377: Entering the Interstellar Crazy Volume of Heroes and Heroines

And as she surpassed more and more corners, her movements became more and more fluid and silky, and her growth rate shocked everyone outside the screen.

[When I saw the first corner, I thought she was already at the peak. Now when I see this, I realize that her growth has just begun]

[The first step someone takes is quicker than the first 10,000 steps we take. This step is the difference between geniuses and ordinary people! 】

[Qitian War God has no chance to surpass her! Outrageous! 】

However, the road conditions in the wormhole soon began to split. Zhang Qitian chose another road without hesitation, began to accelerate, and prepared to overtake Jin Shu at the next junction.

However, just when the intersection was close at hand, a red dot on the map display was rapidly approaching the intersection at a speed of nearly 600 kilometers per minute.

The man started to speed up with a straight face and an expressionless expression.

Six hundred, six hundred and five, seven hundred per minute...

The two red dots marking their positions were approaching the intersection at high speed.

At this time, everyone watching the game couldn't help but hold their breath, and their hearts silently reached their throats.

"Obviously, Zhang Qitian, who has always been calm, is not so calm now. The mecha Blackbird he is driving in this game, but the armor left behind by his grandfather, only weighs 700 kilograms. If the horsepower is increased, it can move forward. The maximum speed can reach one thousand kilometers per minute.

But that's not right. According to his current speed, if he is chasing forward, if my calculation is correct, the Black Bird and the Silver Wing Mecha will most likely collide at the intersection! "

Sure enough, the next second, the two red dots on the big screen began to flash crazily, and at this time, bursts of alarms sounded in the mechas of the two men.

"Warning, warning, you are about to hit an obstacle ahead, please slow down immediately."

Calculated based on speed and distance, there is a 99% chance that two people will collide violently at the intersection. In addition, both of them are driving at high speeds. This collision is very likely to cause death.

However, at this time, neither of them had any intention of slowing down. One directly raised the speed to 700 kilometers per minute, and the other raised the speed to 1,000 kilometers per minute.

[These two have no intention of slowing down at all! Damn, I'm really going to get hit if I keep going like this! 】

[To be honest, this is the first time I have seen Qitian War God with such a strong desire to win in so many years of following him. To be honest, it is so burning and exciting! 】

[If these two people rush down at their current speed, both of them will definitely die! 】

[At this time, whoever slows down and who falls behind, it is obvious that these two bosses are hard-core and not afraid of death]

“Oh my God!!! Aren’t these two going to slow down?!
At this moment, the soldier's indomitable spirit is vividly displayed!

But I still hope that one of them can choose to give in, otherwise if both geniuses die at this time, it will be a huge loss to the entire galaxy! "

On top of the mecha, Luopu gave up struggling completely.

Jin Shu is a madman, an out-and-out madman. She won't listen to anything he says now. In this case, just close your eyes and hand your life over to her.

"It's hit! It's hit! It's about to hit!!
Slow down! ! Slow down! !
Oh my god, there are still more than ten seconds left. Are you really planning to die together in that place? "The host's voice was trembling. At this time, the instructors from the two schools in the audience couldn't sit still. They stood up and wanted to get directly into the screen to snatch the joysticks in their hands.

"There is a five-second countdown to the collision. Who will choose to slow down in the last five seconds?

Five, four, three, two...

Zhang Qitian slowed down! !
Frant Peja rushed out at a top speed of 700 kilometers per minute! !
madman! ! I declare here that Frant Peja is a complete madman! ! "

At the last second, Zhang Qitian pulled the downshift lever hard and watched as a silvery-white light flashed directly in front of his eyes.

Endless depth gathered in his eyes. He stared straight ahead and once again chose to speed up and catch up.

Is this woman really not afraid of death at all?
Or is she sure that she will slow down?
Zhang Qitian has never encountered such a difficult opponent. At this time, he has completely lost his composure at the beginning of the game and concentrated on trying to catch up.

It doesn’t matter if you miss the first junction.

There is absolutely no comparison in the speed of their mechas. As long as he wants to catch up, he will definitely be able to catch up with Frant Peja in the end.

And so the race continues.

In the second half of the wormhole, there are more and more dangerous road conditions, and the arc of the turns is getting wider and wider. As it goes deeper, some unknown creatures gradually appear on the surrounding cave walls.

Jin Shu turned on the searchlight and loaded her bombs. Sure enough, when she entered the next, narrower hole, a group of dark giant beetles rushed directly towards the mecha.

The tail of the beetle has an extremely hard hook that can be easily embedded in steel, let alone the fragile human flesh and blood.

There are so many poison-tailed beetles, and when they swoop over in overwhelming numbers, the scene is terrifying enough to distract the warriors, causing them to slow down or even lose their direction.

With no expression on her face, Jin Shu directly pressed the weapon button, selected missile launch, held the joystick with both hands to control her direction without any acceleration, and started shooting wildly at the annoying group of beetles in front of her without any acceleration.

In an instant, black beetles fell like a heavy rain, and blood stains were stained on the glass in front of the mecha. Jin Shu turned on the self-cleaning of the mecha. After regaining her sight, she passed the next corner smoothly without losing speed.

This scene once again gave the entire galaxy an indelible psychological shock.

[Is this horse a new student? I believe you when you say she is an S-level elite warrior]

[Brothers, my knees are a little uncomfortable, so I knelt down to read first]

[Not discriminating against women, but there are indeed very few female warriors as awesome as her]

[Qitian War God is almost catching up. The strength of the two mechas is still incomparable. At the beginning, War God was a little underestimating the enemy. When he gets serious, this new student will have nothing to play with.]

After rounds of Zerg attacks, the right wing of the Silver Wing mecha suffered some impact and wear. Luopu quickly activated the backup maintenance mecha and went for repairs. This part wasted a little time, but fortunately Luopu was very fast. Quickly, he compressed the original three-minute maintenance time to less than a minute and a half. After the maintenance was completed, Jin Shu accelerated again. At this time, the Black Bird behind him was less than a thousand kilometers away from the Silver Wing.

Within five minutes, if he doesn't pass the level, he will definitely surpass himself. (End of chapter)

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