Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 380: Entering the Interstellar Crazy Volume of Heroes and Heroines

Chapter 380: Entering the Interstellar Crazy Volume of Heroes and Heroines (32)

The leader of the fourth regiment was obviously dissatisfied with instructor Amai's official answer. He frowned and approached with a drooped face.

"Amai, how long have we known each other? You still don't know what kind of person I am?
I appreciate children who are talented and hard-working the most, and Peiya happens to be such a child. If you just hand her over to me, don't worry, I will make her an elite warrior on the battlefield in less than two years! "

Sure enough, this is what I came for.

Instructor Amai waved his hand and said expressionlessly.

"This is not something I can decide. Which legion you want to go to depends on Peiya's own choice. How about you wait until she wakes up and ask her yourself, okay?"

"Then tell me where she rests?"

The leader of the fourth regiment did not forget that there was another regiment leader on board the spaceship. At this time, he must be watching as eagerly as himself, waiting for the baby bump to wake up.

Instructor Amai continued to shake his head.

"It can't be done now, oh, it can't be done now..."

After finally getting rid of the leader of the fourth regiment, when he turned around, a tall figure stood directly in front of him.

Instructor Amai saw the other party's epaulettes at a glance and sighed helplessly.

"Captain Kahn, are you also here to inquire about Peiya?"

As the leader of the second regiment, Karn Black is calm and cold, and rarely takes the initiative to talk to others. He is currently the only SSS-level elite warrior in the galaxy, and he is a full intimidator just standing here.

"If this is why you came, then I have nothing to say now."

"She is mentally exhausted and needs nutritional supplements. This is a supplement I extracted from the mother insect. You can give it to her."

"Inside the mother insect?"

This is a good thing. After all, it is almost impossible to catch a living insect mother in such a huge star. When it realizes that it is no match, the insect mother will definitely choose to self-destruct without hesitation. Therefore, the parts of the insect mother's body that are specially designed to replenish mental power are particularly important. precious.

Instructor Amai hesitated for a moment, then took the supplement.

"Thank you, Captain Kahn. On behalf of the school, I would like to thank you for your efforts."

As soon as he said this, it meant that this favor was owed by the school and had nothing to do with Frant Peja. Even if the thing was for her use, it could not be used to blackmail her in the future.

Kahn nodded and left without saying anything else.

At this time, the return spacecraft had started, and instructor Amai returned to the Ertes Interstellar Alliance Military Academy with a trophy symbolizing honor.

The current principal, who is now the teacher, specially prepared a celebration ceremony to welcome the heroes who returned in triumph.

The victory in this friendly match will allow all three contestants to avoid five years of military school study and directly enter the army to participate in actual combat training. They will skip the most difficult graduation actual combat test and successfully become a mecha warrior in the army.

While the classmates who entered the school were still struggling with the torturous training every day, some were already standing at the pinnacle of their five years of hard work.

When Jin Shu woke up, she was already lying on the bed in the dormitory. The life instructor who was responsible for taking care of their daily life saw this and immediately called Bishop Amai.

Luopu also came together.

"You slept for six days, relying entirely on nutrient solution. Fortunately, you finally woke up."

Seeing that Jin Shu's face was radiant and there was nothing wrong with her, Luo Pu finally felt relieved.

Jin Shu had never slept so peacefully before. Within six days, her whole body fell into an endless void. When she woke up, she could not remember the contents of her sleep for these six days.

It felt like her life had been fast-forwarded. During the six blank days, her entire body had been fully rested. Of course, her mental strength had also been fully restored.

The school doctor examined Jin Shu's body in detail and confirmed that the explosion did not leave her with any sequelae. Instructor Amai breathed a sigh of relief.

"You won, you won honor for the school, and you also won an opportunity for yourself.

You can directly skip five years of school training and go to the army to participate in recruit training. At present, several regiment leaders are very satisfied with you. The current situation is that you can choose a regiment to join as long as you want. "Let's go to the 11th Legion." "

Jin Shu made her choice without hesitation, which surprised instructor Amai.

In terms of conditions, the top five legions must be stronger and have more opportunities. How many soldiers in the lower legions are waiting for the opportunity to move forward? Jin Shu is good. With such a good opportunity in front of him, he chose a place with mediocre development prospects. Legion.

"Perhaps your understanding of the legion is not thorough enough. Let me give you a rough explanation first. The twelve legions of the alliance are comprehensively sorted according to the strength of the warriors and armor strength within the legion, from one to twelve, in descending order.

Generally, when new recruits join the regiment, they will be assigned to the 11th and 12th legions for preliminary training. Those with outstanding performance can participate in the recruitment of the previous legions.

But now, you can directly skip these procedures and choose the legion that is most beneficial to your development.

So I ask you again now, which legion do you want to join? "

"Legion 11."


Instructor Amai was silent for a long time, looking at Jin Shu as if he were looking at his daughter who insisted on running away with Huang Mao.

"Why does it have to be the Eleventh Regiment?"

Why can't it be one group, or twelve groups?

Instructor Amai asked in his soul.

Jin Shu replied to him seriously.

"Because eleven is my lucky number."

"Are you serious?"

"Yeah, I'm very serious."

In the end, instructor Amai did not continue to talk about this topic, but asked her.

"On the maintenance side, you can choose the one you like. This school respects your wishes."

"I don't have any ideas. Isn't there someone handy? Let him be."

Jin Shu pointed lightly at Luopu beside him.

Instructor Amai nodded.

"Okay, okay, I'll help you apply here. You have a good rest and report directly to the legion next week."

As soon as instructor Amai left, Luopu couldn't wait to ask in a low voice.

"You still have a question you haven't answered for me. It's just the two of us now. Tell me in a low voice, who are you?"

Jin Shu waved to him, and Luopu immediately came up to her.

"I am the Star War God."


Forget it, asking was in vain. Luopu's face returned to paralysis, he looked at Jin Shu and said thank you seriously.

"It's you who help me all the time. Thank you. I will work harder in the future to become a maintenance technician worthy of you."

It would be a lie to say that I am not impressed.

Luopu himself did not expect that he would be admitted to the military academy in a daze and be recruited directly into the army before his campus life could even begin.

Others had to cross the single-plank bridge with thousands of troops, but he walked on the broad road easily with the help of Jin Shu's light.

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