Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 378: Entering the Interstellar Crazy Volume of Heroes and Heroines

After taking a look at the map, I saw that the journey below me would take at least eight minutes to end.

Jin Shu pursed her lips, then glanced at Luopu.

"The Silver Wing's tail has too many bombs. Now we don't need so many. You can discharge the excess bombs.

Also, remove one of the tail balancers to reduce the weight of the mecha. "

Luopu was stunned for a moment.

"You can reduce the bomb load, but if there is one less balancer, your control stability of the Silver Wing will be greatly weakened. This move is very risky. You have been driving continuously for almost fifty minutes, and your mental power is about to run out at this time. If the mecha's stability is further reduced, it will put a huge burden on you."

"It's okay, just do as I say."

Luopu took a deep breath, looked at Jin Shu again, and then shook his head as if he was shaking.

"Forget it, it's up to you."

After reducing the load, the Silver Wing's original maximum speed could only reach 700. As Jin Shu stepped on the accelerator, the mecha's speed directly reached 900!
This scene immediately stunned all the spectators outside the venue.

The host scratched his hair, walked around twice, and finally said in disbelief.

"This method of surviving with a broken arm may destroy the machine or kill someone if you are not careful. By doing this, she almost hung half of her body in the abyss. If the operation is not done properly or the mental strength cannot keep up, then It’s not just a plane crash anymore, it’s very likely to explode!”

The people below were completely excited.

[Holy shit, I haven’t seen someone so crazy for a long time, I like it]

[At this moment, the true warrior spirit is vividly displayed, even if you die, you must win! 】

[I declare that from now on Frant Peja will be my dream wife! 】

[These girls are like crazy warriors, she is so crazy and I love her so much]

[Am I the only one who feels sad for the new students in the next five years and the old students in the previous five years? Such an outstanding senior and senior sister is in front of us, and we are all swept to death]

The people in the live broadcast room are becoming more and more enthusiastic and active. Nothing is more exciting than this kind of life-and-death battle!
Even Luopu, who was still praying for his life at the beginning, was now forced to light up. Looking at the surging Zerg in front of him, he could shout.

"What are you afraid of? Just rush in! Restart if you die!"

Jin Shu was very satisfied with his transformation. With the weight of three to four hundred kilograms reduced, she was now more at home. Although it was more difficult to control, it was much easier to get rid of Zhang Qitian behind him.

At this time, Zhang Qitian at the rear quickly discovered that something was wrong. The opponent's speed actually became faster. In this case, there was only one reason, and that was to reduce the weight.

In the next second, he threw away the charge bombs that occupied most of the weight and space of the mecha without hesitation. After the speed was obviously increased, he increased the output of his mental power and increased the speed of the mecha to one thousand two.

[嗷 嗷 【【【【【【【【【【! ! 】

[To be honest, it doesn’t matter whether this new student can persist in the whole process in the end, but being able to get the God of War to take it seriously is enough to prove her strength]

[Does Peiya’s strength need another man to prove it? It’s not certain who will win in the end! 】"Dear viewers, now our competition has come to an end, what exciting collisions will occur in the last six thousand kilometers!

As we all know, the last 6,000 kilometers of the wormhole are also called the 6,000 kilometers of death by previous warrior graduates. As a graduation practical training, there are very few people who can actually pass through the 6,000 kilometers of death. Those who accidentally died here in the end There are even more.

The reason why it is so dangerous is that these six thousand kilometers are the largest range that the insect mother's tentacles can reach.

In other words, as long as you enter this circle, you enter the threat range of the insect mother.

The insect mother, who possesses powerful mental control and confusion abilities, will not easily allow foreigners to invade her territory, and may even choose to die together in the end.

So audience friends, please cheer for our two warriors. In this final stage, death is insignificant in the face of victory! ! "

The scene was completely out of control, and the organizers could no longer control the order of the scene. The two military academies had stood up and openly provoked each other. In such an atmosphere, no one could sit here and remain calm and unmoved.

At this time, Jin Shu had already noticed something strange. There was always a faint sound of electricity in her ears, accompanied by bursts of piercing explosions, and her limbs suddenly stiffened!
With only five minutes left to go, she suddenly lost the ability to control the joystick!

She gradually couldn't feel the presence of her own hands, and her eyes slowly fell into darkness.

Luopu also encountered the same situation. He wanted to open his mouth to remind Jin Shu, but when he opened his mouth, he realized that his tongue could not move at all. Let alone shouting, it became extremely difficult to make a sound.

According to the experience of the original owner, Jin Shu knew what she encountered at this time.

She entered the mental control circle of the Insect Mother. The closer she got to the deepest part of the wormhole, the stronger the Insect Mother's mental control ability would be. At first, her limbs were just stiff, and gradually she became blind, unable to speak, and finally there was an invasion of mental power. Your brain will completely make you lose your mind and turn you into a puppet controlled by the insect mother, driving a mecha and slowly sending yourself into the insect mother's belly.

However, the warriors who can persist to this point have strong enough mental power to resist the mental control of the insect mother.

Therefore, the brain will basically not be controlled by the insect mother, but the body cannot be sure.

As she went deeper and deeper, Jin Shu completely lost control of her body, and distant calls kept coming from the depths of her brain. She seemed to see the person she once cared about the most, standing not far away and slowly facing her. waving.

Jin Shu had a sullen face. She couldn't get rid of this scene by closing her eyes. It appeared in her mind uncontrollably.

But it's a pity that the person she once cared about the most in her mind has almost been forgotten by her now. Even the insect mother's mental control can't remind her of the other person's appearance.

At this time, the world has fallen into darkness.

She couldn't see the truth in front of her, couldn't feel her body, Silver Wing was like a headless fly, crashing straight towards the cave wall.

[It’s over, it’s over, Peiya seems to be under control! 】

[It is very difficult for a new student to persist to this point. Surrender quickly to avoid destruction.]

[Qitian God of War is speeding up and surpassing without being controlled by the Insect Mother. It is obvious that the outcome of this game has been decided]

[Hey, what a pity, I thought she could persist until the end] (End of chapter)

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