Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 379: Entering the Interstellar Crazy Volume of Heroes and Heroines

Seeing that Silver Wing was about to hit the cave wall.

Not only instructor Amai, but also the old man sighed secretly to comfort himself.

It’s great to have made it this far.

In view of the fact that Jin Shu had lost the ability to press the self-destruct button at this time, instructor Amai decided to control the Silver Wing mecha off-site and directly stop and return.

Time was running out, and all the leaders of the school agreed. Instructor Amai directly brought the spare control panel. After unlocking, just press the brake button to make the mecha stop in an emergency.

Just when he was about to press it, a shout of surprise suddenly came from his ears.

"Look! Silver Wing has turned around!! Peiya has broken free from the mental control of the insect mother!!"

Instructor Amai suddenly stopped what he was doing and looked up eagerly at the screen in front of him.

The silver-winged mecha that originally rushed towards the cave wall uncontrollably actually turned around!

Peya has escaped the control of the insect mother?

At this time, on the screen, Jin Shu, who was being watched by everyone, stared at the front with his eyes open and expressionless. His hands were still holding the joystick, but his whole body was motionless.

At this time, the Silver Wing mecha has found the right direction and continues to rush towards the depths of the wormhole. Its speed is not affected at all. A large number of Zerg will emerge from the hole at any time. , the Silver Wing accelerates and turns as if given life, with clear goals and full of power!

Zhang Qitian, who was following closely behind, stared at the silver-winged mecha that was already close at hand, his eyes slightly narrowed, and a bit of shock flashed across his face.

It took a lot of effort for him to get rid of the mental control of the insect mother, and he was forced to slow down because his mental strength was exhausted.

But the woman in front didn't seem to be affected at all, her speed and flexibility were still the same. Even as the insect mother's mental control became more and more powerful, she could still keep turning at a constant speed, facing the danger ahead without any hesitation or slowness. .

The fun of racing was perfectly reflected at this moment. It had been a long time since he had experienced this kind of competition where he tried his best to complete it!

In the last thousand kilometers and the last minute or so, the Silver Wing and the Black Bird almost drove side by side, one behind the other.

At this time, the insect mother's mental control was close to its peak. Jin Shu opened her eyes, but she still couldn't see anything at this time, and her hands and feet were still unable to move.

But at this moment, her mental power has already been integrated with Yinyi. What Yinyi sees is what she sees, and what Yinyi hears is what she hears.

In the last few dozen seconds, with a dazzling light flashing at the end, a huge and twisted giant insect mother appeared at the end of the target, like a pile of formed slimes.

The only attack ability of the insect mother is mental attack. When the mental attack does not work, in order to protect the nest, its last killer move is to self-destruct. The huge impact generated by the self-destruction makes the enemy unable to come back. Stay with it. Burial cave.

Jin Shu had no choice but to use her last bit of mental energy to activate the protective cover system of the Silver Wing mecha. Finally, she poured all her power into the mecha, leaving everything behind and letting it rush forward.

Seeing Yinyi rushing towards the insect mother without hesitation, Zhang Qitian secretly gritted his teeth and followed directly.


The huge insect body exploded, and a terrifying force spread throughout the planet from the inside out. Even the surrounding planets were affected and were ejected away.

The sky filled with fire instantly flooded the entire big screen, and the mechas were completely covered. Upon seeing this, the instructors from the two schools immediately arranged for rescue mecha teams to go to the rescue.

At the same time, the people in the audience obviously paid more attention to the result of the game.

The host was so excited that he was sweating profusely. He took a deep breath, covered his heart, and said loudly. “This is probably the most exciting game I’ve ever seen in my life!

The two players are chasing each other in a stalemate. What is the final result?
Let's look at the replay now. "

At this moment, the big screen screen cut back to the three seconds before the explosion. After playing it in slow motion, the host was silent for a long time, then took another breath, and then shouted with all his strength.

"This friendly competition, through the wormhole, the final winner:
Frant Peja! ! !

Congratulations to Ertes Military Academy and Frant Peja for winning this game with a time of 0.03 seconds!
Finally, let us once again meet Ertes Military Academy and win the championship of this interstellar friendship competition again! ! "

Waves of cheers echoed in the huge venue.

In the live broadcast room, barrages were overwhelming and rolling in one after another.

[Niu Niu Niu Niu Niu! ! It seems that the position of God of War needs to be replaced by someone else! 】

[It’s over, I bet on Qitian God of War to win! Ah, ah, my one hundred thousand yuan! ! 】

[What are you talking about? I bet on Icarus Military Academy to win, and a million dollars was wasted! ! grass! ! 】

[Hahahahahahaha I just spent a thousand bets on Ertes Military Academy to win, and the winning rate is 130 times! ! Make a fortune! ! 】

[Holy shit, God of War Qitian lost? ! ! Am I dreaming when I ride on a horse? 】

Frant Peja, the name resounded throughout the interstellar with the end of this game.

The live replay video of the last game has also been widely circulated in various forms.

After finding the safety cabin of the Silver Wing mecha, on the way back to the star, Instructor Amai was chased and intercepted by countless reporters. In front of the live broadcast camera, Instructor Amai said with an expressionless face.

"Peiya's life is not in danger now, but she needs to rest. Please don't disturb her."

If you can't interview Frant Peja, then the bishop is the perfect interviewee.

"Instructor Amai, Frante Peiya is the most outstanding dark horse player in this competition. Did you already know her true strength before this, so you arranged her as Zhang Qitian's opponent?"

"May I ask how Instructor Amai usually trains new students?"

"Instructor Amai, what do you think of Frant Peja's strength compared to Astor?"

Numerous unsatisfactory questions came flooding in, and instructor Amai was extremely annoyed. He walked forward quickly with his head held high and his chest held high, without saying a single unnecessary word.

After finally getting rid of the reporters and returning to the school, a large group of people couldn't help but come over to ask questions out of curiosity.

He could refuse most people with a cold face, but he had to give face to the two group leaders who followed him this time. He could only frown and listen patiently to what he had to say.

"Instructor Amai, is this a mistake? The player who was bound to lose now actually wins so beautifully!

How is Peiya recovering now? Where did you hide her? Take us to see it. "

"Captain, she is mentally exhausted during this competition and needs to rest. She is not suitable to be disturbed." (End of Chapter)

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